We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Instead of perpetrating a Socialist, Un-Constitutional distribution of 'wealth' robbery of All responsible Americans, Biden should have encouraged the college tuition deadbeats to start 'Go Fund Me' pages to help pay off their debt.

At least that way Americans would have had the CHOICE of financially contributing to the effort to pay off someone's debt or not, rather than be robbed by a dementia-ravaged, Constitution-violating, Socialist 3rd world banana republic Noreaga-dictator wanna-be.

That would defeat the purpose. They could give a shit less about people in college debt. The mission is to buy their vote because they can't honestly tell people vote for me, look at how great we made this country! Only Trump could do that.
Why is Potatohead screwing our children and grandchildren with a half trillion dollars in debt just so unproductive people can pay off their debt now?

That is immoral and just plain stupid, isn't it?

Nope. Actually pretty smart if your objective is to try and stay in power.
What constitutional authority does the fed-gov have to selectively hand out $10,000?
Either give every citizen $10K or give none.
This is marxist wealth redistribution, from those with ability, to those with needs.
I hope the SCOTUS kills it.

Let's Look At The People Criticizing Student Loan Forgiveness

Huh. Looks like maybe they've had a little loan forgiveness themselves!

Let's Look At The People Criticizing Student Loan Forgiveness
By Susie Madrak — August 25, 2022

They really do make it easy, the right-wing cabal criticizing Biden's loan forgiveness plan. Like shooting fish in a barrel!
Like this one:

Or this one:

And there are SO MANY MORE.
So SOME loan forgiveness is good...other loan forgiveness bad?

Your comrades don't agree with you. It's solar and wind or nothing at all.

The first nuclear power plant constructed in the world was the Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant, built near Moscow on June 26, 1954.

I know it serves your anti-socialist narrative that the purple-haired, "woke", "non-binary, gender fluid" liberals are actual Marxists, but they're not. They're the "synthetic left", created to counter-balance true leftists in this country:

It's free in the sense that you don't pay for it with money, but you still need to work in a socialist society, provided you can. If you're mentally, and physically able to work, then you will work. You, unfortunately, have the misconception that in socialism, no one works.

And those who would rather not work?

What will you magnanimous tyrants do?

"Men work from one of two motivations; the desire for gain, or fear or punishment. Dollars or whips, the choice is yours." - Ayn Rand
You stated, and I quote: "If you're mentally, and physically able to work, then you will work".
I asked: "what about people who refuse to work"?
Not sure why that requires explanation.

I answered your question in the above post. You can ignore it and pretend your question wasn't adequately answered, but I expect that by anti-socialist polemicists. Those interested in descriptive, thorough answers will read my posts, and those who just want to attack socialism won't.
Why do you believe the federal government should force people to pay fpr your student loans?

Leech believes that the federal government is the rightful owner of every person in the nation. Because we are property of the state, then the rulers of the state can do anything they like.

Ultimately, socialism - including the national socialism practiced by democrats - is the proposition that all things are property of the state, especially people. That the state is supreme and the rulers of the state are the rightful owners of every living person.
Biden lets himself fall into an expensive unforced error. Bad idea.

Bad idea on multiple levels. Playing to the base usually is. We just voted a buffoon out for that.

We just love our pricey band-aids, don't we? These people just don't fuckin' learn.

So what policy did Trump ever back that cost us hundreds of billions of dollars that bought votes from his base?

A few hundred billion for college kids.
A few hundred billion for green.
A few hundred billion for more IRS workers that will likely vote Democrat in the future.
I answered your question in the above post.
You said:
"If you're mentally, and physically able to work, then you will work"
You were asked:
""what about people who refuse to work?"
Nothing in your post addresses this question.
You can disagree, but then the onus is on you to copy and paste he text to that effect and explain how it addresses the question.

How does your version of socialism deal with those who are able to work but refuse to?
American workers net less money, taking less home, than Western Europeans and have less benefits:

What horseshit. Ever watch HGTV? Try it sometime, especially the shows they highlight Europe. In general their dwellings are small, no basements, bathrooms most Americans would be embarrassed to show their friends. How do they have higher take home pay than Americans when so much is sucked out in taxes?
You said:
"If you're mentally, and physically able to work, then you will work"
You were asked:
""what about people who refuse to work?"
Nothing in your post addresses this question.
You can disagree, but then the onus is on you to copy and paste he text to that effect and explain how it addresses the question.

How does your version of socialism deal with those who are able to work but refuse to?

There is no set penalty or way of addressing that problem. I believe the person should have an opportunity to provide the authorities with the reason why they've chosen not to work, despite being physically and mentally able to do so. Maybe they have a legitimate reason for not working on anything and just lying in bed all day or playing video games. There are several possible penalties or restrictions that can be applied, like a cut in resources and services they're entitled to as a law-abiding citizen, like community service, imprisonment..etc. Every member of society has to work in the field they choose, and contribute to the nation's productive capacity and life. Even in the bible, it says that if one doesn't work, they don't eat. You may not give a crap about the bible, but I mention it just in case you're a bible believing Christian. This forum is full of religious folks.
There is no set penalty or way of addressing that problem.
But you said the able bodies "will work".
That is, they do not have a choice in the matter,
Did you mean to say "the will work... if they want to"?
Every member of society has to work in the field they choose, and contribute to the nation's productive capacity and life.
If they want to, you mean.
There are several possible penalties or restrictions that can be applied, like a cut in resources and services they're entitled to as a law-abiding citizen, like community service, imprisonment..etc.
Ah. There you go. They will work -- at gunpoint if necessary.

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