We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Reread what I wrote, from beginning to end. No one necessarily has to pay extra taxes, provided all of the funding comes from the federal government. The federal government doesn't depend on taxes to fund itself, as state and local governments do. I already mentioned this, and even explained why, in several posts. You only read one or two lines, maybe a whole paragraph, but then ignore the rest of the post hence you continue asking questions for which I already provided answers. To go back to your question. If our federal government is the only source of funding for education, then perhaps no more taxes have to be paid. If the federal government funds it along with state and local taxes, then there might be more taxes to pay. Maybe it's an extra 2% in sales tax or an extra $20 monthly will be taken out of people's paychecks, or maybe it's both of those two options.

If tuition-free education was recognized as a right for each American citizen and became law, then everyone would contribute to its funding, in one way or another, regardless of party affiliation or where they stand politically. They would pay for it along with everyone else and could go to school whenever they choose to do that.

Except that has NEVER , EVER, even once actually worked....and you know it but you will deny it and provide fake / false examples.
(in true Communist fashion)

NOTHING is free or ever can be that is worth having. If it's free then it means sub-standard.
The ONLY thing that has ever motivated human excellence is the prospect of personal gain for the effort.
China has "excelled" by rampant outright blatant theft, for example...and more recently the promise of gains through ...wait for it....CAPITALISM.
Right wingers just cant figure out that they spend their political energy on stuff that wont help them. Cons in the state I currently live in spent 2 years non stop fighting for “Constitutional Carry” to carry on their hip. They got it and it’s basically useless

We fought for loan forgiveness and got it.

Be careful what you let your politicians focus on. They’ll take the easy low hanging fruit.
No loans were forgiven. They were just given to someone else to pay for.
If you freedom lovers still think you're "holding your own"....
Just look at this thread at how many OPEN Communists and MARXISTS there are t5elling you YOU have it wrong.
They are winning You are losing.

Communist and Marxist countries NEVER allow the commoner to possess guns. (HINT)

Not true, gun ownership is common in Nicaragua and in a few other leftist states. The few nations that identify themselves as Marxist are essentially in a state of war against the US and are heavily sanctioned, and threatened, so they become more authoritarian. There are many capitalist countries that ban guns and even municipalities within the US, like Chicago, and NYC where you can't even own a water gun. I'm an American communist who is pro-second amendment and support the ownership of combat rifles and ammunition. Not all leftists are against firearm ownership rights.
Under the current market, capitalist and monetary system, the federal government would pay for it from its yearly budget. You don't necessarily need to pay more in taxes, unless your state government wants you to (an extra 2% sales tax or an extra $20 monthly in taxes). In a non-market communist system, which is the mode of production and socioeconomic system that eventually we'll have to adopt (due to advanced technology replacing much if not most of human labor), you won't pay any taxes. There are no taxes, for anything, because there are no more markets or need for money.

Of course you have to pay more in taxes to cover the deferred tuition costs.
But the point is the investment is worth it because more college grads increase US productivity, GDP, and future income tax revenue greatly increase.

Advanced technology does not at all replace human labor in any way, but simply magnifies it.
Individuals will always be paying taxes and there will always be markets and currency.
The replicators of "Star Tek" will never happen, and there will never be a world without work and pay.
Except that has NEVER , EVER, even once actually worked....and you know it but you will deny it and provide fake / false examples.
(in true Communist fashion)

NOTHING is free or ever can be that is worth having. If it's free then it means sub-standard.
The ONLY thing that has ever motivated human excellence is the prospect of personal gain for the effort.
China has "excelled" by rampant outright blatant theft, for example...and more recently the promise of gains through ...wait for it....CAPITALISM.
It always works and within the next few decades, maybe even as early as the 2030s, we will be adopting a socialist economy, out of necessity due to advanced technology replacing human labor. The personal gain that communists draw from what is produced is from the use of the product or benefit of the service rendered. In many ways, products produced by communists were and even today are superior to ones manufactured under capitalism.
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If you freedom lovers still think you're "holding your own"....
Just look at this thread at how many OPEN Communists and MARXISTS there are telling you YOU have it wrong.
They are winning You are losing.

btw....Communist and Marxist countries NEVER allow the commoner to possess guns. (HINT)

Russia has less gun control than the US does.
As of 2013 Russian citizens over 18 years of age can obtain a firearms license after attending gun-safety classes and passing a federal test and background check. Firearms may be acquired for self-defense, hunting, or sports activities, as well as for collection purposes. Carrying permits may be issued for hunting firearms licensed for hunting purposes. Initially, purchases are limited to long smooth-bore firearms and pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of up to 25 joules (18 ft⋅lbf). After five years of shotgun ownership, rifles may be purchased. Handguns are generally not allowed, but with the growing popularity of practical shooting events and competitions in Russia in recent years (e.g. IPSC), handgun ownership has now been allowed and the handguns have to be stored at a shooting club. Rifles and shotguns with barrels less than 500 mm (20 in) long are prohibited, as are firearms which shoot in bursts or have more than a 10-cartridge capacity. Suppressors are prohibited. An individual cannot possess more than ten guns (up to five shotguns and up to five rifles) unless they are part of a registered gun collection.[2]
In 2014 Russia relaxed its gun laws by allowing concealed carry firearms for self-defense purposes,[3] simplified regulations for foreigners who legally bring their firearms to Russia, and made regulations stricter for firearm licensing, safekeeping, and for the purchase of non-lethal firearms.[2]
Reread what I wrote, from beginning to end. No one necessarily has to pay extra taxes, provided all of the funding comes from the federal government. The federal government doesn't depend on taxes to fund itself, as state and local governments do. I already mentioned this, and even explained why, in several posts. You only read one or two lines, maybe a whole paragraph, but then ignore the rest of the post hence you continue asking questions for which I already provided answers. To go back to your question. If our federal government is the only source of funding for education, then perhaps no more taxes have to be paid. If the federal government funds it along with state and local taxes, then there might be more taxes to pay. Maybe it's an extra 2% in sales tax or an extra $20 monthly will be taken out of people's paychecks, or maybe it's both of those two options.

If tuition-free education was recognized as a right for each American citizen and became law, then everyone would contribute to its funding, in one way or another, regardless of party affiliation or where they stand politically. They would pay for it along with everyone else and could go to school whenever they choose to do that.

I'm sorry but I do skip and skim over your posts. Between constant repeating and your lack of brevity makes it a bit boring.

As for the feds, you sited bonds. But you do know by law those bonds have to be repaid at expiration, don't you?

This idiotic idea of Dementia is only for 10k per student which would cost us around 300 billion dollars if they could get it through. 10K covers the cost for about a half of a year or a little more of college. What do we do with the people who's education costs 20k, 40k, 100k, 200k? Now were talking trillions a year if our government is to foot the bill for total funding. Healthcare? Sander's made that proposal when he was running against Hillary. The CBO said healthcare alone would double our total spending each year.

We are a country 30 trillion in debt and growing. SS and Medicare are going broke fast and nobody knows how to fix these programs. To cover the cost of everything you wanted and fix these problems cannot be done by a simple small consumption tax. People would have to contribute 3/4 of their pay to the federal and local governments to fund all the things you want.
In many ways, products produced by communists were and even today are superior to ones manufactured under capitalism.

Well that may be true, because capitalists prefer "planned obsolescence", where products deliberately have short lifespans, so you have to by new often.
This idiotic idea of Dementia is only for 10k per student which would cost us around 300 billion dollars if they could get it through. 10K covers the cost for about a half of a year or a little more of college. What do we do with the people who's education costs 20k, 40k, 100k, 200k? Now were talking trillions a year if our government is to foot the bill for total funding. Healthcare? Sander's made that proposal when he was running against Hillary. The CBO said healthcare alone would double our total spending each year.

We are a country 30 trillion in debt and growing. SS and Medicare are going broke fast and nobody knows how to fix these programs. To cover the cost of everything you wanted and fix these problems cannot be done by a simple small consumption tax. People would have to contribute 3/4 of their pay to the federal and local governments to fund all the things you want.

The problem is tuition and dorm costs went up about 10 times faster than inflation, so the real problem is to socialize and bring down the costs, not just pay for them with tax money.
And the same is true with health care.
The costs are at least double what they should be, because insurance companies have been encouraging high provider charges, since they make people need insurance even more.

SS and Medicare are always broke. They are not supposed to make money, so they are always in a deficit. But they are only very slightly running a deficit, and they are easily subsidized to make up the tiny difference. By 2040, SS will have massive surpluses again, once the Boomers (like me), die off.

Again, Europe and the rest of the world has these things, without more than 50% taxes, so it can easily be done here as well.
Except that has NEVER , EVER, even once actually worked....and you know it but you will deny it and provide fake / false examples.
(in true Communist fashion)

NOTHING is free or ever can be that is worth having. If it's free then it means sub-standard.
The ONLY thing that has ever motivated human excellence is the prospect of personal gain for the effort.
China has "excelled" by rampant outright blatant theft, for example...and more recently the promise of gains through ...wait for it....CAPITALISM.

Tuition used to be free in the US until about 30 years ago, and it worked better than now.
Health care is free in most of the world, and it works much better than the for profit system of the US.
Of course you have to pay more in taxes to cover the deferred tuition costs.
But the point is the investment is worth it because more college grads increase US productivity, GDP, and future income tax revenue greatly increase.

Advanced technology does not at all replace human labor in any way, but simply magnifies it.
Individuals will always be paying taxes and there will always be markets and currency.
The replicators of "Star Tek" will never happen, and there will never be a world without work and pay.
You're free to believe that, but what we are witnessing now is a second industrial revolution, led by robotics, automated systems, AI, autonomous vehicles, and machines, all of this will make production so efficient that it will cut the workforce in at least half in the next twenty years and even more so in the next thirty and fifty years. Even if there is a human component to production, it will not be waged labor, due to the decrease of the human element in production. Massive unemployment is the result of advanced 21st-century technology if we don't socialize production. Communism is inevitable.

Your claim that atomic precision manufacturing machines will never exist isn't in line with reality. We're already in the early stages of developing such technology:

Before replicators and complete autonomy for the individual consumer, there will be enough efficiency in production that socialism, will become the natural, self-evident mode of production. Way before replicators, we will adopt communism.
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The problem is tuition and dorm costs went up about 10 times faster than inflation, so the real problem is to socialize and bring down the costs, not just pay for them with tax money.
And the same is true with health care.
The costs are at least double what they should be, because insurance companies have been encouraging high provider charges, since they make people need insurance even more.

SS and Medicare are always broke. They are not supposed to make money, so they are always in a deficit. But they are only very slightly running a deficit, and they are easily subsidized to make up the tiny difference. By 2040, SS will have massive surpluses again, once the Boomers (like me), die off.

Again, Europe and the rest of the world has these things, without more than 50% taxes, so it can easily be done here as well.

Right, because nobody pays for anything in Europe.
If you freedom lovers still think you're "holding your own"....
Just look at this thread at how many OPEN Communists and MARXISTS there are telling you YOU have it wrong.
We have principles, one of which is tolerating differences of opinion. If the communist children want to have a temper tantrum regarding free stuff paid for with OPM, so be it.
They are winning You are losing.
They can never win. Their plan depends upon the capitalist adults for funding.
btw....Communist and Marxist countries NEVER allow the commoner to possess guns. (HINT)
And how many millions of guns are in the hands of US citizens?
I'm sorry but I do skip and skim over your posts. Between constant repeating and your lack of brevity makes it a bit boring.

As for the feds, you sited bonds. But you do know by law those bonds have to be repaid at expiration, don't you?

This idiotic idea of Dementia is only for 10k per student which would cost us around 300 billion dollars if they could get it through. 10K covers the cost for about a half of a year or a little more of college. What do we do with the people who's education costs 20k, 40k, 100k, 200k? Now were talking trillions a year if our government is to foot the bill for total funding. Healthcare? Sander's made that proposal when he was running against Hillary. The CBO said healthcare alone would double our total spending each year.

We are a country 30 trillion in debt and growing. SS and Medicare are going broke fast and nobody knows how to fix these programs. To cover the cost of everything you wanted and fix these problems cannot be done by a simple small consumption tax. People would have to contribute 3/4 of their pay to the federal and local governments to fund all the things you want.
The federal government can't go insolvent, it will always meet its financial obligations, because it is the exclusive issuer of the USD. Watch this:

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except the academics pretend to oppose that behavior, the fact they have chosen to reflect the behavior of corporate America is a sign they see the wisdom of corporate thinking to which they never admit to.

Forgive me in advance if I've read you incorrectly but I think your assumption is that all academics are leftists - not true in my experience, as someone who worked in higher ed for over a decade. Particularly in business schools, STEM, and the like, there are plenty of right-leaning academics. I don't know if those who lean right lean Trump, but they're certainly not Bernie Bros.

College has become a business, with huge revenue streams and endowments to manage. As with any big business, it requires a special skill set to run it. It's typically not the head of the library science department of the dean of the history program who's the chancellor. It requires an administrative background and connections, just like in the corporate world. Indeed many of higher ed's most important relationships these days are with the private sector.

The way to debt forgiveness is not making someone pay the tab [because that is not forgiveness] but making those who profited forgive the debt

It's been a while now but IIRC the government disbursed most of the money directly to the school, with some money then going to the student for 'expenses'. The Dept of Education actually is supposed to keep tabs on which schools have problems graduating students and so forth, but they're reluctant to punish schools b/c doing so means that fewer students will have access to future aid, so the cycle continues.

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