We get to pay for student loans. Great.

However most is not related to healthcare.

We are the fattest country in the world. We eat fast food on the average three times a week. Because we are so diverse, we have a high murder rate. Over 50% of our murders are committed by just 7% of our population which are black males. Our infant mortality is if a baby dies after taking it's first breath. Other countries don't consider a baby a baby if it's born with birth defects and likely to die in the very near future. Because our women seek careers, they attend college, payoff their college loans, wait until they secure a home before starting a family, and the later you have children the more likely they will have birth defects or death. Then we have our drug problem to consider. Thanks to Biden, we had over 100,000 fentanyl OD"s last year. That's like two professional football stadiums full of people.

There is much more than what kind of healthcare we have that produce the results we get.

All of the drug use and crime are due to material conditions, gross inequality and not allowing law enforcement to do its job. We could also make drug dealing a capital crime and send these people to the gallows or in front of a firing squad, which is what society needs to do. You decriminalize drug use, because when you burden people with a criminal record for their addictions, it just makes it more difficult for them to recover and get back on their feet. Drug dealers, who are distributing their poison in black communities and wherever else they plant their deadly chemicals, should be executed. Drug addicts should be forced into drug rehab or a mental institution if they refuse to stop hurting themselves and their communities. Communists, true leftists, we will get rid of drugs and street crime, quick.

Another cause of all of the societal ills that you mentioned, is disarming the people. If more good, law-abiding citizens were armed in these black communities, the thugs would think twice before committing crimes. Grandma would take out her 44 magnum and take care of business against the street urchins and thugs. The Communist Front Party has a detailed plan on eliminating all of those problems, quickly, if we are elected into office.
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wow billy so youre not brain dead after all,, just a racist,,,
He's trying (and failing) to be sarcastic.

All of the drug use and crime are due to material conditions, gross inequality and now allowing law enforcement to do its job. We could also make drug dealing a capital crime and send these people to the gallows or in front of a firing squad, which is what society needs to do. You decriminalize drug use, because when you burden people with a criminal record for their addictions, it just makes it more difficult for them to recover and get back on their feet. Drug dealers, who are distributing their poison in black communities and wherever else they plant their deadly chemicals, should be executed. Drug addicts should be forced into drug rehab or a mental institution if they refuse to stop hurting themselves and their communities. Communists, true leftists, we will get rid of drugs and street crime, quick.

Another cause of all of the societal ills that you mentioned, is disarming the people. If more good, law-abiding citizens were armed in these black communities, the thugs would think twice before committing crimes. Grandma would take out a 44 magnum and take care of business against the street urchins and thugs. The Communist Front Party has a detailed plan on eliminating all of those problems, quickly, if we are elected into office.

Depending on the state, we can't even execute mass murderers in this country, and executions for murder are rare in most places.
Yeah dipshit Venzuela is a shining example of how it works

Lift the sanctions. and also in Cuba. No one has the luxury of using such disingenuous arguments when they're sanctioning and threatening developing socialist countries. The Venezuelan government was doing well until the oil prices plummeted in 2014 and that occurred due to the US and Saudi Arabia colluding together to destroy Russian investments and profits in its oil industry. It hurt Venezuela. Then you add the American-enforced sanctions and things get even worse.

There are plenty of countries that are dirt poor and have capitalist economies, including Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world. So you should use another line of argumentation, it's very dishonest.
Lift the sanctions. and also in Cuba. No one has the luxury of using such disingenuous arguments when they're sanctioning and threatening developing socialist countries. The Venezuelan government was doing well until the oil prices plummeted in 2014 and that occurred due to the US and Saudi Arabia colluding together to destroy Russian investments and profits in its oil industry. It hurt Venezuela. Then you add the American-enforced sanctions and things get even worse.

There are plenty of countries that are dirt poor and have capitalist economies, including Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world. So you should use another line of argumentation, it's very dishonest.

You'll never convince me Communism nor Socialism will ever work. It never has. That's just facts.

Either deal with facts or suffer in your own delusions. I don't care
I paid all $60K plus of my loans and yeah, would have loved a program like this. Even so, I don't feel particularly cheated or anything. I'm just not sure that this is really a solution to anything, and it probably doesn't help the people who really need it the most. Just saying "All people who earn between X and Y amount are gonna get $10,000" -- I mean we kinda went through this already with the pandemic stimuluses.

The people who need it are the ones who are seriously in arrears and who owe like a quarter million dollars (yes, people like that really do exist). Or people who have a gargantuan debt to income ratio. But the cynic in mean suspects the political handlers saw votes rather than need. I think he's going to regret this.

On a completely different tangent, our higher ed system needs total overhaul, as does much of our education system in general. It's insane that people feel the need to take out the equivalent of a small home to "join the middle class". Even more insane that the system that keeps the spigots flowing issues no-questions-asked, just-sign-here loans. It shouldn't be like this but here we are and we're stuck with this system until it all collapses I'm afraid.
Exactly. My main gripe is we hand out student loans to anyone who can mark an "X" on their application, many of whom just flat out aren't college material. We shouldn't be giving any student loans at all to anyone who has no reasonable expectation of ever paying the money back. It's like we have automatic qualification. Hell, there are people who graduate high school who aren't even proficient at reading or even simple math. Many just go to college with a loan so they can party, do drugs, have sex, and be out of their parent's house. Then they owe 10K-30K and wind up working part time at McDonalds.
You'll never convince me Communism nor Socialism will ever work. It never has. That's just facts.

Either deal with facts or suffer in your own delusions. I don't care
Your delusion is ignoring the actual facts and accepting your false version of reality. I already explained why you are wrong, you can ignore the points I made and pretend you've proven something, but you haven't, other than your irrational aversion and hatred for socialism.

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