We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Life is not always fair

Not all business needs subsidies and tax breaks
Not all farmers need subsidies
Not all businesses need bail outs

But they get them
But the common citizen is getting the bill. This is when Progs are more dangerous. An election they may lose and they can do the most damage or the most for their agendas. I am sure the Repubs in power will do the old soft shoe again. They helped to cause this. Hitler may be coming into long range view. He seems to be an alternative.
When has Communism or Socialism ever worked? And I mean for the populace

Answer it without your fluttering like a drunken butterfly or stop bothering me

You're bothering me with your dishonest, shortsighted arguments. Why do you think the USSR was invaded by the United States and 14 other countries after WW1? The big capitalist imperialists were shitting bricks, knowing that Russia would become a superpower thanks to socialism, and it did. An under-industrialized, agrarian society, full of illeterate peasants. They like the Chinese had famines, practically every year. Socialism completely industrialized Russia and got rid of hunger, illiteracy..etc. Were there some challenges, obstacles, difficulties, and struggles? Yes, but eventually they overcame all of it. By the late 1930s, Russia was more mechanized than the US and was an industrial juggernaut, rivaling the United States, a nation that had a 120-year industrial headstart on the Soviet Union.

It was also invaded by four million Germans in WW2, lost nine million soldiers, and 18 million civilians. It lost most of its industrial infrastructure and economy during WW2, and yet in less than 15 years, it was launching satellites and cosmonauts into space. It became the world's second nuclear superpower, rivaling us. Their military, much of their economy, and infrastructure were very robust and always growing. Look at the stats of the Soviet economy. What destroyed it was its desire to end the cold war and pander to the American capitalists (the cold war wasn't an "arms race", it was an arms chase. The USSR didn't want to continue expanding its military). The successors of Stalin eventually destroyed the Soviet Union:

Socialists hate to spend too many resources on defense when we can be building highways, bridges, factories, railroads, subways, hospitals, universities, housing, new nuclear and hydroelectric plants, and exploring and colonizing space. We don't want to be encircled by most of the world, sanctioned, threatened, or attacked because all of that is expensive and undermines our ability to establish a democratic, socialist republic. When you hunker down, you become more centralized, and authoritarian. There was still a degree of democracy in the USSR, but it was a nation in a state of war, against a capitalist, imperialist empire, namely the US and its allies. It was under constant threat, hence you have to deal with fifth columns, dissidents, and agents of the enemy, even at the highest levels of government.

This analogy might sound corny, but it's true. Socialist countries are like little flowers, growing in a field of capitalist weeds that want to strangle and kill them. Maybe socialism can't exist until the weeds or the biggest weed of them all, becomes a flower, a socialist nation. If we adopt socialism, who's going to mess with us? No one. We're it. We were the BIG WEED, leading all of the other weeds to strangle socialist countries. So when advanced technology inevitably leads us to say "Oh OK, we need to adopt a new mode of production in order to survive this tech-apocalypse, and it looks a hell of a lot like................socialism!", until that realization happens (and it will eventually), socialist countries may not be able to survive, unless they adopt markets and play along with the USA, the capitalist imperialist empire, until it becomes the USSA:


Until that occurs, socialism will continue being sanctioned, attacked, undermined, sabotaged..etc. Advanced technology will eventually lead us, the USA, to become the USSA. It's inevitable, it will occur, sooner or later, most likely sooner than later. Then and only then will socialism flourish throughout the world. America will do socialism better than China and Russia. We will become the light of the nations, leading humanity to the stars.
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You mean all those wars that democrats started,those wars?
You should probably slink off right about now because you're getting beat to a pulp.
I don't give a flying frig who started the damn wars, I didn't call a party, I specified anti-war citizens.

Snap out of it!

But the common citizen is getting the bill. This is when Progs are more dangerous. An election they may lose and they can do the most damage or the most for their agendas. I am sure the Repubs in power will do the old soft shoe again. They helped to cause this. Hitler may be coming into long range view. He seems to be an alternative.

Yea…just like you get the bill for wars you don’t support, schools you don’t use, police protection you don’t need

Education is a benefit to society
It should not cripple you financially
If you’ve acquired wealth, you’ve already paid taxes. Say you make $100,000.oo in year 1. You paid maybe 30k in taxes. You were careful with expenditures and managed to save $25k after taxes and necessities. You dumped it in the bank.

Ditto for year 2.

You have thus saved $50k in after tax dollars plus interest on those saved dollars. Oops. The government says, you owe on the interest you earned, too. Fuckers.

Anyway, with raises and inflations and economic cycles etc over ten years you find yourself holding maybe $400,000.00 in the bank and markets. So, you start a business and you have the Midas touch. It strikes pay dirt.

In year 11, your investment has generated a gross income of $250,000.00. Encouraged, you work your ass off and hire other people who get fair wages and who also pay taxes. But you also have to buy inventory and there are costs to production and delivery and accounting and some borrowing is required and the market remains cyclical. But you plunge ahead. At year 20 you no longer have any business debt. You own your home outright. You pay great wages but earn a steady income stream. You are a multimillionaire. Hard work and attention to details has paid off.

With the help of clever tax advisors and wealth management advisors you pay only the marginal rate on your yearly income and your business is humming along in the black but pays zero taxes that year.

The liberals are outraged. They demand a wealth tax. What is that? The money you have accumulated after paying the taxes all those years is seen by them is “theirs.” Their hands are out.

You say. “Hold on. I already paid my tax bills. This accumulated wealth is all post tax dollars. You can’t tax it again.”

What do these libs say? They say, “ it’s society’s money.”

2 questions.

1st: Is any of the money you’ve accumulated over the years, after taxation of interest, really something society has any valid claim to?

2nd: if society says that it’s unfair for the business not to pay taxes (even though of course it has paid lots of taxes over the years), and “society” prevails, what are you going to do to the price per unit of your product?

That’s right, the tax on your entire business gets passed along as a cost of production to the consumers. In effect, they end up paying the tax. The government doesn’t really care. Fuck the little people. They want “their” money.
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Even worse, this means that future borrowers will also demand their debt be cancelled and will refuse to pay back their loans. This will inevitably end up with very expensive government funded secondary education.

You mean tertiary education ... and yes, we need more funding in secondary schools like high schools and vocational schools ... as it is today, a high school diploma means nothing, I'm glad I don't have one ... better off dropping out and joining the work force ...
And can you give me the calculation of how many anti-war citizens have to pony up for all the wars America has engaged in?
That has zero to do with student loan debt forgiveness or its impact on the regular taxpayer. But since you mention war, the US has given $13 billion in security aid to Ukraine, which I don't hear you complaining about at the moment.

Nice try, but not buying... er biting.
This man has to be drugged up. Not feeling pain at all. Only an utter fool would keep this endless fiat currency abuse going. With a town that has many people willing to help him at it.
It should not cripple you financially
It shouldn't cripple the rest of us financially either. The macroeconomic concept of "TINSTAAFL" or "There Is No Such Thing As A Free Lunch" doesn't seem to occur to you. People will have to pay extra taxes to fund this forgiveness, including those who already paid off their loans. There are always strings attached and ALWAYS economic collateral damage when you arbitrarily forgive debt without any way of replacing the funds lost.
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"President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he will forgive $10,000 in federal student debt for most borrowers, fulfilling a campaign pledge and delivering financial relief to millions of Americans. Biden will cancel up to $20,000 for recipients of Pell Grants, he also said in a tweet Wednesday. The relief will be limited to Americans earning under $125,000 per year, or $250,000 for married couples or heads of households. At least 9 million borrowers could have their balances entirely cleared by Biden’s plan, according to higher education expert Mark Kantrowitz.

More than 40 million Americans are in debt for their education, owing a cumulative $1.7 trillion, a balance that far exceeds outstanding credit card or auto debt. Calls for broad student loan forgiveness date back to the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011, shortly before outstanding education debt surpassed $1 trillion. Today the average balance is over $30,000, up from $12,000 in 1980. At the time, advocates began to question why corporations should get a bailout from the government on their debt but not everyday Americans who had sought an education."

At first, I thought this whole student loan debt thing would probably be the most evil and dispicable concept since Obamacare and pre-existing conditions -- but I was wrong...after reading this bill, this student loan debt program is the worse thing to happen in this country since slavery.....There is no justification to bail out people over their student loan debt...they knew what they were signing up for....and trying to claim that if Wall Street gets a bailout, why can't everyone else?

That is ridiculous....First of all, successful Wall Street executives are far more deserving of being bailed out than some Joe Schmo out there with 18K in student loan debt for his stupid liberal arts degree....How is he more worthy than a hedgefund manager?? This hateful liberal policy is a blatant attack on our country's very existence -- and every state should sue this administration and have this program stopped....use that money for something more beneficial to everyday Americans like more corporate tax cuts.....
are you really comparing student loan debt to a pre existing medical condition?
Is it fair I entered into an agreement to borrow money under certain terms and conditions to repay the money for my mortgage and it isn't being forgiven also?
If you’ve acquired wealth, you’ve already paid taxes. Say you make $100,000.oo in year 1. You paid maybe 30k in taxes. You were careful with expenditures and managed to save $25k after taxes and necessities. You dumped it in the bank.

Ditto for year 2.

You have this saved $50k in after tax dollars plus interest on those saved dollars. Oops. The government says, you owe on the interest you earned, too. Fuckers.

Anyway, with raises and inflations and economic cycles etc over ten years you find yourself holding maybe $400,000.00 in the bank and markets. So, you start a business and you have the Midas touch. It strikes pay dirt.

In year 11, your investment has generated a gross income of $250,000.00. Encouraged, you work your ass off and hire other people who get fair wages and who also pay taxes. But you also have to buy inventory and there are costs to production and delivery and accounting and some borrowing is required and the market remains cyclical. But you plunge ahead. At year 20 you no longer have any business debt. You own your home outright. You pay great wages but earn a steady income stream. You are a multimillionaire. Hard work and attention to details has paid off.

With the help of clever tax advisors and wealth management advisors you pay only the marginal rate on your yearly income and your business is humming along in the black but pays zero taxes that year.

The liberals are outraged. They demand a wealth tax. What is that? The money you have accumulated after paying the taxes all those years is seen by them is “theirs.” Their hands are out.

You say. “Hold on. I already paid my tax bills. This accumulated wealth is all post tax dollars. You can’t tax it again

What do these libs say? They say, “ it’s society’s money.”

2 questions.

1st: Is any of the money you’ve accumulated over the years, after taxation of interest, really something society has any valid claim to?

2nd: if society says that it’s unfair for the business not to pay taxes (even though of course it has paid lots of taxes over the years), and “society” prevails, what are you going to do to the price per unit of your product?

That’s right, the tax on your entire business gets passed along as a cost of production to the consumers. In effect, they end up paying the tax. The government doesn’t really care. Duck the little people. They want “their” money.
This. A million billion trillion times THIS.

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