We get to pay for student loans. Great.

You're bothering me with your dishonest, shortsighted arguments. Why do you think the USSR was invaded by the United States and 14 other countries after WW1? The big capitalist imperialists were shitting bricks, knowing that Russia would become a superpower thanks to socialism, and it did. An under-industrialized, agrarian society, full of illeterate peasants. They like the Chinese had famines, practically every year. Socialism completely industrialized Russia and got rid of hunger, illiteracy..etc. Were there some challenges, obstacles, difficulties, and struggles? Yes, but eventually they overcame all of it. By the late 1930s, Russia was more mechanized than the US and was an industrial juggernaut, rivaling the United States, a nation that had a 120-year industrial headstart on the Soviet Union.

It was also invaded by four million Germans in WW2, lost nine million soldiers, and 18 million civilians. It lost most of its industrial infrastructure and economy during WW2, and yet in less than 15 years, it was launching satellites and cosmonauts into space. It became the world's second nuclear superpower, rivaling us. Their military, much of their economy, and infrastructure were very robust and always growing. Look at the stats of the Soviet economy. What destroyed it was its desire to end the cold war and pander to the American capitalists (the cold war wasn't an "arms race", it was an arms chase. The USSR didn't want to continue expanding its military). The successors of Stalin eventually destroyed the Soviet Union:

Socialists hate to spend too many resources on defense when we can be building highways, bridges, factories, railroads, subways, hospitals, universities, housing, new nuclear and hydroelectric plants, and exploring and colonizing space. We don't want to be encircled by most of the world, sanctioned, threatened, or attacked because all of that is expensive and undermines our ability to establish a democratic, socialist republic. When you hunker down, you become more centralized, and authoritarian. There was still a degree of democracy in the USSR, but it was a nation in a state of war, against a capitalist, imperialist empire, namely the US and its allies. It was under constant threat, hence you have to deal with fifth columns, dissidents, and agents of the enemy, even at the highest levels of government.

This analogy might sound corny, but it's true. Socialist countries are like little flowers, growing in a field of capitalist weeds that want to strangle and kill them. Maybe socialism can't exist until the weeds or the biggest weed of them all, becomes a flower, a socialist nation. If we adopt socialism, who's going to mess with us? No one. We're it. We were the BIG WEED, leading all of the other weeds to strangle socialist countries. So when advanced technology inevitably leads us to say "Oh OK, we need to adopt a new mode of production in order to survive this tech-apocalypse, and it looks a hell of a lot like................socialism!", until that realization happens (and it will eventually), socialist countries may not be able to survive, unless they adopt markets and play along with the USA, the capitalist imperialist empire, until it becomes the USSA:

Until that occurs, socialism will continue being sanctioned, attacked, undermined, sabotaged..etc. Advanced technology will eventually lead us, the USA, to become the USSA. It's inevitable, it will occur, sooner or later, most likely sooner than later. Then and only then will socialism flourish throughout the world. America will do socialism better than China and Russia. We will become the light of the nations, leading humanity to the stars.

Long post without telling me when communism or socialism has ever worked.

Can't can you...lol. It never has you blabbering moron
how much do you think we spent on education over that same 20 year period?
$1.6 trillion in student loan debt alone. I'd like to see Dems speak to the FACT that tuition costs have increased 460% faster than inflation while Dems stuff their pockets with student loan money kickbacks. Trust me it will be total crickets.
Yea…just like you get the bill for wars you don’t support, schools you don’t use, police protection you don’t need

Education is a benefit to society
It should not cripple you financially
No it shouldn’t that’s why every american can get a free education and in fact have to by law.

those seeking a higher education. are free to do so, we will even help them out by backing their loans…but they are loans.

they are free to make a choice then where to go to school.

the issue has been these greedy professors like Warren, that take advantage of these programs and charge half a million dollars to teach a course…driving up cost, that gets guaranteed by loans, bootstrapping students…and then screwing taxpayers
$1.6 trillion in student loan debt alone. I'd like to see Dems speak to the FACT that tuition costs have increased 460% faster than inflation while Dems stuff their pockets with student loan money kickbacks. Trust me it will be total crickets.
right? 10k does nothing, nor does it fix the problem.
Republicans have played up the idea that no American should be handed free money for student loan repayment. But a June NPR/Ipsos poll among American adults showed that 55 percent of Americans support giving the $10,000 in loan forgiveness to families making less than $125,000 a year.

The Republican House Judiciary committee posted a comment, "If you take out a loan, you pay it back. Period." They later ranted in all-caps, "NOTHING IS FREE."

In 2020 when the Paycheck Protection Program was created, at least 13 Republican lawmakers took advantage of the free money and never paid it back. The CARES Act handed over $27 million in loans to lawmakers and their families.

"Caregivers Inc., a Pensacola-based company in which Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has reported holding between $100,001 and $250,000 in corporate stock, received a PPP loan valued between $350,000 and $1 million," reported Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

Former President Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy six times under five different companies. The New Yorker detailed the extensive amount of business failures over the course of the past decades for Trump.

You deadbeats need to pay that money back
You Lefties sure love your false equivalencies. This is Biden buying votes and screwing the millions of people like me who paid their school debts.
Republicans = Deadbeat Borrowers!

This is why Texas & Florida have unlimited "Homestead Exemption" in their bankruptcy laws. Loan money flows into those Republican states & never gets paid back.
We spent $2 trillion on a war in Afghanistan that helped no one
Not a peep from Conservatives

But spend $500 billion on educating Americans and they throw a fit
The goal was to keep Al Queda at bay so they couldn't launch another attack on the US. It worked.

Since your Vegetable Messiah bugged out and gave the Taliban $80 billion in arms and a country to let Al Queda rebuild we can expect anther attack on the US courtesy of Veggie Joe.

And since he has opened the Southern Border for any terrorist to come into the country it will be easy for them.
Common misinformation from Conservatives
Most students get worthless degrees

The most popular majors are Business, Healthcare, Education, STEM
Correction, most woke Dimtard students get worthless degrees.
Paul Pelosi took PPP. You know, Nancy Pelosi's husband.

And Biden is stealing $300 billion from the rest of us with his unconstitutional EO.

For degrees like this that leftist-controlled colleges greedily take money for.

Republicans have played up the idea that no American should be handed free money for student loan repayment. But a June NPR/Ipsos poll among American adults showed that 55 percent of Americans support giving the $10,000 in loan forgiveness to families making less than $125,000 a year.

The Republican House Judiciary committee posted a comment, "If you take out a loan, you pay it back. Period." They later ranted in all-caps, "NOTHING IS FREE."

In 2020 when the Paycheck Protection Program was created, at least 13 Republican lawmakers took advantage of the free money and never paid it back. The CARES Act handed over $27 million in loans to lawmakers and their families.

"Caregivers Inc., a Pensacola-based company in which Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has reported holding between $100,001 and $250,000 in corporate stock, received a PPP loan valued between $350,000 and $1 million," reported Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

Former President Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy six times under five different companies. The New Yorker detailed the extensive amount of business failures over the course of the past decades for Trump.

You deadbeats need to pay that money back
When PPP was created the terms were clear, if you keep a payroll it would be forgiven, if not it would have to be repaid

That wasn’t the case with student loans
PPP was the government's meager and inefficient attempt to prevent failures of small businesses that THE GOVERNMENT closed or restricted because of GOVERNMENT COVID closures. If the GOVERNMENT hadn't forced those businesses to close, they wouldn't have to take PPP.

Each and every student loan, however, was taken voluntarily with the expectation it would have to be paid back.

No GOVERNMENT forced or coerced any person into taking a Student Loan.

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