We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Education is not a Ponzi scheme
Yes, yes it is, or you wouldn't be fighting to have all the student loans forgiven.

An educated workforce helps all.
Educated in what, mind you? Gender studies? Equity and Inclusion in the workforce? Why can't we educate people in skills that are beneficial to them as well as society instead of this garbage?
We live in a society.
As a contract w/society, the government, which is made up of our fellow citizens...
We agree to a contract, which is to pay taxes.
Taxes cover a gamut of things, like roads, schools, police, etc.
This is simply a part of living in a society.
And from what your and your ilk say in rhetoric, this is the best country in the world.
That has not yet expanded the contract to include higher education.
Got it!?!?
students signed a contract with taxpayers to repay their loans…xiden just broke that contract and betrayed the taxpayers he was elected to represent. He’s not fit for office
He did? I was a working class person, and my taxes were cut quite a bit. In fact a benefit was getting rid of commie care fines.

Obama care isn't commie, it did nothing to lower prices. Actual commie care would be at the very least, Medicare for all. Officially there wasn't a tax raise for the poor or working class but it didn't do much to help. The rich benefited the most. So I corrected what I said, because it was indeed wrong.
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students signed a contract with taxpayers to repay their loans…xiden just broke that contract and betrayed the taxpayers he was elected to represent. He’s not fit for office
Dunce, Sleepy Joe ran on forgiving student loans.

And the American people voted him in with a WHOPPING blow to your boy Trump.

Snap out of it!

Educated in what, mind you? Gender studies? Equity and Inclusion in the workforce? Why can't we educate people in skills that are beneficial to them as well as society instead of this garbage?
Common misinformation from Conservatives
Most students get worthless degrees

The most popular majors are Business, Healthcare, Education, STEM
Wars have nothing to do with this. And if they did, we should stop giving money to Ukraine. Right now.

Just admit you have no reasonable counter-argument and go in peace. You lose. Have a good day.
You're complaining about the money spent right? Right!?!?!

If so, then the money we spend on wars DEFINITELY has everything to do with this.
Dunce, Sleepy Joe ran on forgiving student loans.

And the American people voted him in with a WHOPPING blow to your boy Trump.

Snap out of it!

violating the contract these students made wirh taxpayers is undermine taxpayers. He betrayed us
violating the contract these students made wirh taxpayers is undermine taxpayers. He betrayed us
Sleepy Joe didn't betray a damn thing, he's fulfilling his promise to his constituents.
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Show me the law that he broke OP.

Listen to the speech that Ms. Pelosi gave, Marc.

Either Biden broke the law, or Pelosi perjured herself.

Time to raid the WH, confiscate Sleepy Joe's records and rummage through his old lady's unmentionables.
Sleepy Joe didn't betray a damn thing, he's fulfilling his promise to his constituents.
he’s not even doing that, he’s not forgiving all student loans!

he’s givin his big donors at big colleges a payback and reason to increase tutition

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