We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Your delusion is ignoring the actual facts and accepting your false version of reality. I already explained why you are wrong, you can ignore the points I made and pretend you've proven something, but you haven't, other than your irrational aversion and hatred for socialism.

When has Communism or Socialism ever worked? And I mean for the populace

Answer it without your fluttering like a drunken butterfly or stop bothering me
It's less fair to everyone who didn't go to college and everyone who paid off their student loans.
That's not how it works Biff....

Great answer by Biden

We routinely cover for Big Business
How does that help the children and grandchildren of today's blue collar union workers who are going to have to pay for it? And notice that going forward we will have to KEEP paying for it, because no snowflake is ever again going to take out a student loan and accept having to pay it back.
Bad, bad, bad idea. Another fucking band-aid that causes at least as much harm as it solves.

This is what happens when you bend over too far to please the base.

We have to fix our political/electoral system, before it's too late.

Two ways to look at that: One is it might buy the votes of college kids and their parents. The other is they may lose the votes of people who successfully paid off their loans in recent years.
if they were successful, sanctions wouldn't make a difference.
Not when you're sanctioned by the most powerful empire in human history that owns most of the world's banks. Here are the merchant ships being tracked by an American owned and operated satellite network:

Every merchant vessel that docks in Cuba or Venezuela, can't dock in the United States or in any of its territories for at least six months. Why do you think shipping companies or nations would rather trade with? Cuba or the United States, presently, the largest economy in the world? Do you want your expensive, merchant ships barred from all American ports for six months? Cuba and its citizens can't open bank accounts or open lines of credit with international banks unless they adopt capitalism. Cuba can't purchase any product in the world market that has 10% or more American parts. Any part of the machinery or product, that was made or is patented, by American companies, can not be sold to Cuba. Any foreign company that does business with Cuba, can't do business with the United States. Do you think Cubans are driving around in 1950s cars because they can't import newer cars? No car company wants to sacrifice its market share in the American market to sell cars to Cuba.

Tourism is cut by 80%. President Obama lifted many of the sanctions to do with tourism and Cubans started to greatly improve their standard of living, just from the extra tourism. Again, this line of argumentation that claims socialism doesn't work, when you're sanctioning and threatening socialist countries, is disingenuous. It also irrationally assumes that an economic system and mode of production has to be 100% successful whenever it is first tried and must replace its predecessor, overnight. There's no trial error, it's victory and success from the start, immediately. Material conditions and technology can never evolve, develop and positively contribute to its viability and success in the future. It just can't, it has to be all perfect, at once, especially in a developing country. Let's also ignore all of the impoverished capitalist-run nations, that don't count. I will only point at impoverished, sanctioned, threatened, attacked, bombed, invaded, socialist countries and say AHAAA!!!! LOOK HOW BAD IT IS!!! Come one, be fair. More equitable.

Like I've been saying, as technology advances, socialism becomes, more and more viable and inevitable.

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