We get to pay for student loans. Great.

The 10K figure is bogus. It's 20K if you ever got a Pell Grant as an undergrad, which were not at all hard to qualify for.

This is payback to college-age and just past college-age women and near thirties who used student loan as a less stigmatized form of welfare for six or seven years. Exactly the Demographic that the Dems count on.

People who are working, paying taxes and will now have to pay for other people's loans are unlikely to be Biden supporters, to make an understatement.

Probably one of the most focused and targeted give-aways in history.
Good, then you pay for it. The rest of us don't want to.
Under the current market, capitalist and monetary system, the federal government would pay for it from its yearly budget. You don't necessarily need to pay more in taxes, unless your state government wants you to (an extra 2% sales tax or an extra $20 monthly in taxes). In a non-market communist system, which is the mode of production and socioeconomic system that eventually we'll have to adopt (due to advanced technology replacing much if not most of human labor), you won't pay any taxes. There are no taxes, for anything, because there are no more markets or need for money.
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You're bothering me with your dishonest, shortsighted arguments. Why do you think the USSR was invaded by the United States and 14 other countries after WW1? The big capitalist imperialists were shitting bricks, knowing that Russia would become a superpower thanks to socialism, and it did. An under-industrialized, agrarian society, full of illeterate peasants. They like the Chinese had famines, practically every year. Socialism completely industrialized Russia and got rid of hunger, illiteracy..etc. Were there some challenges, obstacles, difficulties, and struggles? Yes, but eventually they overcame all of it. By the late 1930s, Russia was more mechanized than the US and was an industrial juggernaut, rivaling the United States, a nation that had a 120-year industrial headstart on the Soviet Union.

It was also invaded by four million Germans in WW2, lost nine million soldiers, and 18 million civilians. It lost most of its industrial infrastructure and economy during WW2, and yet in less than 15 years, it was launching satellites and cosmonauts into space. It became the world's second nuclear superpower, rivaling us. Their military, much of their economy, and infrastructure were very robust and always growing. Look at the stats of the Soviet economy. What destroyed it was its desire to end the cold war and pander to the American capitalists (the cold war wasn't an "arms race", it was an arms chase. The USSR didn't want to continue expanding its military). The successors of Stalin eventually destroyed the Soviet Union:

Socialists hate to spend too many resources on defense when we can be building highways, bridges, factories, railroads, subways, hospitals, universities, housing, new nuclear and hydroelectric plants, and exploring and colonizing space. We don't want to be encircled by most of the world, sanctioned, threatened, or attacked because all of that is expensive and undermines our ability to establish a democratic, socialist republic. When you hunker down, you become more centralized, and authoritarian. There was still a degree of democracy in the USSR, but it was a nation in a state of war, against a capitalist, imperialist empire, namely the US and its allies. It was under constant threat, hence you have to deal with fifth columns, dissidents, and agents of the enemy, even at the highest levels of government.

This analogy might sound corny, but it's true. Socialist countries are like little flowers, growing in a field of capitalist weeds that want to strangle and kill them. Maybe socialism can't exist until the weeds or the biggest weed of them all, becomes a flower, a socialist nation. If we adopt socialism, who's going to mess with us? No one. We're it. We were the BIG WEED, leading all of the other weeds to strangle socialist countries. So when advanced technology inevitably leads us to say "Oh OK, we need to adopt a new mode of production in order to survive this tech-apocalypse, and it looks a hell of a lot like................socialism!", until that realization happens (and it will eventually), socialist countries may not be able to survive, unless they adopt markets and play along with the USA, the capitalist imperialist empire, until it becomes the USSA:

Until that occurs, socialism will continue being sanctioned, attacked, undermined, sabotaged..etc. Advanced technology will eventually lead us, the USA, to become the USSA. It's inevitable, it will occur, sooner or later, most likely sooner than later. Then and only then will socialism flourish throughout the world. America will do socialism better than China and Russia. We will become the light of the nations, leading humanity to the stars.

By the late 1930s, Russia was more mechanized than the US and was an industrial juggernaut, rivaling the United States, a nation that had a 120-year industrial headstart on the Soviet Union.


It was also invaded by four million Germans in WW2, lost nine million soldiers, and 18 million civilians.

No fair!!! Only Russian commies are allowed to kill millions of Russians, eh comrade?
Maybe to just sum it up and end this debate: Elections matter.

You all spent your political energy fighting to carry guns openly, to ban abortion and give tax cuts to the rich.

We spent ours to get our loans forgiven. To raise minimum wage. And other things.

Be mad that YOUR sides issues don’t actually help you. That YOUR politicians swindled you.

We got our federal loans forgiven. You got your state to let you carry a pistol on your hip to play make believe Wyatt Earp.

We both got what we spent political energy on. Stop whining.
Education should just be a human right,

I think you mowing my lawn should just be a human right.

hence no need to get a loan to receive an education.

Hence no need to pay your lazy ass

The cost of hiring teachers, and professors, the expense of building facilities, maintaining them, and managing programs and studies, constitute part of our nation's infrastructure because it is vital to our survival and success.

I mean otherwise, who is going to make our lattes'?

If we still have markets and money, then it will cost around 100 billion yearly, a drop in the bucket. Education = National Security.


We spend $1.1 TRILLION on education - including higher education each year,

The result is one of the least educated populations in the first world. Japan spends less that one quarter for a Bachelor level graduate and vastly out performs us.

Of course, education is NOT a right there and ONLY the best are admitted, much less graduate higher education.

Exactly the opposite of what you propose.
Right wingers just cant figure out that they spend their political energy on stuff that wont help them. Cons in the state I currently live in spent 2 years non stop fighting for “Constitutional Carry” to carry on their hip. They got it and it’s basically useless.

We fought for loan forgiveness and got it.

Be careful what you let your politicians focus on. They’ll take the easy low hanging fruit.
Maybe to just sum it up and end this debate: Elections matter.

You all spent your political energy fighting to carry guns openly, to ban abortion and give tax cuts to the rich.

We spent ours to get our loans forgiven. To raise minimum wage. And other things.

Be mad that YOUR sides issues don’t actually help you. That YOUR politicians swindled you.

We got our federal loans forgiven. You got your state to let you carry a pistol on your hip to play make believe Wyatt Earp.

We both got what we spent political energy on. Stop whining.

Too bad you didn't spend any effort getting educated along with those loans.
You don’t have any rights beyond the ones the Constitution grants you. That’s the end of the list of your rights. Why is it all of your rights depend on stealing from others? You want free college, paid for by anyone but you. You want free healthcare, paid for anyone but you. You want a home but won’t go and earn it. You want a car you won’t work to purchase.

I have to think what the fuck use are you people? I think we would be better off if those like you just die. You’re nothing but a lazy fucking grifter. Or a democrat, same thing.
We have the rights that we create for our own society, whichever one that might be. The US Constitution was written by wealthy land owners to protect their own rights and property and for many decades after its signing, only White, male land owners were allowed to vote. We can always change the Constitution by redacting it, or even discard it altogether and write a new one.

If society determines that all of its members have a human right to food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment in the public sector, then it will form a government that will ensure those rights and will organize labor, materials, and other resources to meet those needs. There is no "stealing" from anyone.

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