We get to pay for student loans. Great.

You personally aren't paying another person's tuition, the socialist state would be providing every citizen with an education. Living in a country where everyone has access to education, from preschool to graduate school or vocational job training, greatly benefits you as an individual and everyone you care about. Socialists see education as a basic human right that society is obligated to provide you with for several reasons, but one of them is because an educated, skilled citizenry is a tremendous asset, ensuring the nation's security, development, competitiveness..etc. If you live in a country with an economic system that has a market, money, taxes, then you would most likely have to pay taxes to have access to all of its social services, including education. You wouldn't have a choice in the matter if you lived in that society, but you could leave and go somewhere else. A truly socialist state without markets or any form of capitalism, wouldn't need to charge you any taxes, so it would simply provide you with an education.
So, as long as you do as you're told - free shit!!!
So, as long as you do as you're told - free shit!!!

It's free in the sense that you don't pay for it with money, but you still need to work in a socialist society, provided you can. If you're mentally, and physically able to work, then you will work. You, unfortunately, have the misconception that in socialism, no one works.
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They're buying votes. But will it be enough?

I suspect that anybody that is so unproductive as to be having trouble paying back their student loans would be voting for Potatohead anyhow.

Potatohead will be losing a lot more votes over this stupidity than he will be gaining.
You personally aren't paying another person's tuition, the socialist state would be providing every citizen with an education. Living in a country where everyone has access to education, from preschool to graduate school or vocational job training, greatly benefits you as an individual and everyone you care about. Socialists see education as a basic human right that society is obligated to provide you with for several reasons, but one of them is because an educated, skilled citizenry is a tremendous asset, ensuring the nation's security, development, competitiveness..etc. If you live in a country with an economic system that has a market, money, taxes, then you would most likely have to pay taxes to have access to all of its social services, including education. You wouldn't have a choice in the matter if you lived in that society, but you could leave and go somewhere else. A truly socialist state without markets or any form of capitalism, wouldn't need to charge you any taxes, so it would simply provide you with an education.
You are either beaucoup dinky dau or else just a stupid troll so you can fuck yourself with your stupidity. Not worth responding.
It's free in the sense that you don't pay for it with money, but you still need to work in a socialist state, provided you can. If you're mentally, and physically able to work, then you will work.
Oh, I hear you. it's certainly not free in the sense of individual liberty. You'll do as you're told, or pay the price.
You, unfortunately, have the misconception that in socialism, no one works.
Uh, no. I have the quite accurate conception that, under communism, everyone works for the state. And everyone depends on the state for their needs. Just as you described.

I struggle to see any meaningful difference between that and slavery.
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It's free in the sense that you don't pay for it with money, but you still need to work in a socialist society, provided you can. If you're mentally, and physically able to work, then you will work. You, unfortunately, have the misconception that in socialism, no one works.
People may work but the quality declines from it.....Progs motto...Pay, pay, pay some more...pay, pay, pay for the Progressive whores!
Did or did not tax reform double the standard deduction?

Yes or no?


Current Tax Year 2021 Standard Tax Deductions​

What is the standard deduction? Simply put, the government and state tax agencies allow taxpayers to deduct a certain amount of their income from being subject to income taxes. This amount for a single taxpayer in 2021 is $12,550 - this has a few implications. For one, if you make under the standard deduction, you do not have to file - are you wondering if you make enough to file taxes?}

Try again.
you do know the difference between an absolute value (ie total value) vs a change in a value?
Oh, I hear you. it's certainly not free in the sense of individual liberty. You'll do as you're told, or pay the price.

Uh, no. I have the quite accurate conception that, under communism, everyone works for the state. And everyone depends on the state for their needs. Just as you described.

I struggle to see any meaningful difference between that and slavery.
No one has absolute individual liberty even in this society we're currently living in. We all have obligations and duties to our loved ones, friends, neighbors, and society/country. I was living in Costa Rica a few years ago as an American ex-pat, and my parents in Miami, got a letter sent to me from the local municipality, stating that I had to appear in court for jury selection and perhaps serve as a juror. Well, I was living in another country so I couldn't at that time fly to Miami to do that. I had to call the number given in the document sent to me and inform them that I wasn't in the country, hence I couldn't serve in that capacity, at that time. They granted me a waiver. Do you know what would've happened to me if I decided to exercise my supposed "DIVINE, ABSOLUTE INDIVIDUAL SOVEREIGNTY" and not inform them that I was in Costa Rica? The local Miami, Dade government could've issued an arrest warrant for me and my parents would've gotten a knock on the door by local law enforcement looking for their son, who thinks he's a type of god, who has no obligations to anyone, but himself.

In a socialist society, just like in this country, we have civic duties and obligations, one of which is to work, provided you can. That's not slavery, that's called life. Even in your own bible, it says, those who don't work, don't eat. Ever read that in your bible? Don't work, don't eat? If a person can't work, that's a different story, but if they can and refuse to work, then they deserve to be penalized, and punished, as lazy, worthless bums.

As far as working for the people's state or government, that's far from slavery, especially when citizens elect their representatives. When was the last time you participated in an election at your 9 to 5? Do you work in a worker-cooperative, run democratically? In Marxist socialism, the state apparatus can receive its authority from the people's councils or "soviets", which are comprised of workers and members of the communist party. Any citizen that declares themselves "communists", and attends monthly meetings, can vote. Did you think the socialist state just arbitrarily chooses the members of its congress? No, all of the members of congress are chosen and elected by the worker councils ("soviets"). More, in the workplace, whether you are a member of the communist party or not, you can vote for who becomes a manager or head of a department. So whether you are a member of the vanguard, communist party or not, you still have the capacity to vote.

I'm personally for a very strict form of socialism, however, others aren't as strict as I am. Some socialists believe all workers and citizens of the nation can vote, irrespective of whether they're members of the communist party or not. I believe only committed communists and members of the party, should be the only ones allowed to elect the members of congress.

Under capitalism, there is no vote in the workplace, unlike in socialism, where workers have much more power on how production is run. The state centrally plans the economy in cooperation with the worker-cooperatives of each industry. There is inquiry, respectful, considerate interaction and exchange of ideas, between the socialist state and the worker-cooperatives. Your idea of socialism is skewed by Western cold war propaganda.


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It's free in the sense that you don't pay for it with money, but you still need to work in a socialist society, provided you can. If you're mentally, and physically able to work, then you will work. You, unfortunately, have the misconception that in socialism, no one works.
And what about people who refuse to work? You know, the people AOC said we should financially support?
What happens to them in your socialist utopia?
And what about people who refuse to work? You know, the people AOC said we should financially support?
What happens to them in your socialist utopia?

There is no "utopia" in the foreseeable future, but there can be a better society and system than capitalism. Can you be more specific as to who are these people you refer to?
There is no "utopia" in the foreseeable future, but there can be a better society and system than capitalism. Can you be more specific as to who are these people you refer to?
You stated, and I quote: "If you're mentally, and physically able to work, then you will work".
I asked: "what about people who refuse to work"?
Not sure why that requires explanation.

Let's Look At The People Criticizing Student Loan Forgiveness

Huh. Looks like maybe they've had a little loan forgiveness themselves!

Let's Look At The People Criticizing Student Loan Forgiveness
By Susie Madrak — August 25, 2022
I can't even begin to imagine how much of a relief this is for soooo many people #thanksBiden https://t.co/74WBZTnQ3f

— Molly Ryan Kowaleski (@Molly_Kowaleski) August 24, 2022

They really do make it easy, the right-wing cabal criticizing Biden's loan forgiveness plan. Like shooting fish in a barrel!
Like this one:

Marjorie Taylor Greene says "it’s completely unfair" for the federal government to forgive loans.

This is Marjorie Taylor Greene's company.@RepMTG had $183,504 in PPP loans forgiven.

Loan forgiveness for me, not for thee. pic.twitter.com/3szKpA9aTe
— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) August 24, 2022
Or this one:

There are so many! pic.twitter.com/pUIfuPEtuJ
— Rebecca Lavoie (@reblavoie) August 23, 2022

It’s so funny because for some people you can argue “Well the government made us shut down so they should give us money.” (It would be disingenuous, but you could argue it). But these guys are PODCASTERS, they never had to stop production!
— Shane Falco was a scab (@MoonsHaunted5) August 24, 2022
And there are SO MANY MORE.

Forgiven PPP loans

Marjorie Taylor Greene: $183,504

Boebert: $233,305

Catholic Church: $3.5 billion

Joel Osteen: $4.4 million

Tom Brady: $960,855

GOP should slink away in shame for attacking Biden for forgiving $10,000 of student debt

But they won’t cuz they have no shame
— Lindy Li (@lindyli) August 25, 2022

What's that about paying loans back? https://t.co/pPkV2YzNFZ pic.twitter.com/ML4MMdRujm
— CAP Action (@CAPAction) August 24, 2022

I seem to remember Steven Mnuchin funneling $500B of PPP Covid relief loans and giving millions to himself, Kushner, Devin Nunes, Betsy DeVos, Joel Osteen, Kanye West, Tom Brady and $334K to Moscow Mitch’s wife Elaine Chao and yet Republicans are more than okay with this theft.
— Ricky Davila (@TheRickyDavila) August 25, 2022

Every single right winger who is complaining about government handouts or student loan forgiveness are monstrous hypocrites. Their grift depends on selling you "big government and social programs bad" while they love taking advantage of them pic.twitter.com/J7iLD1iZwA
— The Serfs (@theserfstv) August 23, 2022

Jared Kushner had about $5m in PPP loans forgiven.
Tom Brady: Almost a million
Khloe Khardashian: $1.2m
Maybe go F**k yourself. https://t.co/ewkBa43cdT
— Steve Marmel (@Marmel) August 24, 2022

PragerU received $704,057 in PPP loans.

All of it was forgiven.PRAGER UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION - Tracking PPP - ProPublica https://t.co/XhmHXmw5zo
— Will Ragland (@citizenwillis) August 24, 2022

The @DailyCaller received a $407,525 PPP loan to weather COVID.

All of it was forgiven.THE DAILY CALLER, INC. - Tracking PPP - ProPublica https://t.co/DDxtRfcY9Z
— Will Ragland (@citizenwillis) August 24, 2022

Tate Reeves owns Southern Air Conditioning & Supply, Inc. according to his financial disclosure.

SAC&S received $191,216.87 in loan forgiveness on its PPP loan. pic.twitter.com/g3CW5mD4ZF
— When is Lynn Fitch's press conference? (@jallen1985) August 24, 2022

If we can afford to forgive nearly $1 million in PPP loans Tom Brady received for his nutrition company, we can afford to forgive student loans. pic.twitter.com/r9rNGpKynu
— Sawyer Hackett (@SawyerHackett) August 24, 2022

Agree! Look what Project Veritas got in the First Round of PPP loans - also forgiven! pic.twitter.com/m1QEEM5mvP
🐰 KatieAnnieOakley 🐇 (@KatieAnnieOakly) August 24, 2022

The GOP suddently wants loans to be repaid so here's a list of $ corporate America was supposed to pay back. Figures in red represent the TOTAL LOSS for taxpayers. I don't remember any hysteria over this. This doesn't even include the $400 BILLION in forgiven PPP loans. pic.twitter.com/vRrjt7Q1wT
🇺🇲 Trump for Prison 🇺🇲 (@Trump4Prison24) August 24, 2022

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