We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Republicans have played up the idea that no American should be handed free money for student loan repayment. But a June NPR/Ipsos poll among American adults showed that 55 percent of Americans support giving the $10,000 in loan forgiveness to families making less than $125,000 a year.

The Republican House Judiciary committee posted a comment, "If you take out a loan, you pay it back. Period." They later ranted in all-caps, "NOTHING IS FREE."

In 2020 when the Paycheck Protection Program was created, at least 13 Republican lawmakers took advantage of the free money and never paid it back. The CARES Act handed over $27 million in loans to lawmakers and their families.

"Caregivers Inc., a Pensacola-based company in which Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has reported holding between $100,001 and $250,000 in corporate stock, received a PPP loan valued between $350,000 and $1 million," reported Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

Former President Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy six times under five different companies. The New Yorker detailed the extensive amount of business failures over the course of the past decades for Trump.

You deadbeats need to pay that money back
If this loan forgiveness was so damn important why didn't Potatohead take it out of the multi billion dollar endowments that the colleges have?

Why the American taxpayer?

In this case because we are $30 trillion in debt it will be our children and grandchildren having to pay it back. Why put our children and grandchildren in debt to pay off somebody's else's debt?

Why shouldn't someone making $120,000 a year have to pay back their own debt?

Why is Potatohead such a shitty President?

Why were you Moon Bats so stupid as to vote for the dipshit for President?
Show me the law that he broke OP.
Not really a law because there is no law required since it is a blatant violation of the Constitution, you raving lunatic.

The Constitution gives the sole power to spend money to Congress, not the executive branch.

But nobody here expects you to have the slightest clue what the Constitution says, Simp.
And here we have the other favorite Lefty goto, HEY LOOK OVER THERE!!!!
So you are good with deadbeats borrowing millions, then towing a mobile home onto their hundreds of acres of oil fields & cattle ranch, calling it their homestead, then filing bankruptcy keeping it all?

I only endorse a student debt bill that doesn't cost tax payers, add debt or cause inflation. Forcing the colleges & banks to eat the $10k will be deflationary, lower debt & save tax payers.

The debtor is just a stupid kid fresh out of high school that got swindled by flashy college advertisements & slick sales teams. The liar colleges need to be punished for selling the kid a worthless degree. The debtor is still on the hook for the loan balance that teaches them a valuable life lesson.
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Joe Biden illegally cancelled billions of dollars in student debt​

To be very precise: he just announced it as a “plan,” today. Technically, he hasn’t done anything illegal — yet.

As I pointed out to Leftwhiner, earlier today, and as others noted even before that, the President is not Constitutionally permitted to appropriate anything. The authority for that is vested exclusively in Congress.

So, Brandon’s announced plan is either an expression of his intent to violate the Constitution or he is going to have to pretend that Congress (via whatever law) had previously granted the President the authority to engage in such specific spending.

I’ve looked for such a law and have come up empty. Any ideas?
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At least it's not an issue for Trump since he doesn't pay taxes.
None of the rich are going to pay for it. They just get the benefit of having their kids education paid for by you. If I’m rich and have a kid in college I’m going to pay cash for all but 10k for that child’s college this year.That last 10k I’m going to finance and since nobody has to pay back anything for at least the rest of the year, I just wait it out and see if these moron democrats pay it off for me. What are the odds Bidumb is going to make you start paying in January? Fucking zero, it’s a safe bet so I’m going to finance the next 20k because next year he will do it again.

This is how idiots like you that hate rich people actually buttfuck yourselves with free shit. That rich kid is getting a job in daddy’s company. You? Well you’re getting the fucking bill.
Show me the law that he broke OP.
It's called the US Constitution....dipshit.
Only congress has the authority to spend money.
The president doesn't have that authority.
Nancy Pelosi wouldn't allow Trump $6 billion to build a wall.
The only reason she didn't try to impeach him for building the wall was because it was so popular.
Long post without telling me when communism or socialism has ever worked.

Can't can you...lol. It never has you blabbering moron
You disingenuously ignored all of the points I made, pretending they don't answer your question when they do. It's OK others will comprehend what I wrote and find value in it.
Fortunately I'm about to retire with all my money before the student loan taxes or SS taxes on all income can take effect. To Dems I say haha, you punks will squeeze nothing from me!
The amazing short sightedness of these people excited about the payoff have no idea they are going to pay more than triple that 10k in taxes over the next twenty years.
If this loan forgiveness was so damn important why didn't Potatohead take it out of the multi billion dollar endowments that the colleges have?

Why the American taxpayer?

In this case because we are $30 trillion in debt it will be our children and grandchildren having to pay it back. Why put our children and grandchildren in debt to pay off somebody's else's debt?

Why shouldn't someone making $120,000 a year have to pay back their own debt?

Why is Potatohead such a shitty President?

Why were you Moon Bats so stupid as to vote for the dipshit for President?
What's the principle behind your complaint?

Is it the amount or what?
Republicans have played up the idea that no American should be handed free money for student loan repayment. But a June NPR/Ipsos poll among American adults showed that 55 percent of Americans support giving the $10,000 in loan forgiveness to families making less than $125,000 a year.

The Republican House Judiciary committee posted a comment, "If you take out a loan, you pay it back. Period." They later ranted in all-caps, "NOTHING IS FREE."

In 2020 when the Paycheck Protection Program was created, at least 13 Republican lawmakers took advantage of the free money and never paid it back. The CARES Act handed over $27 million in loans to lawmakers and their families.

"Caregivers Inc., a Pensacola-based company in which Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has reported holding between $100,001 and $250,000 in corporate stock, received a PPP loan valued between $350,000 and $1 million," reported Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

Former President Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy six times under five different companies. The New Yorker detailed the extensive amount of business failures over the course of the past decades for Trump.

You deadbeats need to pay that money back
As usual, if Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!
Do Bidenistas really think that only republicans applied for PPP loans? The intent of PPP loans was to keep the economy going during the Covid sanctions created by democrats. What do we get for student loan forgiveness? More debt?

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