We do not need immigration reform so stop spouting nonsense

The OP is absolutely correct. The Prius that securing the border is not a viable option for many of these politicians. So many of them are supported via finance and votes by individuals and organizations that count on the things that come across our southern border on a daily basis.

Until we start drying up the want/need for the workers, drugs, etc… thst come across the border illegally, there will never be an ability to push politicians to secure the border.
The OP is absolutely correct. The Prius that securing the border is not a viable option for many of these politicians. So many of them are supported via finance and votes by individuals and organizations that count on the things that come across our southern border on a daily basis.

Until we start drying up the want/need for the workers, drugs, etc… thst come across the border illegally, there will never be an ability to push politicians to secure the border.
Not true. Build the wall, hire many more boarder agents and give them the weapons needed to fight a war. Carpet bomb the Cartels in Mexico and rid Mexico of as many Cartels as possible. Place flashbang IUD's on the boarder where the wall cannot be built as well. Make it almost impossible to cross the boarder on foot. Get serious!
Not true. Build the wall, hire many more boarder agents and give them the weapons needed to fight a war. Carpet bomb the Cartels in Mexico and rid Mexico of as many Cartels as possible. Place flashbang IUD's on the boarder where the wall cannot be built as well. Make it almost impossible to cross the boarder on foot. Get serious
Wonderful ideas but that can’t happen for several reasons…

1. The bipartisan support required in the US Congress to make such things happen does not exist and I can’t see it coming together any time soon. It’s not in their political self-interest.

2. Much of what you suggest qualifies as an A t of War against Mexico, and the International community would never allow that.

3. All of our military equipment and ammunition is going to Ukraine. Combined with our staffing issues in the military, we couldn’t secure that length of border.

With that in mind here’s what I think we XAN do…

1. Permanently rescind the business license and confisithe assets of any employer found to be employing even a single illegal alien.

2. Make it a Felony to even ATTEMPT to enter the country illegally or to overstay any visa. Return all illegals to their country of origin immediately, without legal proceeding. Take biometric data from everyone caught. A second offense to be prosecuted as Espionage (which is punishable by death).

3. Remove birthright citizenship for anyone without st least one US Citizen parent.

4. Make any contact with illegal drugs a Felony. If you possess it, sell it, buy it, use it, or assist in its creation sale or use in any way you go to jail permanently. No bail. No parole. Just spend the rest of your life in a 8’x8’ lightless hole. Asset forfeiture for anyone convicted.
Our immigration laws are a mess and have been for years.
  • We require that people illegally or legally enter the US in order to apply for amnesty.
  • According our immigration laws it is against the law for migrants to enter the country without proper documentation but it is not against law for them live here.
  • The penalty for trespassing is more serve than the penalty for entering the country illegally.
  • Deportation is not penalty.
  • A cartel order of death is not a valid plea for amnesty.
  • Static immigration quotas.
  • Quotas on nationalities
  • Immigrants wait in line for decades.
  • Immigrant workers are counted against multiple quotas.
  • There’s a limit for immigrants with “extraordinary ability”.
  • Workers without college degrees only get 5,000 green cards.
  • The president can end the refugee program unilaterally.
  • No immigration category for entrepreneurs.
  • No way to create new immigration categories without congressional action.
  • Immigrants generally cannot apply for permanent residency on their own.
  • Spouses and minor children of new immigrants count against the quotas.
  • There’s a quota on new spouses and minor children of current permanent residents.
  • Children of temporary workers grow up here, wait in line with their parents for permanent residency, and get kicked out of line on their 21st birthday.
  • Immigrants can live here for decades without receiving permanent residency.
  • Illegal immigrants cannot leave and reapply to return legally.
  • Spouses and children of temporary workers are banned from working.
  • The law requires immigrants to pretend that they don’t want to immigrate.
  • Forcing employers to advertise positions that are already filled.
  • Temporary workers cannot easily change jobs.
  • No temporary visas at all for year‐round workers without college degrees.
  • Noncitizens can access federal welfare programs after five years.
  • The president can ban any immigrants that he doesn’t like.
  • No opportunity to appeal visa denials.
  • The burden of proof is on immigrants and their sponsors, not the government.
Wonderful ideas but that can’t happen for several reasons…

1. The bipartisan support required in the US Congress to make such things happen does not exist and I can’t see it coming together any time soon. It’s not in their political self-interest.

2. Much of what you suggest qualifies as an A t of War against Mexico, and the International community would never allow that.

3. All of our military equipment and ammunition is going to Ukraine. Combined with our staffing issues in the military, we couldn’t secure that length of border.

With that in mind here’s what I think we XAN do…

1. Permanently rescind the business license and confisithe assets of any employer found to be employing even a single illegal alien.

2. Make it a Felony to even ATTEMPT to enter the country illegally or to overstay any visa. Return all illegals to their country of origin immediately, without legal proceeding. Take biometric data from everyone caught. A second offense to be prosecuted as Espionage (which is punishable by death).

3. Remove birthright citizenship for anyone without st least one US Citizen parent.

4. Make any contact with illegal drugs a Felony. If you possess it, sell it, buy it, use it, or assist in its creation sale or use in any way you go to jail permanently. No bail. No parole. Just spend the rest of your life in a 8’x8’ lightless hole. Asset forfeiture for anyone convicted.
I'm good with those too. As far as destroying the Cartel, we simply can declare war on Mexico because they are allowing the Cartel to wage war against the U.S. Once the Cartel's are destroyed, end the war. By the way, as Trump did, let Mexico what our real intentions are. Maybe we don't have to even declare the war. Just another military action. You are making your comments based on Biden and Democrats in control of government. That's the first thing we have to get rid of, Democrats controlling government. Even those you listed would require this as well.
If you think we have lawlessness now, then tighten your seatbelts!!

This new brand of illegal believes that they are entitled. So when their expectations fall short; BUY MORE AMMO!!

The life you save will be you and your loved ones.

Happy New Year!!!

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