We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Again... when has it ever worked?

Let me help you, type never and you can go away. Frankly you're past tiresome
I already thoroughly answered your question, you can ignore it but others won't. If I am "tiresome", you can always click on my profile image and then click "ignore".
Nancy had to defend not doing this last year so they could save it for the election this year.

Just remember everyone, Diaper Boy dangled a few thousand dollars in front of everyone to get elected with a stimulus, and then took it all back, and then some, with higher gas prices and inflation.

Just imagine what he will do do you after giving you $10,000.

Government by decree. Chances are the lame duck democrat majority is going to spend as much as they can and leave it to republicans to sort it out.
Na, just hyperinflate the economy with even more spending and destroy the Republic and Constitution.

Keep it simple.
Here's the little White House Pirate explaining how they're going to pay for this latest boondoggle:

They're going to "lift the pause" at the end of the year? First of all, no they are not. They'll extend it again. Second of all lifting the pause would bring in very little revenue as deadbeats will have had all this time to make use of the multiple extensions, forebearances and other ways to avoid payment that we already had before the pause.
Republicans have played up the idea that no American should be handed free money for student loan repayment. But a June NPR/Ipsos poll among American adults showed that 55 percent of Americans support giving the $10,000 in loan forgiveness to families making less than $125,000 a year.

The Republican House Judiciary committee posted a comment, "If you take out a loan, you pay it back. Period." They later ranted in all-caps, "NOTHING IS FREE."

In 2020 when the Paycheck Protection Program was created, at least 13 Republican lawmakers took advantage of the free money and never paid it back. The CARES Act handed over $27 million in loans to lawmakers and their families.

"Caregivers Inc., a Pensacola-based company in which Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has reported holding between $100,001 and $250,000 in corporate stock, received a PPP loan valued between $350,000 and $1 million," reported Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

Former President Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy six times under five different companies. The New Yorker detailed the extensive amount of business failures over the course of the past decades for Trump.

You deadbeats need to pay that money back
Hmm PPP. That was supposed to keep people from having to come into work, so they could stay home for 2 weeks and flatten the curve. Then it was 2 months to flatten the curve. Then it was just do what the Marxists say for as long as they demand, or until their poll number tank. Yeah, you Marxists sure do hate small business, but people who go to a worthless college, learning how to be good little Marxists, bail those fuckers out.
Here's the little White House Pirate explaining how they're going to pay for this latest boondoggle:

They're going to "lift the pause" at the end of the year? First of all, no they are not. They'll extend it again. Second of all lifting the pause would bring in very little revenue as deadbeats will have had all this time to make use of the multiple extensions, forebearances and other ways to avoid payment that we already had before the pause.

There shouldn't be a pause, it should just be immediately forgiven, that way people can work, make money, save, invest, start a new business..etc.
Here's the little White House Pirate explaining how they're going to pay for this latest boondoggle:

They're going to "lift the pause" at the end of the year? First of all, no they are not. They'll extend it again. Second of all lifting the pause would bring in very little revenue as deadbeats will have had all this time to make use of the multiple extensions, forebearances and other ways to avoid payment that we already had before the pause.

By now they know this isn't popular
If this loan forgiveness was so damn important why didn't Potatohead take it out of the multi billion dollar endowments that the colleges have?

Why the American taxpayer?

In this case because we are $30 trillion in debt it will be our children and grandchildren having to pay it back. Why put our children and grandchildren in debt to pay off somebody's else's debt?

Why shouldn't someone making $120,000 a year have to pay back their own debt?

Why is Potatohead such a shitty President?

Why were you Moon Bats so stupid as to vote for the dipshit for President?
Do ya think that those college fucking kids who will have debt forgiven is later on in life going to have to pick up that tab plus inflation? Big fucking time....
Where'd it work? C'mon... name it
The question was thoroughly and adequately answered, you can continue ignoring what I wrote but it's still there. You can read it or not. Others will. I have better things to do than continue going back and forth with you, so have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you've "won" something.
These destroy the nation threads are hilarious. Am I for the the debt program? No. But it's not a big deal. 99.9 percent don't care.
But there is only a 2% chance of that.

Thank God Biden had 80 trillion more voter than Trump last election.
The question was thoroughly and adequately answered, you can continue ignoring what I wrote but it's still there. You can read it or not. Others will. I have better things to do than continue going back and forth with you, so have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you've "won" something.

Name it or stfu ya word salad asshole.

If you can't, and I know you can't, STFU already. Nobody has time for your bs

Helpful hint, I'm an econ/finance major. You lost before you began

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