We get to pay for student loans. Great.

There are all types of reward systems and capitalism isn't the only one, nor necessarily the best and most applicable or compatible to present and future conditions. The US relied heavily on the government to develop its infrastructure, not to speak of slaves and settler colonial actions heavily supported by the state. This country is a plutocratic empire and the fact that it holds so much power doesn't imply that its current mode of production and economic system is eternal or incapable of being replaced with something better. We're still evolving.

And what system rewards people more than the capitalist system?

People try to migrate here from all over the world to be part of this system; people with the energy, ideas and desires that they could not be rewarded for in their countries no matter if they worked night and day.

If you have two widget companies, and one of those companies give out raises and promotions to the hardest workers, and the other where workers will always do the same job, make the same money, which widget company will be more productive?

Your problem is you hate this country. You want to change it into yet another socialist shithole. Why not just move to one of those other countries that have most of your agendas checked off? It may not be exactly what you want, but surly much closer than you'll ever get in the United States. Our country creates a new millionaire every day. Move to a country that doesn't do that.
I understand the desire to help. Lots of kids got fucked with the student loan shit. They got suckered in to loans they'd never be able to pay back. But we need to put a stop to the program that's causing the problem before we consider bailing out its victims. Biden's "gift" is just a bandaid to prop up a system that clearly isn't working.
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And what system rewards people more than the capitalist system?

People try to migrate here from all over the world to be part of this system; people with the energy, ideas and desires that they could not be rewarded for in their countries no matter if they worked night and day.

If you have two widget companies, and one of those companies give out raises and promotions to the hardest workers, and the other where workers will always do the same job, make the same money, which widget company will be more productive?

Your problem is you hate this country. You want to change it into yet another socialist shithole. Why not just move to one of those other countries that have most of your agendas checked off? It may not be exactly what you want, but surly much closer than you'll ever get in the United States. Our country creates a new millionaire every day. Move to a country that doesn't do that.

Leftists like CommunistFront cry and cry for more free shit, then when they win, they are still just as poor as the rest of us. Democrats are more and more the party of rich white dudes, and Commie doesn't bat an eye in fighting for them
"Why does a socialist have to justify or provide an explanation as to why they're here?"
I'm just curious why you expend such a large amount of time, thought, & effort to promote your politics in USMB? Surely even you must have noticed that you are virtually, if not completely, alone here in what you espouse?
Useful idiots aren't particularly perceptive, but they are useful for mindlessly parroting a message.
Hundreds of billions for corporate bail outs, year after year, hundreds of billions for useless PPP loans, hundreds of billions to prop up the stock market.

But normal people getting a little loan forgiveness is what pisses off Republicans.

I've been reading communist propaganda for over forty years. It's always the same shit.

Yep. Democrats don't think their medical bills are theirs, they are everyone else's. I've never understood how anyone can be so dense they want to spend their money on vacations, bigger homes, better cars, and their medical bills aren't their priority, and other people need to pay those so they have the money for their lifestyle. If a new video controller is more important to someone than their medical bills, they have the right to make that choice. But the consequence of that should go with their choice
You don't want to answer because ...
... I've read all this shit before. It's just canned propaganda from your handler.
You're much worse off as a lazy bum under capitalism than under socialism.
That's kind of funny admission though.

Perhaps you can just leave and go to a nation where you can be a lazy bum and live under a bridge?
If the US falls to communism, I probably will. Unless I stick around just to fuck up your wet dream.
America's socially irresponsible priorities has to make this hugely unpopular and so it should be seen as an imaginative challenge created by Biden's advisors.

It's being seen as completely 'out of the box' socialist ambitions to the extreme.

But it's going to capture a big voting bloc for Biden and that's its purpose. The amount of money is a pittance compared to Trump's big cash buy of the very wealthy.
Hundreds of billions for corporate bail outs, year after year, hundreds of billions for useless PPP loans, hundreds of billions to prop up the stock market.

But normal people getting a little loan forgiveness is what pisses off Republicans.

Because people should pay back what they borrowed.
Why is that such a foreign concept to liberals?
America's socially irresponsible priorities has to make this hugely unpopular and so it should be seen as an imaginative challenge created by Biden's advisors.
But it's going to capture a big voting bloc for Biden and that's its purpose.
What's so imagninative about Democrats using other peoples' money to buy votes?
But it's going to capture a big voting bloc for Biden and that's its purpose. The amount of money is a pittance compared to Trump's big cash buy of the very wealthy.
How many times will you partisans lean on this excuse? Just because your "opponent" does something bad, doesn't mean it's ok for you to do the same thing. Buying votes is a corruption of government. Stop defending it.
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