We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Personally, I don’t mind loan forgiveness

Compared to when I went to College, today’s generation gets FUCKED

I paid for College working minimum wage Summer jobs. My Parents sent four kids to College without having to assume personal debt.
When I graduated, I got a good paying job that I could support myself and buy a house in a few years.

Todays student works minimum wage jobs that haven’t had an increase in thirteen years. Tuition has steadily increased while starting salaries are stagnant and benefits have been cut.
At least it's not an issue for Trump since he doesn't pay taxes.

He cuts taxes for the rich and didn't do much for the working class.

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Compared to when I went to College, today’s generation gets FUCKED
The concept of fairness only seems to work one way for you liberal "gimme gimme save me from my financial mistakes" types.

What is fair to one group is always likely to be unfair to another. You can't seem to grasp that, you and your sheltered liberal socialist views.
The concept of fairness only seems to work one way for you liberal "gimme gimme save me from my financial mistakes" types.

What is fair to one group is always likely to be unfair to another. You can't seem to grasp that, you and your sheltered liberal socialist views.

Do what is best for society
Helping those seeking an education is good for society.

Financially crippling students and their parents does not help our society
Do what is best for society
Helping those seeking an education is good for society.

You don't seem to grasp the fact that not all elements of society are on board with your "do what is best for society" ponzi scheme. There will be elements of society that are hurt by this. Never mind that Universities will hike tuition rates because of this.

So, "best for society" or best for those not willing to deal with the ramifications of their financial decisions? People like you are the most consequence averse bunch I have ever seen. You accrue debt, you pay it off. Be responsible. If you don't want to pay debt, don't accrue it. Egads, your reasoning is so vacuous it exceeds the size of the known observable universe.
That has zero to do with student loan debt forgiveness or its impact on the regular taxpayer. But since you mention war, the US has given $13 billion in security aid to Ukraine, which I don't hear you complaining about at the moment.

Nice try, but not buying... er biting.
What impact?

More than the bazallions we're on the hook for over wars?
Financially crippling students and their parents does not help our society
Oh my, financially crippling the rest of society for that one element of society is not doing "what's best for society," that's just teaching these kids that there are no consequences for their monetary decisions. It hurts those who acted responsibly and paid their debt, it hurts those who haven't gone to college or can't afford college because of the extra taxes they'll have to pay to cover this debt forgiveness.

So colossally out of touch. Then again, that's what socialists like you are.
You don't seem to grasp the fact that not all elements of society are on board with your "do what is best for society" ponzi scheme. There will be elements of society that are hurt by this. Never mind that Universities will hike tuition rates because of this.

So, "best for society" or best for those not willing to deal with the ramifications of their financial decisions? People like you are the most consequence averse bunch I have ever seen. You accrue debt, you pay it off. Be responsible. If you don't want to pay debt, don't accrue it. Egads, your reasoning is so vacuous it exceeds the size of the known observable universe.
Education is not a Ponzi scheme

An educated workforce helps all. Most modern societies recognize that and do not financially cripple those seeking an education
Biden for the win

Nice. Tater deflects the question then walks out. He equates corporations who are already paying all of the taxes from taking legal tax breaks written into the law by Congress from people not even repaying the school loans they signed a contract to repay by dumping their debt onto other taxpayers including those who responsibly repaid their loans.

Once again, Dumbo rewards the irresponsible while punishing the responsible because the former tend to vote DEMOCRAT and the latter DO NOT.

Joe Biden is a law breaker, at least according to the right wing Nancy Pelosi in 2021 when she said the President has no authority to do any such thing


In July of 2021, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said President Joe Biden does not have the executive authority to issue “debt forgiveness,” arguing that such action would be illegal and that it has “to be an act of Congress.”
“People think that the President of the United States has the power for debt forgiveness. He does not. He can postpone. He can delay. But he does not have that power. That has to be an act of Congress,” Pelosi said July 28 at a press conference.
“The President can’t do it. So that’s not even a discussion. Not everybody realizes that. But the President can only postpone, delay, but not forgive,” she added.

She also mentioned how voters would be mad about student loan “forgiveness,”appearing to question whether such a policy would be “fair.”
Pelosi mentioned a scenario where “your child just decided they want to – at this time, not want to go to college, but you’re paying taxes to forgive somebody else’s obligations.”
The Department of Education agreed with Pelosi, arguing in a 2021 memo that the executive branch “does not have the statutory authority to cancel, compromise, discharge, or forgive, on a blanket or mass basis, principal balances of student loans, and/or to materially modify the repayment amounts or terms thereof.”
Despite Pelosi’s remarks, Biden issued an order Wednesday “forgiving” up to $10,000 in federal student debt for individuals making under $125,000 annually and households making under $250,000, as well as relieving $20,000 in debt for Pell grant recipients. His decision marks the biggest loan “cancellation” program in history, and comes months before the midterms.
Asked Tuesday about reports that the announcement would be forthcoming, Pelosi appeared to welcome the news, though she acknowledged that it was unclear where Biden derived the authority for it.
We spent $2 trillion on a war in Afghanistan that helped no one
Not a peep from Conservatives

But spend $500 billion on educating Americans and they throw a fit
Ok who will arrest Diaper Joe?


Or do we let Nancy make a citizens arrest and impeach the bastard?

But as we all know, it is election time, the law be damned.

Luckily for the lawless loons, they run the place

They run the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and they own the media.

So what could possibly go wrong?

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