We get to pay for student loans. Great.

I just have 1 question:

When am I going to get my check paying me back for the thousands of dollars in student debt I worked hard to pay off myself like a responsible adult who contributes to society, instead of like some liberal leach who insists others pay their bills while they live off their parents in mommy and daddy's basement, like Dr. Oz's 'Blue collar' political opponent?
I am generally not a fan of this. I don't necessarily agree with the premise that we're eating the bill for it, as those loans were already disbursed. But I kind of agree with Larry Summers in that this could lead to inflationary pressure going back in the wrong direction. Beyond that, I think it's just opening up a major can of worms. Like who decides that someone earning $100-125K (which is still a decent income by the way) should get loan exemptions, but someone earning $130K or 150K should not? Just not a good idea.

In general it's terrible because it says "wrack up debt, someone else will pay for it".

I don't care how shitty student debt is, it's still something you have to read and agree to. It's a contract you agreed to sign. You should have weighed your options and considered if it will help you enough to take it on. It's each person's responsibility to decide if it's worth it to them.

Besides, if you get your student loans forgiven then you get to keep your education. They can't give it back.

If students get their loans forgiven then why can't I have my mortgage forgiven? Or car payments? Credit card debt. I agreed to borrow money under their terms and conditions just like students did.
In either case, how do you tell the taxpayer that did not go to college or the the taxpayer that saved their money and paid off college or the taxpayer that took out a more manageable loan - how do you tell them all they are on the hook for these foolish people who took on unnecessary debt for higher education and can’t pay it back?

That's what I said before. I'm expected to go out and work my blue collar job to send people to college. When they become a doctor or lawyer and I need their services, they charge me $300.00 an hour. I see nothing fair about that.
Another flaw in this system is that it is easy for students and their families to take out 6 digit loans for school compared to a blue collar worker or small business owner to take out a 5 digit loan to start a business. In addition, if the student fails to pay it back, then the taxpayers bail them out.
I hope this costs the Dimocrat party big time!

Hopefully it will work two ways. It will piss of Dims who were of course like everything else, want all of their bills paid by someone else, and at the same time will piss off and motivate Republicans to get out and vote.
I just have 1 question:

When am I going to get my check paying me back for the thousands of dollars in student debt I worked hard to pay off myself like a responsible adult who contributes to society, instead of like some liberal leach who insists others pay their bills while they live off their parents in mommy and daddy's basement, like Dr. Oz's 'Blue collar' political opponent?

My children paid off their student loans in the early 1990s and they aren't bitching.
I just have 1 question:

When am I going to get my check paying me back for the thousands of dollars in student debt I worked hard to pay off myself like a responsible adult who contributes to society, instead of like some liberal leach who insists others pay their bills while they live off their parents in mommy and daddy's basement, like Dr. Oz's 'Blue collar' political opponent?
And if/when we get that check, will it be only for the amount we borrowed (and paid back) or will it be adjusted for inflation?
My reaction to that is - stop all forms of welfare abuse

You dont get to rip off tax payers because others are doing it
You want America to have a modern infrastructure, not one that is falling apart and behind the rest of the industrialized world. Right? You want that, even if you're 85 years old because you care about your country and your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. etc. You don't want this:

We want a government that serves the public good, not corporations at the expense of the people.
I borrowed $3,000.00 as a student loan so that my wife and I could get in a year as full time college students, my senior year, and only work part time. We paid it back in full and on time.
I see no reason to condition people to believe that they don't have to repay money they borrow. If any group deserves help with their debts it would be low income earners who assumed massive debt to pay medical bills for gravely ill loved ones.
It benefits the student the most. College graduates (usually) make better money than blue collar workers. Why should blue collar workers pay for somebody else to make better money than them?

When this unreal debt you speak of gets so large we can't even pay the interest on it, yes, we go into default and nobody will lend us a dime. It will be a worldwide economic collapse.

When I say tuition-free education, I'm not just referring to a college degree, but to vocational job training as well. Some will choose to become doctors and engineers and others will receive training in other fields and trades, so your claim that an educated and skilled workforce undermines our economy is quite odd, to put it mildly. The so-called national debt is simply a record of how much money is being invested in treasury bonds. Since the federal government is the exclusive issuer of the USD, it will never become insolvent and unable to meet its financial obligations. By increasing employment through public sector job guarantees, we increase our GDP and the nation's purchasing power, so the likelihood of runaway inflation is zero.
You want America to have a modern infrastructure, not one that is falling apart and behind the rest of the industrialized world. Right? You want that, even if you're 85 years old because you care about your country and your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. etc. You don't want this:

We want a government that serves the public good, not corporations at the expense of the people.

Let me get this straight

You think the people in your pictures are homeless because no one gave them a free college education so that they could become communists like you?

Except for STEM subjects, the overall quality of students being regurgitated by the universities is embarrassing

Or should be if libs had any shame at all
I borrowed $3,000.00 as a student loan so that my wife and I could get in a year as full time college students, my senior year, and only work part time. We paid it back in full and on time.
I see no reason to condition people to believe that they don't have to repay money they borrow. If any group deserves help with their debts it would be low income earners who assumed massive debt to pay medical bills for gravely ill loved ones.
In our society we can make education a human right, along with food, housing, healthcare, and employment.
Let me get this straight

You think the people in your pictures are homeless because no one gave them a free college education so that they could become communists like you?

Except for STEM subjects, the overall quality of students being regurgitated by the universities is embarrassing

Or should be if libs had any shame at all

Homeless people need to be housed, fed, receive medical treatment/drug rehab/mental health care, and become part of a program to rebuild their lives. Job training, employment guarantees in the public sector, and opportunities to work in the private sector as well. That's what they need and what society needs to do with them, it's not just for the benefit of the homeless. Getting rid of homelessness benefits everyone.
When I say tuition-free education, I'm not just referring to a college degree, but to vocational job training as well.
Thats slightly less onerous

Maybe if we limited tuition assistance for college to what vocational training costs you might find some support

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