We don't have to try austerity since the UK has for us. It's a total flop.

This guy was a troll on the Presidetial Election 2000 board and so if you're waiting for him to be self aware enough to realize he's wrong, you're wasting your time. He posted about austerity over and over again, even though no one wants to engage in austerity here. We just want to get a hold of spending before austerity measures become necessary.
The Brits have had enough with spending less as a solution. It's making things worse. They won't have Cameron to worry about after the next election. Let's hope they go back to the left, like France and the United States. No wonder President Obama cakewalked back to 1600 Penn.

PressTV - Most Britons lose faith in UK govt.?s austerity plan

A growing number of British people believe the Tory-led government's economic policies are doing more harm than good to the country’s economy, a new survey shows.

According to an Opinium/Observer poll, 58 percent of Britons think UK Chancellor George Osborne’ austerity drive is harming the economy while only 20 percent approve of the plan.

The findings come less than 10 days before the cabinet is due to deliver its fourth austerity budget.

Just curious, what makes you think austerity is supposed to feel good?

Conservatives here and in the UK kept insisting it was the answer, that it was the key to growth and prosperity. That's what.

Why isn't it working? Shouldn't conservatoons be crowing about how the UK is growing while the US is going back into recession? Instead, the exact opposite is happening. Why ? I know! Because conservatives are wrong all the time, that's why. You're welcome.
Ummmmmm..... I'll take option number 3. Inflation. The inflation rate of the Reagan years will do us some good. 1. It's higher inflation, which we need. 2. It would be the same inflation as the Reagan years, so any whining about it from the conservatives would be laughable, since the Reagan years were supposedly awesome.

Inflation is just a form of robbery. It's indistinguishable from counterfeiting. all you've done is admit that you're a thief.
The Brits have had enough with spending less as a solution. It's making things worse. They won't have Cameron to worry about after the next election. Let's hope they go back to the left, like France and the United States. No wonder President Obama cakewalked back to 1600 Penn.

PressTV - Most Britons lose faith in UK govt.?s austerity plan

A growing number of British people believe the Tory-led government's economic policies are doing more harm than good to the country’s economy, a new survey shows.

According to an Opinium/Observer poll, 58 percent of Britons think UK Chancellor George Osborne’ austerity drive is harming the economy while only 20 percent approve of the plan.

The findings come less than 10 days before the cabinet is due to deliver its fourth austerity budget.

Just curious, what makes you think austerity is supposed to feel good?

Conservatives here and in the UK kept insisting it was the answer, that it was the key to growth and prosperity. That's what.

Why isn't it working? Shouldn't conservatoons be crowing about how the UK is growing while the US is going back into recession? Instead, the exact opposite is happening. Why ? I know! Because conservatives are wrong all the time, that's why. You're welcome.

It would work if they actually tried it. Their spending has increased every year.
Ummmmmm..... I'll take option number 3. Inflation. The inflation rate of the Reagan years will do us some good. 1. It's higher inflation, which we need. 2. It would be the same inflation as the Reagan years, so any whining about it from the conservatives would be laughable, since the Reagan years were supposedly awesome.

Inflation is just a form of robbery. It's indistinguishable from counterfeiting. all you've done is admit that you're a thief.

Actually, inflation mitigates usury--interest charged to workers by banks and the aristocracy. Inflation is often a great tool of "correction" when a working population suffers from strangling debt to the oligarchs.
Ummmmmm..... I'll take option number 3. Inflation. The inflation rate of the Reagan years will do us some good. 1. It's higher inflation, which we need. 2. It would be the same inflation as the Reagan years, so any whining about it from the conservatives would be laughable, since the Reagan years were supposedly awesome.

Inflation is just a form of robbery. It's indistinguishable from counterfeiting. all you've done is admit that you're a thief.

Actually, inflation mitigates usury--interest charged to workers by banks and the aristocracy. Inflation is often a great tool of "correction" when a working population suffers from strangling debt to the oligarchs.

Inn other words, it's a form of theft. It allows debtors to escape paying what they owe. do you know who the biggest debtor in the universe is? The United States federal government. No wonder thieves like you who worship government are so fond of inflation.

BTW, there is no crime called "usury."
Ummmmmm..... I'll take option number 3. Inflation. The inflation rate of the Reagan years will do us some good. 1. It's higher inflation, which we need. 2. It would be the same inflation as the Reagan years, so any whining about it from the conservatives would be laughable, since the Reagan years were supposedly awesome.

Inflation is just a form of robbery. It's indistinguishable from counterfeiting. all you've done is admit that you're a thief.

Actually, inflation mitigates usury--interest charged to workers by banks and the aristocracy. Inflation is often a great tool of "correction" when a working population suffers from strangling debt to the oligarchs.

Of course...the RESPONSIBLE people who have saved money get screwed!
The Brits have had enough with spending less as a solution. It's making things worse. They won't have Cameron to worry about after the next election. Let's hope they go back to the left, like France and the United States. No wonder President Obama cakewalked back to 1600 Penn.

PressTV - Most Britons lose faith in UK govt.?s austerity plan

A growing number of British people believe the Tory-led government's economic policies are doing more harm than good to the country’s economy, a new survey shows.

According to an Opinium/Observer poll, 58 percent of Britons think UK Chancellor George Osborne’ austerity drive is harming the economy while only 20 percent approve of the plan.

The findings come less than 10 days before the cabinet is due to deliver its fourth austerity budget.

Just curious, what makes you think austerity is supposed to feel good?

Conservatives here and in the UK kept insisting it was the answer, that it was the key to growth and prosperity. That's what.

Why isn't it working? Shouldn't conservatoons be crowing about how the UK is growing while the US is going back into recession? Instead, the exact opposite is happening. Why ? I know! Because conservatives are wrong all the time, that's why. You're welcome.

And yet, the UK is growing jobs... and it is jobs that count in the current climate. It took the UK more than a decade of ridiculous overspending to get into its current mess... logic would lead one to conclude it will take more than a couple of years to turn that around. But that's if you're capable of being logical which is where you may struggle.
The Brits have had enough with spending less as a solution. It's making things worse. They won't have Cameron to worry about after the next election. Let's hope they go back to the left, like France and the United States. No wonder President Obama cakewalked back to 1600 Penn.

PressTV - Most Britons lose faith in UK govt.?s austerity plan

A growing number of British people believe the Tory-led government's economic policies are doing more harm than good to the country’s economy, a new survey shows.

According to an Opinium/Observer poll, 58 percent of Britons think UK Chancellor George Osborne’ austerity drive is harming the economy while only 20 percent approve of the plan.

The findings come less than 10 days before the cabinet is due to deliver its fourth austerity budget.

Just curious, what makes you think austerity is supposed to feel good?

Conservatives here and in the UK kept insisting it was the answer, that it was the key to growth and prosperity. That's what.

Why isn't it working? Shouldn't conservatoons be crowing about how the UK is growing while the US is going back into recession? Instead, the exact opposite is happening. Why ? I know! Because conservatives are wrong all the time, that's why. You're welcome.

Who said it isn't working? Austerity is supposed to keep the shit storm from getting worse. Here is the problem in the UK and most of the western world. Our economies have been built on piling debt upon debt upon debt. Well, guess what. Eventually, the piper has to be paid. If you want the big screen TV and the new car and the $200 cell phone you have to pay for it. If you Brits want your thieving Socialist welfare state you have to pay for it. You haven't been and that's the problem. Now you're screwed. The point of austerity is to stop the frivolous spending so that you can get your finances back on track and eventually have a growing, prosperous economy. It's either that or you end up bankrupt like Greece. Pick your poison because your nation is built on a house of cards right now and likely will be for several more years.
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Just curious, what makes you think austerity is supposed to feel good?

Conservatives here and in the UK kept insisting it was the answer, that it was the key to growth and prosperity. That's what.

Why isn't it working? Shouldn't conservatoons be crowing about how the UK is growing while the US is going back into recession? Instead, the exact opposite is happening. Why ? I know! Because conservatives are wrong all the time, that's why. You're welcome.

And yet, the UK is growing jobs... and it is jobs that count in the current climate. It took the UK more than a decade of ridiculous overspending to get into its current mess... logic would lead one to conclude it will take more than a couple of years to turn that around. But that's if you're capable of being logical which is where you may struggle.

That he uses terms like "conservatoons" clearly shows he's as intellectual as a sixth grader.
Inflation is just a form of robbery. It's indistinguishable from counterfeiting. all you've done is admit that you're a thief.

Actually, inflation mitigates usury--interest charged to workers by banks and the aristocracy. Inflation is often a great tool of "correction" when a working population suffers from strangling debt to the oligarchs.

Of course...the RESPONSIBLE people who have saved money get screwed!

Freemason has just admitted that he would like to fleece grandma and grandpa of their life savings.

Inflation rewards people who have nothing in the bank and have maxed out their credit cards. It harms responsible people who live within their means.

Liberals are such nice people!
Actually, inflation mitigates usury--interest charged to workers by banks and the aristocracy. Inflation is often a great tool of "correction" when a working population suffers from strangling debt to the oligarchs.

Of course...the RESPONSIBLE people who have saved money get screwed!

Freemason has just admitted that he would like to fleece grandma and grandpa of their life savings.

Inflation rewards people who have nothing in the bank and have maxed out their credit cards. It harms responsible people who live within their means.

Liberals are such nice people!

Nope. I've always supported income based SOLELY upon productive labor. The problem in the U.S. is that there are so many "tea party patriots" that are unemployed and unproductive--they rely upon trust funds, unemployment, disability, and social security to provide their incomes.

If I had my way, people would ONLY be paid for production. And, they would be paid VERY WELL, since there are apparently so few actual working Americans remaining. I'm sure you would agree . . . LOL
There is no way to pay off $54K, or hell, even the interest on it, for every man, women, and child in America without it hurting everybody some.
If everyone isn't feeling some pain then they are filling you full of shit about doing anything of substance to address it.


It's a $16 trillion sandwich, and everybody has to take a bite.
The Brits have had enough with spending less as a solution. It's making things worse. They won't have Cameron to worry about after the next election. Let's hope they go back to the left, like France and the United States. No wonder President Obama cakewalked back to 1600 Penn.

PressTV - Most Britons lose faith in UK govt.?s austerity plan

A growing number of British people believe the Tory-led government's economic policies are doing more harm than good to the country’s economy, a new survey shows.

According to an Opinium/Observer poll, 58 percent of Britons think UK Chancellor George Osborne’ austerity drive is harming the economy while only 20 percent approve of the plan.

The findings come less than 10 days before the cabinet is due to deliver its fourth austerity budget.

Just curious, what makes you think austerity is supposed to feel good?

It's only supposed to hurt somebody else.

That's the mentality at work here, yeah.
You stupid fucks. The federal debt isn't like household debt, or even like state government debt. It doesn't need to be "paid off," and if it WAS paid off, it would probably collapse the economy and destroy what remains of the middle class.
You stupid fucks. The federal debt isn't like household debt, or even like state government debt. It doesn't need to be "paid off," and if it WAS paid off, it would probably collapse the economy and destroy what remains of the middle class.


Read the OP.

We can set our own terms of austerity, or have the terms imposed on us.

Which would you prefer?

It's a false choice. We needn't make it.

Greece's problem is that they outsourced their currency to others, and now can't control their money. The US will never do this. The UK's problem is that they voted for the Tories, who are artificially bringing austerity upon themselves for ideological reasons, not because outsiders are making them. The US wisely hasn't done this.

It's been a disaster for the UK, both politically and with policy. The polls for the Tories are as bad as their economy, now triple dipping back into recession. The UK's right has no one to blame but themselves, and the UK voters will eventually had them the electoral punishment they deserve.

I'm glad they're suffering so we don't have to.

In other words, we'll continue to manipulate inflation info, print more money and let fixed-income seniors pay the price.

Great plan.
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You stupid fucks. The federal debt isn't like household debt, or even like state government debt. It doesn't need to be "paid off," and if it WAS paid off, it would probably collapse the economy and destroy what remains of the middle class.

Yes, we'll pretend that those bonds don't come due.

It's always nice to hear from an economic genius.
You stupid fucks. The federal debt isn't like household debt, or even like state government debt. It doesn't need to be "paid off," and if it WAS paid off, it would probably collapse the economy and destroy what remains of the middle class.

So we don't need to pay China, Japan, Russia, Brazil, or Great Britain back all that money they loaned to us, eh?

Which brand of crack are you smoking?
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Of course...the RESPONSIBLE people who have saved money get screwed!

Freemason has just admitted that he would like to fleece grandma and grandpa of their life savings.

Inflation rewards people who have nothing in the bank and have maxed out their credit cards. It harms responsible people who live within their means.

Liberals are such nice people!

Nope. I've always supported income based SOLELY upon productive labor. The problem in the U.S. is that there are so many "tea party patriots" that are unemployed and unproductive--they rely upon trust funds, unemployment, disability, and social security to provide their incomes.

If I had my way, people would ONLY be paid for production. And, they would be paid VERY WELL, since there are apparently so few actual working Americans remaining. I'm sure you would agree . . . LOL

So, when someone has saved all his life (like, say, my uncle, a retired truck mechanic), you want to destroy his savings. Are you actually EVIL or are you just STUPID?

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