We get to pay for student loans. Great.

These destroy the nation threads are hilarious. Am I for the the debt program? No. But it's not a big deal. 99.9 percent don't care.
Explain how it works, nimrod.
We live in a society.
As a contract w/society, the government, which is made up of our fellow citizens...
We agree to a contract, which is to pay taxes.
Taxes cover a gamut of things, like roads, schools, police, etc.
This is simply a part of living in a society.
And from what your and your ilk say in rhetoric, this is the best country in the world.
That has not yet expanded the contract to include higher education.
Got it!?!?
Under capitalism, taxes aren't used properly.
My god you are a fucking idiot.

No , Moon Bat, you are confused. Taxes are not "used properly" because of the big government welfare and entitlement mentality of the Leftest.

You stupid Moon Bats don't know any more about Economics than you know about History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics or the Constitution.
We live in a society.
As a contract w/society, the government, which is made up of our fellow citizens...
We agree to a contract, which is to pay taxes.
Taxes cover a gamut of things, like roads, schools, police, etc.
This is simply a part of living in a society.
And from what your and your ilk say in rhetoric, this is the best country in the world.
That has not yet expanded the contract to include higher education.
Got it!?!?
I didn't agree to any contract, so your theory fails right there.

The resto of your thesis is just as wrong, but I won't belabor the point.

There is no "contract," certainly not one that guarantees you a college education.
What about folks who faithfully paid back their loans ... will they each get a check for $10,000? ...
Even worse, this means that future borrowers will also demand their debt be cancelled and will refuse to pay back their loans. This will inevitably end up with very expensive government funded secondary education.
That's not how it works Biff....


Oh really?
Go ahead and explain how it works.
This should be entertaining......
We live in a society.
As a contract w/society, the government, which is made up of our fellow citizens...
We agree to a contract, which is to pay taxes.
Taxes cover a gamut of things, like roads, schools, police, etc.
This is simply a part of living in a society.
And from what your and your ilk say in rhetoric, this is the best country in the world.
That has not yet expanded the contract to include higher education.
Got it!?!?

While I already know you're a dumbass this explanation takes the cake.
The student loan deadbeats also agreed to a contract and re nigged on it.
How does making the taxpayers pay off someone else's loan make us the greatest country in the world?
Taking responsibility for your own actions makes this the greatest country in the world,not welching on owed debt ya dumb shit.

I heard his response.
It just as pathetic as yours.
Typical of your type....give me more free shit paid for by those who follow through on their obligations while you skate.
Go fuck yourself sponge.
Biden for the win:

How is that a win? How is it even comparable?

On one hand we have someone who willingly took out a loan for something but wants everyone else to pay that loan off.

On the other we have a business owner who is trying to keep as much of the money they earned and not have it stolen by the IRS.

Can you explain how these two things are even remotely related?
Did it ever occur in that pea brain of yours that the regular, non-college-going taxpayer has to pay for this?

To the tune of $300 billion? Or $2k per citizen?
And can you give me the calculation of how many anti-war citizens have to pony up for all the wars America has engaged in?

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