We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Definitely, the big money imperialists, the American ruling class/plutocrats, know exactly what they're doing to continue exploiting and expropriating the world of its wealth, including the American working class (the most exploited and brainwashed of them all). Eventually, the system is going to implode, and socialism will become the obvious solution, but at the moment, we're all under the heel of Western imperialism. Not for long though, redemption is coming.
we should all be dead by "climate change" before any of that happens......so there's that!!!
They can never win. Their plan depends upon the capitalist adults for funding.
amazing isnt it. the communists tell us what a brilliant system it is.......but they need capitalist money for it to ever even have the slimmest chance of working (it wont....it cant) and they come here and tell us how the piss ant little communist countries cant make it on their own because the evil capitalists have power over them!!!!!

sorry....i'll stick with what's got America to the point of being the best planet earth has to offer.

you communists twats can go to one of those piss ant countries you claim would be so awesome if not for evil America.
Forgive me in advance if I've read you incorrectly but I think your assumption is that all academics are leftists -
Couldn't be further from the truth, the major difference between right wing and left wing in education is the right insists on an academic education and the left a social one for everyone but themselves...this is a big reason the socially educated left cannot make its case work against the right...it is not academically prepared to do so.

not true in my experience, as someone who worked in higher ed for over a decade. Particularly in business schools, STEM, and the like, there are plenty of right-leaning academics. I don't know if those who lean right lean Trump, but they're certainly not Bernie Bros.
I agree but the misapplied label of "debt forgiveness" is a left wing political ploy, but make no mistake, under any circumstance I believe the onus is on the school and it is they who should be doing the forgiving as they are the only ones in a position to do so.
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It's been a while now but IIRC the government disbursed most of the money directly to the school, with some money then going to the student for 'expenses'. The Dept of Education actually is supposed to keep tabs on which schools have problems graduating students and so forth, but they're reluctant to punish schools b/c doing so means that fewer students will have access to future aid, so the cycle continues.
and the down side to picking up the debt is that it drives tuitions through the roof, these schools know just how to leverage money on the backs of students and then come to their rescue for the win...
...if the education is not even good enough to pay for itself then what good is it? That means that students who cannot afford to pay their loans off have actually been handicapped by their education.
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It doesn't matter, education should be everyone's human right, in a modern, civilized society.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Most Americans think that it is a good idea to provide free public literacy education.

After that it is your responsibility to get further educated.

If you borrow money to get an advanced "education" and it is so worthless as not allowing you pay of the debt then you fucked up big time. Either you got the wrong degree or you are just a worthless piece of shit that won't do the work.

Either way it is not my responsibility to pay for your bad decisions.
Biden lets himself fall into an expensive unforced error. Bad idea.

Bad idea on multiple levels. Playing to the base usually is. We just voted a buffoon out for that.

We just love our pricey band-aids, don't we? These people just don't fuckin' learn.
Playing to the base was not a mistake that Trump made.
Zimbabwe is the exclusive issuer of its currency. Why isn't this idea working for them?

Commies have no conception of how many works. They believe a dollar has value simply because the government says so.
Definitely, the big money imperialists, the American ruling class/plutocrats, know exactly what they're doing to continue exploiting and expropriating the world of its wealth, including the American working class (the most exploited and brainwashed of them all). Eventually, the system is going to implode, and socialism will become the obvious solution, but at the moment, we're all under the heel of Western imperialism. Not for long though, redemption is coming.
Socialism is the cause of the problem, moron.
Education should just be a human right, hence no need to get a loan to receive an education. The cost of hiring teachers, and professors, the expense of building facilities, maintaining them, and managing programs and studies, constitute part of our nation's infrastructure because it is vital to our survival and success. If we still have markets and money, then it will cost around 100 billion yearly, a drop in the bucket. Education = National Security.
Education is not a human right.
Biden didn't pay for the cost of forgiving student loans. I did, moron. How does that benefit me?
Biden lets himself fall into an expensive unforced error. Bad idea.

Bad idea on multiple levels. Playing to the base usually is. We just voted a buffoon out for that.

We just love our pricey band-aids, don't we? These people just don't fuckin' learn.
Biden is an evil figurehead. Installed by the elite with massive cheating on an election that has permanently destroyed integrity of the same. Soon enough the usurpers of the stolen election will be killing voters that backed them up.
Will be quivk to The problem is that Biden's base is composed of parasite, while Trump's bas was composed of hardworking taxpayers.
Good ole Mac1958 is certain to claim that he’s a very successful capitalist who does not agree with biden on any issue except for the need of keeping a thumb on trump voters

mac1958 enables biden and biden policies because he hates trump more than he loves America

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