We Finally Found the Russian Collusion! (It's in the Oval Office Right Now)

Everyone agrees, even the leftist biden fascists, that Biden is controlled by russia and china

All I k now is this: I live in the middle of the country and today (June 9) I paid over 3 dollars a gallon for gas. This time last year? $1.80.

Thanks Benito Biden...........
Biden doesn't control the prices of oil and gas, so your frustration is pointed at the wrong targets...

Funny, isn't it... Trump was able to lower gas prices significantly in his four years, while in less than 4 months Joey Xi Bai Dung's actions drove them up to $3.00/gal....

Let's see....as I stated before....this time last year $1.80 for gas. Dementia takes office and immediately begins shutting down pipelines. Today? $3.03 for 87 octane gasoline.
But these idiots claim Dementia Joe doesn't "control" gas prices.........................

Acutually when I moved to North Carolina in Sept., 2019 gasoline was around $1.90 to $2.25/gallon still a long way from today's $3,10 to $3.25/ gallon today....
Everyone agrees, even the leftist biden fascists, that Biden is controlled by russia and china

All I k now is this: I live in the middle of the country and today (June 9) I paid over 3 dollars a gallon for gas. This time last year? $1.80.

Thanks Benito Biden...........
Biden doesn't control the prices of oil and gas, so your frustration is pointed at the wrong targets...

Funny, isn't it... Trump was able to lower gas prices significantly in his four years, while in less than 4 months Joey Xi Bai Dung's actions drove them up to $3.00/gal....

Let's see....as I stated before....this time last year $1.80 for gas. Dementia takes office and immediately begins shutting down pipelines. Today? $3.03 for 87 octane gasoline.
But these idiots claim Dementia Joe doesn't "control" gas prices.........................

Acutually when I moved to North Carolina in Sept., 2019 gasoline was around $1.90 to $2.25/gallon still a long way from today's $3,10 to $3.25/ gallon today....

Everyone agrees, even the leftist biden fascists, that Biden is controlled by russia and china

All I k now is this: I live in the middle of the country and today (June 9) I paid over 3 dollars a gallon for gas. This time last year? $1.80.

Thanks Benito Biden...........
Biden doesn't control the prices of oil and gas, so your frustration is pointed at the wrong targets...

Funny, isn't it... Trump was able to lower gas prices significantly in his four years, while in less than 4 months Joey Xi Bai Dung's actions drove them up to $3.00/gal....

Let's see....as I stated before....this time last year $1.80 for gas. Dementia takes office and immediately begins shutting down pipelines. Today? $3.03 for 87 octane gasoline.
But these idiots claim Dementia Joe doesn't "control" gas prices.........................
Pipelines shut down for oil that was transported by tanker to the nearest depot is not driving prices of gas that started rising in April of 2020 after historic lows..

But it's all about Biden, what a dopey retort, we all know that the law of supply and demand is in play and capitalist control the means of production and distribution, unfortunately the president doesn't..
Explain to me. if you will, what happened to the "law of supply and demand" when Trump was in office?? Isn't it rather odd that the day Dementia Joe "took" office that suddenly the law of supply and demand suddenly came into play?

You, and those like you, are full of human excrement. Glad you enjoy seeing your economy going to hell in a hand basket. But you go right on voting for the fascist party......
Gas prices have been increasing since April 2020 what is your excuse for the increase under Trump?


We Finally Found the Russian Collusion! (It's in the Oval Office Right Now)

8 Jun 2021 ~~ By Stephen Green

Ukraine’s President Says Biden Handed Putin a ‘Weapon’ By Caving On Pipeline

Not since then-President Barack Obama whispered a message to Vladimir Putin that Obama would enjoy “more flexibility” to negotiate away our missile defenses “after my [re-]election” have we seen such catering to Moscow’s needs.
Insanity Wrap would like nothing better than a strong Russia, once again fully part of this amazing thing called Western Civilization. That’s where Russia was — its high culture rivaled that of France — prior to the Bolshevik takeover, and where Russia seemed to be headed, albeit haltingly, in the 1990s.
Before we get to that, a quick word about Russia.
But under Vladimir Putin, with his KGB-trained distrust of the West, rejoining the West hardly seems possible.
So it remains America’s sad duty to do what we can, short of war, to keep Russia contained (again) and our new friends in Eastern Europe safe.
How to do that?
These are all goals Donald Trump pursued as president.
Presidentish Joe Biden, on the other hand:
Everything Trump did or at least tried to do promoted our (and Europe’s) interests while taking a strong stance against Putin’s.
Everything Biden is doing will weaken our defenses and energy independence, fill Putin’s coffers with oil dollars, and strengthen his position versus Ukraine and our NATO allies.
If Biden were openly colluding with Putin, what would he be doing any differently?
It is with the bitterest of laughs that Insanity Wrap looks back on three-plus years of Democratic hollering about RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!

Everything Biden is doing will weaken our defenses and energy independence, fill Putin’s coffers with oil dollars, and strengthen his position versus Ukraine and our NATO allies.
If Biden were openly colluding with Putin, what would he be doing any differently?
We will see the effects of Joey Xi Bai Dung's collusion when Putin next threatens to cut off fuel to Europe's Nord pipeline.
What has changed since 2009 when Putin cut fuel to Europe? Nothing

Jesus Christ you guys are desperate.
You c want make this shit up.
Everyone agrees, even the leftist biden fascists, that Biden is controlled by russia and china

All I k now is this: I live in the middle of the country and today (June 9) I paid over 3 dollars a gallon for gas. This time last year? $1.80.

Thanks Benito Biden...........
Biden doesn't control the prices of oil and gas, so your frustration is pointed at the wrong targets...
you cant be that stupid,,

I take that back,, youve shown it over and over that you are,,

OMG! What bliss! I may start keeping people on ignore!
Jesus Christ you guys are desperate.
You c want make this shit up.
Thanks for the lack of any discussion points at all. You must be another dim witted Brit.
You may fuck off at any time.

Joe Biden handed over to Vlad Putin the ability to choke off Europe's flow of oil anytime he chooses.
Vlad has one hand on Europe's jugular now thanks to Biden cancelling out Donald Trump's sanctions
against Russia and their Nordic Stream pipeline.

Who is the friend of Vlad Putin's Russia? Biden is. The last five years of Russia, Russia, Russia has all
been an orchestrated campaign by the socialist left to drive Donald Trump from office because they
cannot compete with his views, policies and popularity.

You might just as well say the left handed to Russia control of Europe on a silver platter.

We Finally Found the Russian Collusion! (It's in the Oval Office Right Now)

8 Jun 2021 ~~ By Stephen Green

Ukraine’s President Says Biden Handed Putin a ‘Weapon’ By Caving On Pipeline

Not since then-President Barack Obama whispered a message to Vladimir Putin that Obama would enjoy “more flexibility” to negotiate away our missile defenses “after my [re-]election” have we seen such catering to Moscow’s needs.
Insanity Wrap would like nothing better than a strong Russia, once again fully part of this amazing thing called Western Civilization. That’s where Russia was — its high culture rivaled that of France — prior to the Bolshevik takeover, and where Russia seemed to be headed, albeit haltingly, in the 1990s.
Before we get to that, a quick word about Russia.
But under Vladimir Putin, with his KGB-trained distrust of the West, rejoining the West hardly seems possible.
So it remains America’s sad duty to do what we can, short of war, to keep Russia contained (again) and our new friends in Eastern Europe safe.
How to do that?
These are all goals Donald Trump pursued as president.
Presidentish Joe Biden, on the other hand:
Everything Trump did or at least tried to do promoted our (and Europe’s) interests while taking a strong stance against Putin’s.
Everything Biden is doing will weaken our defenses and energy independence, fill Putin’s coffers with oil dollars, and strengthen his position versus Ukraine and our NATO allies.
If Biden were openly colluding with Putin, what would he be doing any differently?
It is with the bitterest of laughs that Insanity Wrap looks back on three-plus years of Democratic hollering about RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!

Everything Biden is doing will weaken our defenses and energy independence, fill Putin’s coffers with oil dollars, and strengthen his position versus Ukraine and our NATO allies.
If Biden were openly colluding with Putin, what would he be doing any differently?
We will see the effects of Joey Xi Bai Dung's collusion when Putin next threatens to cut off fuel to Europe's Nord pipeline.
What has changed since 2009 when Putin cut fuel to Europe? Nothing

Jesus Christ you guys are desperate.
You c want make this shit up.
Make what up, the truth? I guess that is foreign to you Dims.
Jesus Christ you guys are desperate.
You c want make this shit up.
Thanks for the lack of any discussion points at all. You must be another dim witted Brit.
You may fuck off at any time.

Joe Biden handed over to Vlad Putin the ability to choke off Europe's flow of oil anytime he chooses.
Vlad has one hand on Europe's jugular now thanks to Biden cancelling out Donald Trump's sanctions
against Russia and their Nordic Stream pipeline.

Who is the friend of Vlad Putin's Russia? Biden is. The last five years of Russia, Russia, Russia has all
been an orchestrated campaign by the socialist left to drive Donald Trump from office because they
cannot compete with his views, policies and popularity.

You might just as well say the left handed to Russia control of Europe on a silver platter.
Not only that, but they are using a mentally ill dementia patient to accomplish their goal of giving their communist-leaning ally to accomplish their final Alinskian goals to convert this free nation into a Communist slave state. Someone who has dementia cannot be tried for culpability in a United States court.

Freedom in the United states is becoming a paradise lost unless a holy war intervenes or Republicans break away from these communism chains the Democrat Party is obfuscating as everyday business and the untruths their ambitions belie.

We Finally Found the Russian Collusion! (It's in the Oval Office Right Now)

8 Jun 2021 ~~ By Stephen Green

Ukraine’s President Says Biden Handed Putin a ‘Weapon’ By Caving On Pipeline

Not since then-President Barack Obama whispered a message to Vladimir Putin that Obama would enjoy “more flexibility” to negotiate away our missile defenses “after my [re-]election” have we seen such catering to Moscow’s needs.
Insanity Wrap would like nothing better than a strong Russia, once again fully part of this amazing thing called Western Civilization. That’s where Russia was — its high culture rivaled that of France — prior to the Bolshevik takeover, and where Russia seemed to be headed, albeit haltingly, in the 1990s.
Before we get to that, a quick word about Russia.
But under Vladimir Putin, with his KGB-trained distrust of the West, rejoining the West hardly seems possible.
So it remains America’s sad duty to do what we can, short of war, to keep Russia contained (again) and our new friends in Eastern Europe safe.
How to do that?
These are all goals Donald Trump pursued as president.
Presidentish Joe Biden, on the other hand:
Everything Trump did or at least tried to do promoted our (and Europe’s) interests while taking a strong stance against Putin’s.
Everything Biden is doing will weaken our defenses and energy independence, fill Putin’s coffers with oil dollars, and strengthen his position versus Ukraine and our NATO allies.
If Biden were openly colluding with Putin, what would he be doing any differently?
It is with the bitterest of laughs that Insanity Wrap looks back on three-plus years of Democratic hollering about RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!

Everything Biden is doing will weaken our defenses and energy independence, fill Putin’s coffers with oil dollars, and strengthen his position versus Ukraine and our NATO allies.
If Biden were openly colluding with Putin, what would he be doing any differently?
We will see the effects of Joey Xi Bai Dung's collusion when Putin next threatens to cut off fuel to Europe's Nord pipeline.
What has changed since 2009 when Putin cut fuel to Europe? Nothing

A few lies topped with ignorant propaganda. Who is this author?

you cant be that stupid,,

I take that back,, youve shown it over and over that you are,,

You’re not a great judge of who is stupid or not. You believe everything the Republican party tells you which makes you a complete idiot because they’re lying.
and we have an entire government agency that controls those private companies,,

You think government regulation is "control". There really is no hope for anyone as stupid as you. You have been so brainwashed by anti-government right wing hate, that you're the perfect "useful idiot" for the anti-democratic fascist movement.

Russian Collusion!

Trump and his bum barnacles persisted in raving about "collusion!" for years, but collusion is not a crime, and no such charges were ever filed, of course.

They may have been confused by the FBI, NSA, and CIA all confirming that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to help Trump and hurt Clinton - finding in which two Republican-led Senate Special Committees on Intelligence concurred.

Their enduring conviction that there was 'collusion' may have derived from a Trump adviser's comments concerning the uncovered clandestine meeting of Trump's fart catchers, Junior Trump, Manafort, and Kushner, with Putin's agents in Trump Tower :

Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 8.32.11 AM.png

“Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic,
or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that,
you should have called the FBI immediately.”
You’re not a great judge of who is stupid or not. You believe everything the Republican party tells you which makes you a complete idiot because they’re lying.
sweetie I dont believe a fucking thing either party tells me,, its just the dems are less trust worthy,, sucks to be you,,,
You think government regulation is "control". There really is no hope for anyone as stupid as you. You have been so brainwashed by anti-government right wing hate, that you're the perfect "useful idiot" for the anti-democratic fascist movement.
if you break those regs and are punished for it thats control you stupid skank,,

youre a perfect example of a slave not knowing theyre a slave,,

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