We get to pay for student loans. Great.

If true than give the working class and below a massive across the board tax cut. Give it ti us. When the Repubs screw us over again, there may be local elections' with Hitlers like you have. And they will win. And the numbers will grow.
Oh look at the Nazi lie.

Congress passed tax reform - and doubled the standard deduction, meaning about $15,000 for a family with a median income of $75,000

That's okay - you Nazis lie - it's just what you do.

Quid Pro thinks he's dictator and doesn't need congress.

its $1,300 for $75k
This will zero out my remaining student loan.
As I did not earn this money and cannot disagree with more this "forgiveness" I will donate it, probably to the Firearm Policy Coalition, so they can keep up their good work in protecting the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans.
Thank you, Brandon.

its $1,300 for $75k

Did or did not tax reform double the standard deduction?

Yes or no?


Current Tax Year 2021 Standard Tax Deductions​

What is the standard deduction? Simply put, the government and state tax agencies allow taxpayers to deduct a certain amount of their income from being subject to income taxes. This amount for a single taxpayer in 2021 is $12,550 - this has a few implications. For one, if you make under the standard deduction, you do not have to file - are you wondering if you make enough to file taxes?}

Try again.
After this. I am just wondering when Democrats will roll out a bill requiring Americans to financially reimburse Democrats for their losses in the stock market.
If true than give the working class and below a massive across the board tax cut. Give it ti us. When the Repubs screw us over again, there may be local elections' with Hitlers like you have. And they will win. And the numbers will grow.
Why is Potatohead screwing our children and grandchildren with a half trillion dollars in debt just so unproductive people can pay off their debt now?

That is immoral and just plain stupid, isn't it?

Why would anybody have voted for Potatohead knowing that he was an idiot that did stupid and immoral things like this?
Instead of perpetrating a Socialist, Un-Constitutional distribution of 'wealth' robbery of All responsible Americans, Biden should have encouraged the college tuition deadbeats to start 'Go Fund Me' pages to help pay off their debt.

At least that way Americans would have had the CHOICE of financially contributing to the effort to pay off someone's debt or not, rather than be robbed by a dementia-ravaged, Constitution-violating, Socialist 3rd world banana republic Noreaga-dictator wanna-be.
Why is Potatohead screwing our children and grandchildren with a half trillion dollars in debt just so unproductive people can pay off their debt now?
They're buying votes. But will it buy enough votes?
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You are confused Moon Bat.

Most Americans think that it is a good idea to provide free public literacy education.

After that it is your responsibility to get further educated.

If you borrow money to get an advanced "education" and it is so worthless as not allowing you pay of the debt then you fucked up big time. Either you got the wrong degree or you are just a worthless piece of shit that won't do the work.

Either way it is not my responsibility to pay for your bad decisions.

You personally aren't paying another person's tuition, the socialist state would be providing every citizen with an education. Living in a country where everyone has access to education, from preschool to graduate school or vocational job training, greatly benefits you as an individual and everyone you care about. Socialists see education as a basic human right that society is obligated to provide you with for several reasons, but one of them is because an educated, skilled citizenry is a tremendous asset, ensuring the nation's security, development, competitiveness..etc. If you live in a country with an economic system that has a market, money, taxes, then you would most likely have to pay taxes to have access to all of its social services, including education. You wouldn't have a choice in the matter if you lived in that society, but you could leave and go somewhere else. A truly socialist state without markets or any form of capitalism, wouldn't need to charge you any taxes, so it would simply provide you with an education.

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