We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Homeless people need to be housed, fed, receive medical treatment/drug rehab/mental health care, and become part of a program to rebuild their lives. Job training, employment guarantees in the public sector, and opportunities to work in the private sector as well. That's what they need and what society needs to do with them, it's not just for the benefit of the homeless. Getting rid of homelessness benefits everyone.
You cwnt end homelessness by coddling drug addicts and borderline insane persons

They have ruined their lives and very few of them can be rehabilitated
Thats slightly less onerous

Maybe if we limited tuition assistance for college to what vocational training costs you might find some support
We need everyone, not just plumbers and AC technicians. We need doctors, nurses, engineers..etc. America needs to compete with China and Russia, or we're going to become a third-world country. We're almost there, if not there already.
I am generally not a fan of this. I don't necessarily agree with the premise that we're eating the bill for it, as those loans were already disbursed. But I kind of agree with Larry Summers in that this could lead to inflationary pressure going back in the wrong direction. Beyond that, I think it's just opening up a major can of worms. Like who decides that someone earning $100-125K (which is still a decent income by the way) should get loan exemptions, but someone earning $130K or 150K should not? Just not a good idea.
It's also kind of ass backwards. We're going to retroactively give free college loans to people of the past while stiffing those of the past who paid back their loans or a good portion of them, while making current and future students pay for their education at a time when college costs are much higher now than they were in the past. This is wrong on so many levels. And, every state is different when it comes to all of the variables.
You cwnt end homelessness by coddling drug addicts and borderline insane persons

They have ruined their lives and very few of them can be rehabilitated
Some of them need more help than others, but we have to eliminate homelessness and we will. Most Americans have enough common sense to vote for that.
In our society we can make education a human right, along with food, housing, healthcare, and employment.
I've never understood what it's supposed to mean to call these kinds of things "human rights". I mean, you can say "healthcare is a human right", but what does that mean? Does it mean you're free to take care of your health however you wish, without interference from the state?

Or, does it mean that you have the "right" to force other people to provide you with healthcare (or food, or housing, or employment, etc... )?
We need everyone, not just plumbers and AC technicians. We need doctors, nurses, engineers..etc. America needs to compete with China and Russia, or we're going to become a third-world country. We're almost there, if not there already.
Someone here put it best but I cant remember who it was

The gist is, that if your college education was not worth YOU paying for it why should the rest of us pay instead?

I basically offered you part of your tuition to study the communist dialectic, if the rest is not worth anything to you its worth even less to me

Maybe you should become a plumber instead
Some of them need more help than others, but we have to eliminate homelessness and we will. Most Americans have enough common sense to vote for that.
It aint rocket science

Build rehab camps in the middle of nowhere that offer them a chance to dry out and kick the habit

If they succeed fine

If they dont put them back for 6 more months rehab as many times as it takes
I've never understood what it's supposed to mean to call these kinds of things "human rights". I mean, you can say "healthcare is a human right", but what does that mean? Does it mean you're free to take care of your health however you wish, without interference from the state?

Or, does it mean that you have the right to force other people to provide you with healthcare (or food, or house, or employment, etc... )?

It means that the society that you live in considers healthcare services your right. If you walk into the emergency room for example, under our current system, society makes it mandatory for hospitals to treat you, even if you're broke. You will get a $20,000 bill in the mail a week later, but nonetheless, there are no credit checks, no one is going to deprive you of the care you need on the grounds that you may not pay the 20K. Our society may be under a capitalist system, but it still values human life, up to a point, hence granting you the right to receive treatment in an emergency.

You can live in a society that recognizes the state of your health as something worth considering and protecting. Healthcare can be acknowledged as a vital need for human survival and success, and as a society we want our members to survive and thrive. So I want you, my neighbor, to have healthcare, a primary care physician, and access to medication, medical care, and treatments, to keep you as healthy as possible. That's awesome, isn't it? I care for you, you care for me, because we are both human beings, on this little rock called "Earth" floating in the vast, dark vacuum of endless space. Yes that's right, all we have is each other, and I may not know your name or who you are, but you are human, like me, and I want my fellow human beings to be healthy and have access to healthcare. Hopefully, others will afford me the same level of consideration, returning the favor.
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It aint rocket science

Build rehab camps in the middle of nowhere that offer them a chance to dry out and kick the habit

If they succeed fine

If they dont put them back for 6 more months rehab as many times as it takes
That's a good idea, for those who refuse to stop using drugs. Drug rehab work camp or the mental institution. Yep. Housing isn't for those who want to keep drugging, because they'll turn the housing unit into a drug and crime-infested shithole. Communists, we're tough on crime. I believe drug dealers should be hung or put in front of a firing squad. However, those who are just addicts shouldn't be criminalized or burdened with a criminal record, that only undermines their ability to get back on their feet. If they insist on using drugs and hurting themselves, hurting their community by being a junkie, then they go to rehab camp. Yes, that's a good idea what you're saying.
That's a good idea, for those who refuse to stop using drugs. Drug rehab work camp or the mental institution. Yep. Housing isn't for those who want to keep drugging, because they'll turn the housing unit into a drug and crime-infested shithole. Communists, we're tough on crime. I believe drug dealers should be hung or put in front of a firing squad. However, those who are just addicts shouldn't be criminalized or burdened with a criminal record, that only undermines their ability to get back on their feet. If they insist on using drugs and hurting themselves, hurting their community by being a junkie, then they go to rehab camp. Yes, that's a good idea what you're saying.
Give them all 6 months

If thats all they need thats all they will have to do

Its up to the druggies themselves
Thank you. I agree education should be affordable. The tuition numbers that I have seen are staggering.

They are 'staggering' because of government backed loans, take those loans away and they will be forced to bring prices down to an affordable level. It's why there are many institutions struggling with enrollment right now, the feds did put a limit on how much the student could borrow to place the onus on the parents, because too many were defaulting on their loans. So now the pressure is on parents to go 10's and 100's of thousands of dollars into debt if they want little Johnny to go to college. Universities are completely over rated and bloated with corruption, with those at the top making ridiculous salaries. You can learn more on the job than you ever will with a 4 year education at any university, especially in tech. And many corps are now waving the degree requirement as well, it's only a matter of time until it's not really all that important any longer. Why waste 4 years of your life going into debt when in those same 4 years you could be a productive member of society and earning money, while at the same time learning a skill and knowing far more in your trade than anyone coming out with a degree. A college degree is one of the biggest scams out there.,
My oldest son never went to college.

He went onto a trade instead.

He was jealous that his younger brother was getting a loan to go to college.

I pointed out that he had four years to make money and build an experience base
that his brother would miss out on.

And that’s what happened. His younger brother spent four plus years in what amounts to poverty and now has a mountain of debt.

They both now make similar money but that debt remains
Nope. The loan is forgiven by the US government. They’ll literally just hit “delete” on a digital account balance. It wont cost you or anyone else a freaking dime.

This is...weapon-grade stupid.

Actually, the federal government doesn't need your tax dollars to pay for anything, because it's the exclusive issuer of the USD. Eliminating student debt and offering American citizens a tuition-free education and vocational training, is one of the best investments we could ever make as a nation. Educating and training the populace, creating a well-educated, competent, skilled American workforce, will provide a return on our investment of 1000-fold. A very high return.

That's the stupidest thing I have seen in weeks.

Republicans believe in empowering the rich at the expense of the working class. Our country's infrastructure, its manufacturing base, and American workers are being gutted like fish by the wealthy ruling class in this country, that Republicans serve like slaves and support. Trickle-down economics doesn't work.

Ray, are you a millionaire or a working class person? Are you on Medicare? Do you have VA medical benefits?

That is...weapon-grade stupid.

No Rigby because the US federal government can't go insolvent, due to being the exclusive issuer of the currency. Watch this:
(stupid videos removed)

Zimbabwe didn't go insolvent...but their money became worthless! Just like the Weimar republic.
You sound angry and bitter that you didn't go to college. You need help with that. It's eating at you.

This, class, is a PERFECT example of projection!

Not true.
Communism has a history of success for millions of years.
Socialism obvious works much better than pure capitalism, and the US is about half and half.

You did NOT type that with a straight face. It's not possible.
I've never understood what it's supposed to mean to call these kinds of things "human rights". I mean, you can say "healthcare is a human right", but what does that mean? Does it mean you're free to take care of your health however you wish, without interference from the state?

Or, does it mean that you have the "right" to force other people to provide you with healthcare (or food, or housing, or employment, etc... )?

Just about every successful country including Israel, Australia and Saudi Arabia have some sort of universal healthcare. It's good to have a healthy workforce and healthy children.
So society has an obligation to force others to provide you with stuff?
No, there are all types of societies. In some societies, you hardly have any rights and it's a dog-eat-dog, every man for himself type of environment. There are other societies where people care for each other and use modern technology to increase everyone's well-being as much as possible. Perhaps you want to live in a society where tens of millions of people don't have access to healthcare, an education, they can't afford to house themselves. You can fight, politically and however else you choose to do it, to create that dog-eat-dog society that you want to live in.

I'm an activist for creating an America where food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment is a human right. An America where no one is homeless, hungry, unemployed, or without healthcare and an education. That's the society, the America, that I want to live in and I'm doing what I can to create that version of America that I want. There's what you want, and there's what I want. We both envision two different Americas.

I want an America where every American collectively owns the vital infrastructure (heavy industries) and natural wealth of the nation. So the oil, gas, mining, nuclear plants, basic utilities (electric, water), banks, telecom, public transit/transportation/highspeed rail/highways/bridges, space infrastructure, exploration, and colonization/NASA, healthcare (public sector alongside a private healthcare sector) is our commonwealth, belonging to every American, not just a few billionaires (Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos. etc). An investment group comprised of billionaires. No. WE THE PEOPLE, OWN IT. Not just a few rich dudes, while the rest of us are serfs, slaves, and abused, exploited "employeeees". Musk doesn't own Mars or the mines of the asteroid belts, no. Musk shouldn't own Starlink, why should he? The US government is paying for it. We own it. You own it, I own it, everybody owns it. It's teamwork, people working together to create a better world, for everyone.

The private sector should mostly, with few exceptions, remain within the consumer goods and services area of the economy, not for vital, heavy industries. The societal, infrastructural, and vital industries are nationalized and owned by the American people. So who here is the true patriot? I want Americans to own it together and for America to take credit for our successes and exploits, not one billionaire or private company. I want the glory and honor to go to America, to the American people, not a company, one family, one rich guy. No no no. Who is the true patriot? Those who want to hand all of our nation's wealth and resources to a few rich people, while the rest of America is consigned to serfdom, under a modern feudal system, ruled by private corporations? Technology replaces wage labor and people become unemployed, living off of a government check or "UBI", i.e. Universal Basic Income? That's trash, garbage. Americans own it, we all own it together. That's true patriotism.
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No, there are all types of societies. In some societies, you hardly have any rights and it's a dog-eat-dog, every man for himself type of environment. There are other societies where people care for each other and use modern technology to increase everyone's well-being as much as possible. Perhaps you want to live in a society where tens of millions of people don't have access to healthcare, an education, they can't afford to house themselves. You can fight, politically and however else you choose to do it, to create that dog-eat-dog society that you want to live in.

I'm an activist for creating an America where food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment is a human right. An America where no one is homeless, hungry, unemployed, or without healthcare and an education. That's the society, the America, that I want to live in and I'm doing what I can to create that version of America that I want. There's what you want, and there's what I want. We both envision two different Americas.

I want an America where every American collectively owns the vital infrastructure (heavy industries) and natural wealth of the nation. So the oil, gas, mining, nuclear plants, basic utilities (electric, water), banks, telecom, public transit/transportation/highspeed rail/highways/bridges, space infrastructure, exploration, and colonization/NASA, healthcare (public sector alongside a private healthcare sector) is our commonwealth, belonging to every American, not just a few billionaires (Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos. etc). An investment group comprised of billionaires. No. WE THE PEOPLE, OWN IT. Not just a few rich dudes, while the rest of us are serfs, slaves, and abused, exploited "employeeees". Musk doesn't own Mars or the mines of the asteroid belts, no. Musk shouldn't own Starlink, why should he? The US government is paying for it. We own it. You own it, I own it, everybody owns it. We all work it, together. It's teamwork, people working together to create a better world, for everyone.

The private sector should mostly be for consumer goods, not for vital, heavy industries. The societal, infrastructural, and heavy industries are nationalized and owned by the American people. So who here is the true patriot? I want Americans to own it together and for America to take credit for our successes and exploits, not one billionaire or private company. I want the glory and honor to go to America, to the American people, not a company, one family, one rich guy. No no no. Who is the true patriot? Those who want to hand all of our nation's wealth and resources to a few rich people, while the rest of America become serfs in a modern feudal system? Technology replaces wage labor and people become unemployed, living off a government check or "UBI", i.e. Universal Basic Income. That's trash, garbage. Americans own it, we all own it together. That's true patriotism.

I like your post, but most oil exploration is on private property. I don't think it's a good idea to do away with private property.
They are 'staggering' because of government backed loans, take those loans away and they will be forced to bring prices down to an affordable level. It's why there are many institutions struggling with enrollment right now, the feds did put a limit on how much the student could borrow to place the onus on the parents, because too many were defaulting on their loans. So now the pressure is on parents to go 10's and 100's of thousands of dollars into debt if they want little Johnny to go to college. Universities are completely over rated and bloated with corruption, with those at the top making ridiculous salaries.

You can learn more on the job than you ever will with a 4 year education at any university, especially in tech. And many corps are now waving the degree requirement as well, it's only a matter of time until it's not really all that important any longer. Why waste 4 years of your life going into debt when in those same 4 years you could be a productive member of society and earning money, while at the same time learning a skill and knowing far more in your trade than anyone coming out with a degree. A college degree is one of the biggest scams out there.,

Nope. Higher education is good for our country in STEM, but also in liberal arts, English and literature.

The multi millionaires I know majored in English or engineering and business. A good education fosters lifelong learning.

Learning critical thinking skills is invaluable.

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