We get to pay for student loans. Great.

You insist that it is that way, hence for you, in your mind, it's that way, forever, until the end of time. This is what you believe and nothing will ever change your mind or negative opinion with respect to communism. There's only one type of communism and that's the communism that you believe is the only type of communism that can exist.
For Mac-7, there's no such thing as democracy in communism. That's impossible, it just can't happen (even though Marx clearly states that democracy is the foundation of socialism). For Mac-7, a democratic communist society is like a giant purple unicorn wrapped in blinking Christmas tree lights, it simply doesn't exist.

Technology will never replace human wage labor, there won't be mass unemployment, despite whatever reality apparently seems to be indicating or what is self-evidently the case. There will always be a million + homeless Americans, there will always be crime and drug-infested streets, there will always be people who are going bankrupt due to medical bills, there will always be people without access to healthcare, and there will always be people that can't afford an education, don't have the time or energy to go to school after working two fulltime jobs. There will always be a crumbling infrastructure in America, there will always be a wealthy ruling class bribing our politicians in the halls of government, to pass laws that serve their vested interests at the expense of the public, there will always be mass illegal immigration, there will always be all of the societal ills and problems that we suffer from now. There is no way to change that, it will always exist. This is the apocalyptic, pessimistic world of Mac-7.

I disagree.
The eternal rallying cry for communists is

“Next time we’ll get it right!”
Well if you consider modern life a "prison", where scarcity is mostly eliminated and you have all of your needs met, then yes for you it would be a prison. You could however get some counseling or mental health care, to help you cope with having all of your needs met and living in a high-tech modern society.

You're missing the point. Deliberately, I'm sure. When you appoint someone the sole provider of your necessities, they OWN you.
I've never understood what it's supposed to mean to call these kinds of things "human rights". I mean, you can say "healthcare is a human right", but what does that mean? Does it mean you're free to take care of your health however you wish, without interference from the state?

Or, does it mean that you have the "right" to force other people to provide you with healthcare (or food, or housing, or employment, etc... )?

For the leeches, its the latter.
I paid for my own college education. I got a BS and MS and an additional MBA, all debt free.

Why should I be taxed to pay for the college education of those turkey's whose worthless college education could not provide enough payback for the money they borrowed?

It is despicable that these Democrats support such an oppressive plan.
That money you spent on education could've been spent now to buy your tools, start a business..etc? We take very little of our salaries home when we factor in taxes and all of the other services that we pay the private sector for, that in other industrialized countries are provided as a human right. So we still need healthcare, and we pay more and have some of the worst outcomes in the world. Americans are less healthy and have a lower life expectancy and a higher infant death mortality than practically all industrialized countries and even a few third-world countries like Costa Rica. We're at the bottom of the barrel.
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All of that depends upon wage labor because not everyone owns their own business and if that were the case, no one would have any money. The foundation of capitalism is wage labor. That's how everything is produced now, especially the machines that you will operate to mow that lawn. About 50% of America live paycheck to paycheck, and about 65% have less than $1000 in their bank accounts. Many Americans can't even afford a $500 emergency. This idea that everyone can just start a business is quite naive and doesn't address the fundamental endemic inequalities in our economic system, that undermine people's ability to support themselves and meet their needs.
If you live paycheck to paycheck in the US then you can blame the friggin government.

Almost 40% of the GDP in the US is spent on the combined (Fed, State and Local) cost of government.

That doesn't even include the burden of bat shit crazy government regulations put on the productive economy.

I was an Engineer and my wife a school teacher. In many years my wife's entire take home pay just about equaled our yearly direct and indirect tax burden. My wife had to work to pay the goddamn taxes.

How can anybody make ends meet when the government takes so much money out of the productive economy and gives it to stupid Bureaucrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups?

The best way not be poor in the US is not to help elect Leftest whose failed Leftest policies destroy the productive economy.

If you are poor and you don't want to blame the government then blame yourself for making poor life choices along the way.

"President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he will forgive $10,000 in federal student debt for most borrowers, fulfilling a campaign pledge and delivering financial relief to millions of Americans. Biden will cancel up to $20,000 for recipients of Pell Grants, he also said in a tweet Wednesday. The relief will be limited to Americans earning under $125,000 per year, or $250,000 for married couples or heads of households. At least 9 million borrowers could have their balances entirely cleared by Biden’s plan, according to higher education expert Mark Kantrowitz.

More than 40 million Americans are in debt for their education, owing a cumulative $1.7 trillion, a balance that far exceeds outstanding credit card or auto debt. Calls for broad student loan forgiveness date back to the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011, shortly before outstanding education debt surpassed $1 trillion. Today the average balance is over $30,000, up from $12,000 in 1980. At the time, advocates began to question why corporations should get a bailout from the government on their debt but not everyday Americans who had sought an education."

At first, I thought this whole student loan debt thing would probably be the most evil and dispicable concept since Obamacare and pre-existing conditions -- but I was wrong...after reading this bill, this student loan debt program is the worse thing to happen in this country since slavery.....There is no justification to bail out people over their student loan debt...they knew what they were signing up for....and trying to claim that if Wall Street gets a bailout, why can't everyone else?

That is ridiculous....First of all, successful Wall Street executives are far more deserving of being bailed out than some Joe Schmo out there with 18K in student loan debt for his stupid liberal arts degree....How is he more worthy than a hedgefund manager?? This hateful liberal policy is a blatant attack on our country's very existence -- and every state should sue this administration and have this program stopped....use that money for something more beneficial to everyday Americans like more corporate tax cuts.....
Same with Socialism, in all of history it's never worked
It always works, but it's always attacked, sanctioned..etc. More, just because it supposedly never worked in the past, doesn't imply it won't work now or in the future. Capitalism didn't replace chattel slavery and feudalism overnight, it took centuries. The merchants didn't become industrialized overnight, that transformation of capital was dependent upon material conditions and technology. The kings and nobles, the feudal lords, and the monarchies were at war with Republican rebels for centuries, who were defending the vested interests and freedoms of the mercantile class, and eventually, those merchants and traders became industrialists. They eliminated the power of monarchs and replaced slaves and serfs with employees, who had a bit more freedom than slaves and serfs. We improve, evolve, and adopt new and better modes of production.

So I'm going to be a jerk now and start saying things like "Ah you merchants, you Republicans are always failing, losing at the hand of kings and feudal lords. The nobles are always kicking your butts". " Capitalism is a pipe dream, it's a bunch of market utopianism, you people are naive and deluded". The divine right of kings was difficult to overcome and replace with republics and capitalism. Not easy, it took time, trial and error, successes and failures. In the end, the capitalists, the Republicans, won, due to technology, and material conditions, that made capitalism and republics inevitable. Socialism, the socialization and democratization of production due to the advancement of technology, is inevitable. No one can stop it. Socialism is the future, even Einstein knew that:

Socialism is inevitable when advanced technology makes production highly efficient and automated. With the loss of human labor and wages, there is a need to produce everything that we consume for the sole purpose of consumption, rather than for a profit or the commoditization of products in markets. With the elimination of wage-labor, there are no more paying consumers, hence no more markets. Society has to then organize production to meet human needs rather than human greed or profits. It's that simple.
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Why not just force all Colleges and Universities to lower their tuition by $10,000, and then put a price freeze on tuition costs?

Oops, that would impact his donors in the Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby.

Instead he wants to punish taxpayers for the irresponsibility of Students and the Greed of College Administrators and their faculty.
I have heard elsewhere that these people will get a 1099 for the forgiven debt, and will have to pay taxes on it as income.
Is this true?
I am generally not a fan of this. I don't necessarily agree with the premise that we're eating the bill for it, as those loans were already disbursed. But I kind of agree with Larry Summers in that this could lead to inflationary pressure going back in the wrong direction. Beyond that, I think it's just opening up a major can of worms. Like who decides that someone earning $100-125K (which is still a decent income by the way) should get loan exemptions, but someone earning $130K or 150K should not? Just not a good idea.
Of course we're eating the bill for this. If we aren't, then who is?

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