We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Joe Biden illegally cancelled billions of dollars in student debt​

To be very precise: he just announce it as a “plan,” today. Technically, he hasn’t done anything illegal yet.

As I pointed out to Leftwhiner, earlier today, and as others noted even before that, the President is not Constitutionally permitted to appropriate anything. The authority for that is vested exclusively in Congress.

So, Brandon’s announced plan is either an expression of his intent to violate the Constitution or he is going to have to pretend that Congress (via whatever law) had previously granted the President the authority to engage in such specific spending.

I’ve looked for such a law and have come up empty. Any ideas?

Here's my idea: They know this without a doubt going to be challenged in court, and perhaps all the way to the Supreme Court. Of course it's going to be happening just weeks before midterms, where Democrats can point fingers at how mean those Republicans are, how they only care about the rich guy, how they want to deprive our young Americans of the financial bondage they find themselves in.
Here's my idea: They know this without a doubt going to be challenged in court, and perhaps all the way to the Supreme Court. Of course it's going to be happening just weeks before midterms, where Democrats can point fingers at how mean those Republicans are, how they only care about the rich guy, how they want to deprive our young Americans of the financial bondage they find themselves in.

Bingo and they're correct.
Here's the little White House Pirate explaining how they're going to pay for this latest boondoggle:

They're going to "lift the pause" at the end of the year? First of all, no they are not. They'll extend it again. Second of all lifting the pause would bring in very little revenue as deadbeats will have had all this time to make use of the multiple extensions, forebearances and other ways to avoid payment that we already had before the pause.

That woman is an idiot.
We have the rights that we create for our own society, whichever one that might be. The US Constitution was written by wealthy land owners to protect their own rights and property and for many decades after its signing, only White, male land owners were allowed to vote. We can always change the Constitution by redacting it, or even discard it altogether and write a new one.

If society determines that all of its members have a human right to food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment in the public sector, then it will form a government that will ensure those rights and will organize labor, materials, and other resources to meet those needs. There is no "stealing" from anyone.

And you're going to pay for all these goodies how?
Maybe to just sum it up and end this debate: Elections matter.

You all spent your political energy fighting to carry guns openly, to ban abortion and give tax cuts to the rich.

We spent ours to get our loans forgiven. To raise minimum wage. And other things.

Be mad that YOUR sides issues don’t actually help you. That YOUR politicians swindled you.

We got our federal loans forgiven. You got your state to let you carry a pistol on your hip to play make believe Wyatt Earp.

We both got what we spent political energy on. Stop whining.

Again, you didn't get anything. Minimum wage increase? When did that happen? Dementia told his fellow Communists don't bother sending a minimum wage bill to his desk, he'd only veto it. Talk about being swindled by your leaders. Tax cuts to the rich? I can't wait for my next family doing to announce you told me I was rich, because I got a nice tax cut under Trump.

One thing you are correct on, you get what you vote for. That's why nearly all the leftist cities have seen an increase of crime, in some places nearly 50%. So what else did you get for your vote? The highest inflation rate in 40 years, the highest interest rate in 13 years, the highest gasoline prices ever, the worst border problem in over 20 years, a labor shortage leading to a supply chain shortage, over 2/3 of the country living paycheck to paycheck, a new high in fentanyl OD deaths in 2021, 87,000 new IRS agents to hassle citizens over nickle and dime claims, a Ukrainian war.

The only thing Dementia has built back better is the Taliban in Afghanistan handing over 80 billion dollars of US military gear making them the strongest terrorist organization in the world.
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Leftists are fucking losers. Worst part is the Democracks CONSTANTLY entertain and reward a loser mentality.

And you're going to pay for all these goodies how?
Reread what I wrote, from beginning to end. No one necessarily has to pay extra taxes, provided all of the funding comes from the federal government. The federal government doesn't depend on taxes to fund itself, as state and local governments do. I already mentioned this, and even explained why, in several posts. You only read one or two lines, maybe a whole paragraph, but then ignore the rest of the post hence you continue asking questions for which I already provided answers. To go back to your question. If our federal government is the only source of funding for education, then perhaps no more taxes have to be paid. If the federal government funds it along with state and local taxes, then there might be more taxes to pay. Maybe it's an extra 2% in sales tax or an extra $20 monthly will be taken out of people's paychecks, or maybe it's both of those two options.

If tuition-free education was recognized as a right for each American citizen and became law, then everyone would contribute to its funding, in one way or another, regardless of party affiliation or where they stand politically. They would pay for it along with everyone else and could go to school whenever they choose to do that.
I won't disagree. But it's much more of a reflection of corporate America than most people think.
except the academics pretend to oppose that behavior, the fact they have chosen to reflect the behavior of corporate America is a sign they see the wisdom of corporate thinking to which they never admit to.

The way to debt forgiveness is not making someone pay the tab [because that is not forgiveness] but making those who profited forgive the debt
If you freedom lovers still think you're "holding your own"....
Just look at this thread at how many OPEN Communists and MARXISTS there are telling you YOU have it wrong.
They are winning You are losing.

btw....Communist and Marxist countries NEVER allow the commoner to possess guns. (HINT)
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Leftists are fucking losers. Worst part is the Democracks CONSTANTLY entertain and reward a loser mentality.


They should definitely eliminate trade school debts as well, that way you can use that money to relocate to a new city where you will work, or buy a car, or buy tools or start a new business using the skills you learned at vocational school. Every student debt should be forgiven regardless of whether it's college or vocational school.

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