We get to pay for student loans. Great.

In prisons, you're locked up in a cell, a cage, like an animal. Forced to live in a facility with violent criminals. In the society that I want to live in, there is modern infrastructure, so you will have plenty of mobility, and freedom of movement. Mass, public transit is modern and well developed. You can hop on a train in NYC and arrive in Seattle or San Francisco in eight or ten hours, on cross-country highspeed rail (bullet trains). No one is homeless, unemployed, hungry, uneducated, or unskilled, without healthcare or freedom of movement, whether they have a private vehicle or not. As technology advances, we will have to adopt a resource-based economy or socialism, due to the loss of wage-labor.
When I looked up towards the sky a few minutes ago, I could have just sworn I saw a pie!!!!

Now I know.
In prisons, you're locked up in a cell, a cage, like an animal. Forced to live in a facility with violent criminals. In the society that I want to live in, there is modern infrastructure, so you will have plenty of mobility, and freedom of movement. Mass, public transit is modern and well developed. You can hop on a train in NYC and arrive in Seattle or San Francisco in eight or ten hours, on cross-country highspeed rail (bullet trains). No one is homeless, unemployed, hungry, uneducated, or unskilled, without healthcare or freedom of movement, whether they have a private vehicle or not. As technology advances, we will have to adopt a resource-based economy or socialism, due to the loss of wage-labor.
And when do you expect to see this?
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In prisons, you're locked up in a cell, a cage, like an animal. Forced to live in a facility with violent criminals. In the society that I want to live in, there is modern infrastructure, so you will have plenty of mobility, and freedom of movement. Mass, public transit is modern and well developed. You can hop on a train in NYC and arrive in Seattle or San Francisco in eight or ten hours, on cross-country highspeed rail (bullet trains). No one is homeless, unemployed, hungry, uneducated, or unskilled, without healthcare or freedom of movement, whether they have a private vehicle or not. As technology advances, we will have to adopt a resource-based economy or socialism, due to the loss of wage-labor.
So, it's one of them fancy prisons they send rich people to?
I have to disagree. My brothers have made millions on innovative technologies that are good for humanity and the environment. In fact, their contribution is acknowledged world wide.
As technology advances, the need for human labor will decrease, and that includes wages.

In prisons, you're locked up in a cell, a cage, like an animal. Forced to live in a facility with violent criminals. In the society that I want to live in, there is modern infrastructure, so you will have plenty of mobility, and freedom of movement. Mass, public transit is modern and well developed. You can hop on a train in NYC and arrive in Seattle or San Francisco in eight or ten hours, on cross-country highspeed rail (bullet trains). No one is homeless, unemployed, hungry, uneducated, or unskilled, without healthcare or freedom of movement, whether they have a private vehicle or not. As technology advances, we will have to adopt a resource-based economy or socialism, due to the loss of wage-labor.

So you don't have as much freedom. Isn't it worth it to get all the other things you want like free healthcare, food, cable television, laundry service, equality? And guess what, nobody there has any guns either. Leftist utopia.
So, it's one of them fancy prisons they send rich people to?
Well if you consider modern life a "prison", where scarcity is mostly eliminated and you have all of your needs met, then yes for you it would be a prison. You could however get some counseling or mental health care, to help you cope with having all of your needs met and living in a high-tech modern society.
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R FoDW Years ago during DumBama I was at the Post Office. The line was long and the black elderly lady in front of me said out loud "All these people here, and they only have one attendant. Does anybody in this place care!" The postal worker at the window kept her head down and just raised her eyes at the lady. I told her don't look now, but this is what they want to do with our healthcare. She just gave me a dirty look. :badgrin:
FedEx or UPS used to have tv commercial where a line of customers was waiting at the window for service while the postal worker was talking on the telephone about what he was going to do on the weekend

Finally he hangs up the phone, looks at the clock, and closes the window for lunch

The USPS raised such a fuss they had to take it down

But I still remember it after all these years
So you don't have as much freedom. Isn't it worth it to get all the other things you want like free healthcare, food, cable television, laundry service, equality? And guess what, nobody there has any guns either. Leftist utopia.
This is American communism, not Chinese, Russian or Cuban. You can keep your guns and combat rifles and you will always have access to ammunition. Actually, American communists are pro-gun. We're not purple-haired "woke" leftists, that's not true Marxism. Yes, you will have housing, food, a job and purpose, healthcare, education, and all of the modern amenities, gadgets, devices, trinkets, and toys you enjoy now. You just won't be a slave anymore to the rich or billionaire capitalist class, that now own your life/labor and practically everything else. You will be truly free.
This is American communism, not Chinese, Russian or Cuban. You can keep your guns and combat rifles. Actually, American communists are pro-gun. We're not purple-haired "woke" leftists, that's not true Marxism. Yes, you will have housing, food, a job and purpose, healthcare, education, and all of the modern amenities, gadgets, devices, trinkets, and toys you enjoy now. You just won't be a slave anymore to the rich or billionaire capitalist class, that now own your life/labor and practically everything else.
Are American communist politicians going to be any less corrupt than russians or chinese?

I doubt it because communism demands absolute power to function

And absolute power breeds absolute corruption
This is American communism, not Chinese, Russian or Cuban. You can keep your guns and combat rifles. Actually, American communists are pro-gun. We're not purple-haired "woke" leftists, that's not true Marxism. Yes, you will have housing, food, a job and purpose, healthcare, education, and all of the modern amenities, gadgets, devices, trinkets, and toys you enjoy now. You just won't be a slave anymore to the rich or billionaire capitalist class, that now own your life/labor and practically everything else.

They don't own anything of mine. The great part about this country is you can open up your own business anytime. You can get into lawn care, construction, HVAC, transportation and work for yourself if you desire. You are your own boss.

Any government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take everything away. Speaking of freedom, the less government dependency, the more freedom you have.
Harvard & Yale should liquidate their endowments if the elites are serious about “forgiving” student loan debt. Why should the truck driver pay for the Ivy League Doctor’s unpaid debt? This shouldn’t be working folks’ burden. The Democrats are the party of, by & for the elites

Asking plumbers and carpenters to pay off the loans of Wall Street advisors and lawyers isn’t just unfair. It’s also bad policy.
In general it's terrible because it says "wrack up debt, someone else will pay for it".

I don't care how shitty student debt is, it's still something you have to read and agree to. It's a contract you agreed to sign. You should have weighed your options and considered if it will help you enough to take it on. It's each person's responsibility to decide if it's worth it to them.

Besides, if you get your student loans forgiven then you get to keep your education. They can't give it back.

If students get their loans forgiven then why can't I have my mortgage forgiven? Or car payments? Credit card debt. I agreed to borrow money under their terms and conditions just like students did.

In general, you can get most debts discharged in bankruptcy proceedings. In the case of a home, the bank takes the property back. In the case of college student loans, the borrower is screwed.

I think a possible 'middle ground' solution is to have some sort of move toward allowing students and the government work out a controlled bankruptcy which the student could have mostly discharged, but with some stipulations. I don't think it should permanently damage their credit score, but it should make them ineligible for student loans anytime in the near future. Beyond that, I'd propose that students not simply walk away from their debt. They pay what they can based on income and current assets and then the government writes the rest off as a loss.

The government really needs to tighten the supply of loans it gives out to schools and schools should be more accountable for loans/students that underperform and turn into debt delinquents
Are American communist politicians going to be any less corrupt than russians or chinese?

I doubt it because communism demands absolute power to function

And absolute power breeds absolute corruption

You insist that it is that way, hence for you, in your mind, it's that way, forever, until the end of time. This is what you believe and nothing will ever change your mind or negative opinion with respect to communism. There's only one type of communism and that's the communism that you believe is the only type of communism that can exist.
For Mac-7, there's no such thing as democracy in communism. That's impossible, it just can't happen (even though Marx clearly states that democracy is the foundation of socialism). For Mac-7, a democratic communist society is like a giant purple unicorn wrapped in blinking Christmas tree lights, it simply doesn't exist.

Technology will never replace human wage labor, there won't be mass unemployment, despite whatever reality apparently seems to be indicating otherwise or what is self-evidently the case. There will always be a million + homeless Americans, there will always be crime and drug-infested streets, there will always be people who are going bankrupt due to medical bills, there will always be people without access to healthcare, and there will always be people that can't afford an education, don't have the time or energy to go to school after working two fulltime jobs. There will always be a crumbling infrastructure in America, there will always be a wealthy ruling class bribing our politicians in the halls of government, to pass laws that serve their vested interests at the expense of the public, there will always be mass illegal immigration, there will always be all of the societal ills and problems that we suffer from now. There is no way to change that, it will always exist. This is the apocalyptic, pessimistic world of Mac-7.

I disagree.
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If this POS cock sucking liberal **** can do this without the approval of congress.....hopefully the next guy can UNDO it without the approval of congress.
It's also kind of ass backwards. We're going to retroactively give free college loans to people of the past while stiffing those of the past who paid back their loans or a good portion of them, while making current and future students pay for their education at a time when college costs are much higher now than they were in the past. This is wrong on so many levels. And, every state is different when it comes to all of the variables.

I paid all $60K plus of my loans and yeah, would have loved a program like this. Even so, I don't feel particularly cheated or anything. I'm just not sure that this is really a solution to anything, and it probably doesn't help the people who really need it the most. Just saying "All people who earn between X and Y amount are gonna get $10,000" -- I mean we kinda went through this already with the pandemic stimuluses.

The people who need it are the ones who are seriously in arrears and who owe like a quarter million dollars (yes, people like that really do exist). Or people who have a gargantuan debt to income ratio. But the cynic in mean suspects the political handlers saw votes rather than need. I think he's going to regret this.

On a completely different tangent, our higher ed system needs total overhaul, as does much of our education system in general. It's insane that people feel the need to take out the equivalent of a small home to "join the middle class". Even more insane that the system that keeps the spigots flowing issues no-questions-asked, just-sign-here loans. It shouldn't be like this but here we are and we're stuck with this system until it all collapses I'm afraid.
I paid for my own college education. I got a BS and MS and an additional MBA, all debt free.

Why should I be taxed to pay for the college education of those turkey's whose worthless college education could not provide enough payback for the money they borrowed?

It is despicable that these Democrats support such an oppressive plan.
They don't own anything of mine. The great part about this country is you can open up your own business anytime. You can get into lawn care, construction, HVAC, transportation and work for yourself if you desire. You are your own boss.

Any government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take everything away. Speaking of freedom, the less government dependency, the more freedom you have.

All of that depends upon wage labor because not everyone owns their own business and if that were the case, no one would have any money. The foundation of capitalism is wage labor. That's how everything is produced now, especially the machines that you will operate to mow that lawn. About 50% of America live paycheck to paycheck, and about 65% have less than $1000 in their bank accounts. Many Americans can't even afford a $500 emergency. This idea that everyone can just start a business is quite naive and doesn't address the fundamental endemic inequalities in our economic system, that undermine people's ability to support themselves and meet their needs.

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