We don't have to try austerity since the UK has for us. It's a total flop.


Gold Member
Mar 10, 2013
The Brits have had enough with spending less as a solution. It's making things worse. They won't have Cameron to worry about after the next election. Let's hope they go back to the left, like France and the United States. No wonder President Obama cakewalked back to 1600 Penn.

PressTV - Most Britons lose faith in UK govt.?s austerity plan

A growing number of British people believe the Tory-led government's economic policies are doing more harm than good to the country’s economy, a new survey shows.

According to an Opinium/Observer poll, 58 percent of Britons think UK Chancellor George Osborne’ austerity drive is harming the economy while only 20 percent approve of the plan.

The findings come less than 10 days before the cabinet is due to deliver its fourth austerity budget.
"Austerity" is, in reality, simply class warfare against working people by the gilded aristocracies of the right wing.

That's the federal debt as of a few seconds ago.

There are only six ways to reduce sovereign debt.

1. Growth. Increase GDP, and federal revenues increase. Right now, we are growing at, what, 0.1 percent?

2. Renegotiate debt with creditors. Bargain for a lower interest rate. Well, since the interest rate on our debt is 3.06 percent for 30 year bonds, and as low as 1.86 percent for 10 year bonds, I don't think we are going to get a better deal than that.

3. External devaluation. Printing money. Inflation. This punishes people who have done everthing right; savers. And when you destroy the value of your currency, it causes your creditors to demand higher interest rates on your debt.

4. Internal devaluation. Cut spending, raise taxes. Just listen to the screams from the Left when we talk about cutting spending, and listen to the screams from the Right when we talk about raising taxes.

5. Default. Don't pay back the debt. Tell China to pack sand. Yeah, I wonder how that would work out. Goodbye US dollar as the world's reserve currency!

6. Bailout by another country or entity. Does anyone see the IMF bailing us out? Me, either.

So if Number 1 isn't happening, we better take a hard look at number 4. Because you really won't like number 3, and the others will never happen.
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Read the OP.

We can set our own terms of austerity, or have the terms imposed on us.

Which would you prefer?

It's a false choice. We needn't make it.

Greece's problem is that they outsourced their currency to others, and now can't control their money. The US will never do this. The UK's problem is that they voted for the Tories, who are artificially bringing austerity upon themselves for ideological reasons, not because outsiders are making them. The US wisely hasn't done this.

It's been a disaster for the UK, both politically and with policy. The polls for the Tories are as bad as their economy, now triple dipping back into recession. The UK's right has no one to blame but themselves, and the UK voters will eventually had them the electoral punishment they deserve.

I'm glad they're suffering so we don't have to.
The Brits have had enough with spending less as a solution. It's making things worse. They won't have Cameron to worry about after the next election. Let's hope they go back to the left, like France and the United States. No wonder President Obama cakewalked back to 1600 Penn.

PressTV - Most Britons lose faith in UK govt.?s austerity plan

A growing number of British people believe the Tory-led government's economic policies are doing more harm than good to the country’s economy, a new survey shows.

According to an Opinium/Observer poll, 58 percent of Britons think UK Chancellor George Osborne’ austerity drive is harming the economy while only 20 percent approve of the plan.

The findings come less than 10 days before the cabinet is due to deliver its fourth austerity budget.

Regardless of what 'British people believe', their austerity program is, in fact, working... their economy isn't actually recovering - yet, but it is certainly not 'harming' the country.

Polls.... the unthinking person's opinion.
Ummmmmm..... I'll take option number 3. Inflation. The inflation rate of the Reagan years will do us some good. 1. It's higher inflation, which we need. 2. It would be the same inflation as the Reagan years, so any whining about it from the conservatives would be laughable, since the Reagan years were supposedly awesome.

Read the OP.

We can set our own terms of austerity, or have the terms imposed on us.

Which would you prefer?

It's a false choice. We needn't make it.

Greece's problem is that they outsourced their currency to others, and now can't control their money. The US will never do this.

Now follow that thought through. What is it that the US can do to its currency that Greece cannot?

See number 3 in my previous post.

The UK's problem is that they voted for the Tories, who are artificially bringing austerity upon themselves for ideological reasons, not because outsiders are making them. The US wisely hasn't done this.

The Tories are setting their own terms, instead of waiting for them to be forced on them by their creditors. The US is foolishly waiting for the creditors to punish us and set the terms.

It's been a disaster for the UK, both politically and with policy. The polls for the Tories are as bad as their economy, now triple dipping back into recession. The UK's right has no one to blame but themselves, and the UK voters will eventually had them the electoral punishment they deserve.

I'm glad they're suffering so we don't have to.

The UK will bounce back healthier than we will, and sooner.

When you run up a huge credit card balance, you can't put off paying the price for that. You are a damned fool for continually pursuing pain-avoidance while continuing to spend irresponsibly.

It's a topsy-turvy world when people start criticizing a country for finally behaving responsibly.

When you stop running up the credit card, it is going to be painful. You can wait until the credit card company cuts you off and destroys your credit, or you can stop yourself and make adjustments on your own terms rather than the bank's.
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This is exactly what the little piggies want. They want their politicians to keep debasing the currency to keep full employment, even if it eventually means everyone is destroyed.

They little piggies want the responsible people to pay the price for their foolishness. Print more money! Punish the savers!

Read the OP.

We can set our own terms of austerity, or have the terms imposed on us.

Which would you prefer?

It's a false choice. We needn't make it.

Greece's problem is that they outsourced their currency to others, and now can't control their money. The US will never do this.

Now follow that thought through. What is it that the US can do to its currency that Greece cannot?

See number 3 in my previous post.

The UK's problem is that they voted for the Tories, who are artificially bringing austerity upon themselves for ideological reasons, not because outsiders are making them. The US wisely hasn't done this.

The Tories are setting their own terms, instead of waiting for them to be forced on them by their creditors. The US is foolishly waiting for the creditors to punish us and set the terms.

It's been a disaster for the UK, both politically and with policy. The polls for the Tories are as bad as their economy, now triple dipping back into recession. The UK's right has no one to blame but themselves, and the UK voters will eventually had them the electoral punishment they deserve.

I'm glad they're suffering so we don't have to.

The UK will bounce back healthier than we will, and sooner.

When you run up a huge credit card balance, you can't put off paying the price for that. You are a damned fool for continually pursuing pain-avoidance while continuing to spend irresponsibly.

It's a topsy-turvy world when people start criticizing a country for finally behaving responsibly.

When you stop running up the credit card, it is going to be painful. You can wait until the credit card company cuts you off and destroys your credit, or you can stop yourself and make adjustments on your own terms rather than the bank's.

The GOP had unified power in DC from 2001 to 2007. They should have cut and slashed then, and you should have thrown your little pity party about spending back then too.

Whining about a policy not being implemented by a political party that opposes that policy strikes me as breathtakingly stupid. The Democrats aren't your problem. The GOP overspending when they have power is your problem. I bet you defended them back then too. What a joke.

Read the OP.

We can set our own terms of austerity, or have the terms imposed on us.

Which would you prefer?

It's a false choice. We needn't make it.

Greece's problem is that they outsourced their currency to others, and now can't control their money. The US will never do this. The UK's problem is that they voted for the Tories, who are artificially bringing austerity upon themselves for ideological reasons, not because outsiders are making them. The US wisely hasn't done this.

It's been a disaster for the UK, both politically and with policy. The polls for the Tories are as bad as their economy, now triple dipping back into recession. The UK's right has no one to blame but themselves, and the UK voters will eventually had them the electoral punishment they deserve.

I'm glad they're suffering so we don't have to.

How old are you?
It's a false choice. We needn't make it.

Greece's problem is that they outsourced their currency to others, and now can't control their money. The US will never do this.

Now follow that thought through. What is it that the US can do to its currency that Greece cannot?

See number 3 in my previous post.

The Tories are setting their own terms, instead of waiting for them to be forced on them by their creditors. The US is foolishly waiting for the creditors to punish us and set the terms.

It's been a disaster for the UK, both politically and with policy. The polls for the Tories are as bad as their economy, now triple dipping back into recession. The UK's right has no one to blame but themselves, and the UK voters will eventually had them the electoral punishment they deserve.

I'm glad they're suffering so we don't have to.

The UK will bounce back healthier than we will, and sooner.

When you run up a huge credit card balance, you can't put off paying the price for that. You are a damned fool for continually pursuing pain-avoidance while continuing to spend irresponsibly.

It's a topsy-turvy world when people start criticizing a country for finally behaving responsibly.

When you stop running up the credit card, it is going to be painful. You can wait until the credit card company cuts you off and destroys your credit, or you can stop yourself and make adjustments on your own terms rather than the bank's.

The GOP had unified power in DC from 2001 to 2007. They should have cut and slashed then, and you should have thrown your little pity party about spending back then too.

I did. That is one of the key reasons I stopped voting in 2006. I voted GOP all my life, but George W. Bush and the GOP-controlled Congress and all the millions of psychopaths, liars, and hypocrites who have hijacked the party disgust me to no end.

Whining about a policy not being implemented by a political party that opposes that policy strikes me as breathtakingly stupid. The Democrats aren't your problem. The GOP overspending when they have power is your problem. I bet you defended them back then too. What a joke.

Strawman fallacy.

And when you have been here long enough, you will see for yourself how wrong you are.

That's the federal debt as of a few seconds ago.

There are only six ways to reduce sovereign debt.

1. Growth. Increase GDP, and federal revenues increase. Right now, we are growing at, what, 0.1 percent?

2. Renegotiate debt with creditors. Bargain for a lower interest rate. Well, since the interest rate on our debt is 3.06 percent for 30 year bonds, and as low as 1.86 percent for 10 year bonds, I don't think we are going to get a better deal than that.

3. External devaluation. Printing money. Inflation. This punishes people who have done everthing right; savers. And when you destroy the value of your currency, it causes your creditors to demand higher interest rates on your debt.

4. Internal devaluation. Cut spending, raise taxes. Just listen to the screams from the Left when we talk about cutting spending, and listen to the screams from the Right when we talk about raising taxes.

5. Default. Don't pay back the debt. Tell China to pack sand. Yeah, I wonder how that would work out. Goodbye US dollar as the world's reserve currency!

6. Bailout by another country or entity. Does anyone see the IMF bailing us out? Me, either.

So if Number 1 isn't happening, we better take a hard look at number 4. Because you really won't like number 3, and the others will never happen.

I really can't add anything except to say that you are absolutely 100% correct.

Spending must be cut. There is plenty of room in all the budgets that each budget must be cut to at least the spending levels of 4 years ago.

And yes, tax deductions (Better known as loopholes) must be elimenated. The Mortgage Interest deduction would be one of the first on the chopping block.\

Government financing of industry, especially solar and wind, must end. Now. No more.

Millions and billions of dollars going to our enemies must end. Now. No more. You can't buy friendship, only finance your destruction.
The Brits have had enough with spending less as a solution. It's making things worse. They won't have Cameron to worry about after the next election. Let's hope they go back to the left, like France and the United States. No wonder President Obama cakewalked back to 1600 Penn.

PressTV - Most Britons lose faith in UK govt.?s austerity plan

A growing number of British people believe the Tory-led government's economic policies are doing more harm than good to the country’s economy, a new survey shows.

According to an Opinium/Observer poll, 58 percent of Britons think UK Chancellor George Osborne’ austerity drive is harming the economy while only 20 percent approve of the plan.

The findings come less than 10 days before the cabinet is due to deliver its fourth austerity budget.

All this shows is that they have low information voters just like we do.
Now follow that thought through. What is it that the US can do to its currency that Greece cannot?

See number 3 in my previous post.

The Tories are setting their own terms, instead of waiting for them to be forced on them by their creditors. The US is foolishly waiting for the creditors to punish us and set the terms.

The UK will bounce back healthier than we will, and sooner.

When you run up a huge credit card balance, you can't put off paying the price for that. You are a damned fool for continually pursuing pain-avoidance while continuing to spend irresponsibly.

It's a topsy-turvy world when people start criticizing a country for finally behaving responsibly.

When you stop running up the credit card, it is going to be painful. You can wait until the credit card company cuts you off and destroys your credit, or you can stop yourself and make adjustments on your own terms rather than the bank's.

The GOP had unified power in DC from 2001 to 2007. They should have cut and slashed then, and you should have thrown your little pity party about spending back then too.

I did. That is one of the key reasons I stopped voting in 2006. I voted GOP all my life, but George W. Bush and the GOP-controlled Congress and all the millions of psychopaths, liars, and hypocrites who have hijacked the party disgust me to no end.

Whining about a policy not being implemented by a political party that opposes that policy strikes me as breathtakingly stupid. The Democrats aren't your problem. The GOP overspending when they have power is your problem. I bet you defended them back then too. What a joke.

Strawman fallacy.

And when you have been here long enough, you will see for yourself how wrong you are.

I have nothing to learn from you. I'm not impressed or intimidated by you or the length of time you've spent on a anonymous message board. It's amusing that you think I should be.
Regardless of what 'British people believe', their austerity program is, in fact, working... their economy isn't actually recovering - yet, but it is certainly not 'harming' the country.

Polls.... the unthinking person's opinion.[/QUOTE]

It's only working at showing the US what NOT to do. Thank you, Cameron, for proving austerity is a flop of an idea. Thank goodness their example will show us the folly in following GOP calls for our own austerity. No wonder Obama cake walked it back to the WH.

The UK is going into a third recession! 3!! We had one, The Bush Recession, which was fixed with the Stimulus, despite being too small, and too heavily reliant on sloppy tax giveaways, was brutal enough. We don't need two more with your stupid, oafish UK-style austerity.
There is no way to pay off $54K, or hell, even the interest on it, for every man, women, and child in America without it hurting everybody some.
If everyone isn't feeling some pain then they are filling you full of shit about doing anything of substance to address it.
The Brits have had enough with spending less as a solution. It's making things worse. They won't have Cameron to worry about after the next election. Let's hope they go back to the left, like France and the United States. No wonder President Obama cakewalked back to 1600 Penn.

PressTV - Most Britons lose faith in UK govt.?s austerity plan

A growing number of British people believe the Tory-led government's economic policies are doing more harm than good to the country’s economy, a new survey shows.

According to an Opinium/Observer poll, 58 percent of Britons think UK Chancellor George Osborne’ austerity drive is harming the economy while only 20 percent approve of the plan.

The findings come less than 10 days before the cabinet is due to deliver its fourth austerity budget.

Just curious, what makes you think austerity is supposed to feel good?
The Brits have had enough with spending less as a solution. It's making things worse. They won't have Cameron to worry about after the next election. Let's hope they go back to the left, like France and the United States. No wonder President Obama cakewalked back to 1600 Penn.

PressTV - Most Britons lose faith in UK govt.?s austerity plan

A growing number of British people believe the Tory-led government's economic policies are doing more harm than good to the country’s economy, a new survey shows.

According to an Opinium/Observer poll, 58 percent of Britons think UK Chancellor George Osborne’ austerity drive is harming the economy while only 20 percent approve of the plan.

The findings come less than 10 days before the cabinet is due to deliver its fourth austerity budget.

Just curious, what makes you think austerity is supposed to feel good?

It's only supposed to hurt somebody else.
The Brits have had enough with spending less as a solution. It's making things worse. They won't have Cameron to worry about after the next election. Let's hope they go back to the left, like France and the United States. No wonder President Obama cakewalked back to 1600 Penn.

PressTV - Most Britons lose faith in UK govt.?s austerity plan

A growing number of British people believe the Tory-led government's economic policies are doing more harm than good to the country’s economy, a new survey shows.

According to an Opinium/Observer poll, 58 percent of Britons think UK Chancellor George Osborne’ austerity drive is harming the economy while only 20 percent approve of the plan.

The findings come less than 10 days before the cabinet is due to deliver its fourth austerity budget.

What "austerity?" Government spending in the UK has gone up every year.

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