We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Nope. Higher education is good for our country in STEM, but also in liberal arts, English and literature.

The multi millionaires I know majored in English or engineering and business. A good education fosters lifelong learning.

Learning critical thinking skills is invaluable.

You must be in higher education, my spouse actually works in higher ed, I've seen it first hand for years. For most degrees, it's a waste of time and money. Critical thinking skills, my ass, leftist indoctrination is more like it. :cool:
I like your post, but most oil exploration is on private property. I don't think it's a good idea to do away with private property.
If you own a piece of land with oil or gas, American Oil and Gas, can pay you a % of the profits or can buy the land from you. Compensate the owners of lands. American socialism will have its own unique character, it won't be Chinese or Russian. American socialism is unique and has its own characteristics.
If you own a piece of land with oil or gas, American Oil and Gas, can pay you a % of the profits or can buy the land from you. Compensate the owners of lands. American socialism will have its own unique character, it won't be Chinese or Russian. American socialism is unique and has its own characteristics.

Private property owners make money on an oil lease or on revenue shares. I doubt most would want to sell their land outright. There's a lot to be said for capitalism.. or compassionate capitalism. Some capitalists make money doing the right thing.

I'm not convinced that socialists or communists are universally less corrupt.
The same people cheering at Joe Biden unilaterally spending $300 billion to cancel the debt of affluent grad school alums were outraged when Trump declared a national emergency at the border to spend $6 billion on building the wall.
Someone here put it best but I cant remember who it was

The gist is, that if your college education was not worth YOU paying for it why should the rest of us pay instead?

I basically offered you part of your tuition to study the communist dialectic, if the rest is not worth anything to you its worth even less to me

Maybe you should become a plumber instead
In the society that you want to create, people have to pay money for their education. In the society that I and others would like to create, education is a vital part of our infrastructure and a human right for every member of society. So you receive a top education from pre-kinder to graduate school or vocational job training. I believe in a society that invests in people and sees education as an investment, with a very high ROI. The Return On Investment of having a well-educated and skilled populace and workforce is immeasurable. You can't even begin to calculate it, that's how immensely powerful and beneficial it is for everyone to be educated, skilled, competent, and oriented towards study and learning.
I'm an activist for creating an America where food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment is a human right. An America where no one is homeless, hungry, unemployed, or without healthcare and an education. That's the society, the America, that I want to live in and I'm doing what I can to create that version of America that I want.

We already have places like that in our country. We call them prisons, and they're not hard to get into.
We already have places like that in our country. We call them prisons, and they're not hard to get into.
I don't know about that.

The same democrat party that has been attacking the middle class has been making it increasingly difficult to get into prison these days.

In fact, it appears that their actual goal is lawlessness.
The same people cheering at Joe Biden unilaterally spending $300 billion to cancel the debt of affluent grad school alums were outraged when Trump declared a national emergency at the border to spend $6 billion on building the wall.
The affluent grad school alums as you put it aren’t benefiting. The losers who majored in worthless shit like 16th century lesbian poetry studies; these are the assclowns getting bailed out. You can find them selling coffee at your local Starbucks, or waiting tables at the truck stop diner. Oh the ones who didn’t pursue a degree, and went straight into the workforce and trades are are also footing the bill.
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The same people cheering at Joe Biden unilaterally spending $300 billion to cancel the debt of affluent grad school alums were outraged when Trump declared a national emergency at the border to spend $6 billion on building the wall.

Trump's wall is a vanity... it's not a solution to illegal immigration. Why are you still pretending it is?
Just about every successful country including Israel, Australia and Saudi Arabia have some sort of universal healthcare. It's good to have a healthy workforce and healthy children.

Years ago during DumBama I was at the Post Office. The line was long and the black elderly lady in front of me said out loud "All these people here, and they only have one attendant. Does anybody in this place care!" The postal worker at the window kept her head down and just raised her eyes at the lady. I told her don't look now, but this is what they want to do with our healthcare. She just gave me a dirty look. :badgrin:
Private property owners make money on an oil lease or on revenue shares. I doubt most would want to sell their land outright. There's a lot to be said for capitalism.. or compassionate capitalism. Some capitalists make money doing the right thing.

I'm not convinced that socialists or communists are universally less corrupt.

There's corruption wherever there are human beings, doing or managing anything. Whether a communist government has the same degree of corruption as a government run by capitalist imperialists and their cronies, is debatable and I, of course, would take the position that it's not. However, whether we're able to recognize it or not, with the advancement of technology and the elimination of wage labor, there is an inevitable need for socializing production. That's just the way material production naturally evolves, from a capitalist-run for-profit enterprise system of production with markets to a socialistic, democratized, system of production without profits/capital or markets. We will be forced to get rid of our commodity and money fetish, as technology continues to replace human labor.
In the society that you want to create, people have to pay money for their education. In the society that I and others would like to create, education is a vital part of our infrastructure and a human right for every member of society. So you receive a top education from pre-kinder to graduate school or vocational job training. I believe in a society that invests in people and sees education as an investment, with a very high ROI. The Return On Investment of having a well-educated and skilled populace and workforce is immeasurable. You can't even begin to calculate it, that's how immensely powerful and beneficial it is for everyone to be educated, skilled, competent, and oriented towards study and learning.
The is no ROI where communists are concerned

If no one wants to pay you to babble nonsense about Marx then you are not productive and your education was wasted
In our society we can make education a human right, along with food, housing, healthcare, and employment.

Why do you want to change this society when there are countries that already have your utopia. North Korea, China, Cuba, and they would welcome you with open arms.
There's corruption wherever there are human beings, doing or managing anything. Whether a communist government has the same degree of corruption as a government run by capitalist imperialists and their cronies, is debatable and I, of course, would take the position that it's not. However, whether we're able to recognize it or not, with the advancement of technology and the elimination of wage labor, there is an inevitable need for socializing production. That's just the way material production naturally evolves, from a capitalist-run for-profit enterprise system of production with markets to a socialistic, democratized, system of production without profits/capital or markets. We will be forced to get rid of our commodity and money fetish, as technology continues to replace human labor.

I have to disagree. My brothers have made millions on innovative technologies that are good for humanity and the environment. In fact, their contribution is acknowledged world wide.
I hope this costs the Dimocrat party big time!

Hopefully it will work two ways. It will piss of Dims who were of course like everything else, want all of their bills paid by someone else, and at the same time will piss off and motivate Republicans to get out and vote.

Given that most of the people in college today are Democrats, you are correct, this will piss them off.

People that paid off their loan within the last five years or so will be asking "what about me???"
We already have places like that in our country. We call them prisons, and they're not hard to get into.

In prisons, you're locked up in a cell, a cage, like an animal. Forced to live in a facility with violent criminals. In the society that I want to live in, there is modern infrastructure, so you will have plenty of mobility, and freedom of movement. Mass, public transit is modern and well developed. You can hop on a train in NYC and arrive in Seattle or San Francisco in eight or ten hours, on cross-country highspeed rail (bullet trains). No one is homeless, unemployed, hungry, uneducated, or unskilled, without healthcare or freedom of movement, whether they have a private vehicle or not. As technology advances, we will have to adopt a resource-based economy or socialism, due to the loss of wage-labor.

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