We get to pay for student loans. Great.

What's the principle behind your complaint?

Is it the amount or what?
I don't like my children and grandchildren being put in debt to provide welfare for a bunch of shitheads that can't pay off their own debts just so the filthy Democrats can buy a few more votes.

Since you stupid uneducated Moon Bats are just as ignorant of Ethics as you are Economics, History, Biology, Climate Science and the Constitution you idiots wouldn't understand what is wrong.
If your college degree is not valuable enough for you to pay back the loan it's dam sure not valuable enough for the rest of us to pay for it. Here is a radical idea how about those who take out loans and borrow money pay it back and I don't give a shit what you took the loan out for or what your political affiliation is take responsibility for the decision you made like an adult.
Do ya think that those college fucking kids who will have debt forgiven is later on in life going to have to pick up that tab plus inflation? Big fucking time....
Why don't they pay off their debt now instead of passing it on to the millions of our children and grandchildren that didn't incur the debt?
If your college degree is not valuable enough for you to pay back the loan it's dam sure not valuable enough for the rest of us to pay for it. Here is a radical idea how about those who take out loans and borrow money pay it back and I don't give a shit what you took the loan out for or what your political affiliation is take responsibility for the decision you made like an adult.
Education should just be a human right, hence no need to get a loan to receive an education. The cost of hiring teachers, and professors, the expense of building facilities, maintaining them, and managing programs and studies, constitute part of our nation's infrastructure because it is vital to our survival and success. If we still have markets and money, then it will cost around 100 billion yearly, a drop in the bucket. Education = National Security.
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What happens going forward?

Do we forgive student loan debt every 4 years? Why should these people get a break and the people who are just about to start college get nuffinz?

If the commies don't try and make this a permanent thing, expect them to pull this stunt every time they have control.
If your college degree is not valuable enough for you to pay back the loan it's dam sure not valuable enough for the rest of us to pay for it. Here is a radical idea how about those who take out loans and borrow money pay it back and I don't give a shit what you took the loan out for or what your political affiliation is take responsibility for the decision you made like an adult.
Tough shit. Nobody likes where every tax dollar goes. Welcome to adulting.
Not when you're sanctioned by the most powerful empire in human history that owns most of the world's banks. Here are the merchant ships being tracked by an American owned and operated satellite network:
yeah, those capitalists got it figured out dont they?

The irony of you being here, touting communism, while in the same breath ADMITTING piss ant little communists cant stand on their own because of the evil capitalists having power over them!!!!!

Jesus the stupidity.
Here's the little White House Pirate explaining how they're going to pay for this latest boondoggle:

They're going to "lift the pause" at the end of the year? First of all, no they are not. They'll extend it again. Second of all lifting the pause would bring in very little revenue as deadbeats will have had all this time to make use of the multiple extensions, forebearances and other ways to avoid payment that we already had before the pause.

And I thought Psaki was bad.
yeah, those capitalists got it figured out dont they?

Definitely, the big money imperialists, the American ruling class/plutocrats, know exactly what they're doing to continue exploiting and expropriating the world of its wealth, including the American working class (the most exploited and brainwashed of them all). Eventually, the system is going to implode, and socialism will become the obvious solution, but at the moment, we're all under the heel of Western imperialism. Not for long though, redemption is coming.
Nope. The loan is forgiven by the US government. They’ll literally just hit “delete” on a digital account balance. It wont cost you or anyone else a freaking dime.
It doesn't matter, education should be everyone's human right, in a modern, civilized society. The benefit of having an educated, skilled, competent, populace outweighs the expense of paying teachers and maintaining the facilities and programs of the school. etc. All student debt should be forgiven immediately.

Good, then you pay for it. The rest of us don't want to.
Exactly. My main gripe is we hand out student loans to anyone who can mark an "X" on their application, many of whom just flat out aren't college material. We shouldn't be giving any student loans at all to anyone who has no reasonable expectation of ever paying the money back. It's like we have automatic qualification. Hell, there are people who graduate high school who aren't even proficient at reading or even simple math. Many just go to college with a loan so they can party, do drugs, have sex, and be out of their parent's house. Then they owe 10K-30K and wind up working part time at McDonalds.

Yeah I think many start out with good intentions, but then some event happens in their life. They get sick. They have a family member who needs help. They get two or three semesters in and realize that they need cash now more than they need an education for later. This is why I'd like to see more high school to apprenticeship type programs.
Here's the little White House Pirate explaining how they're going to pay for this latest boondoggle:

They're going to "lift the pause" at the end of the year? First of all, no they are not. They'll extend it again. Second of all lifting the pause would bring in very little revenue as deadbeats will have had all this time to make use of the multiple extensions, forebearances and other ways to avoid payment that we already had before the pause.

It would be physically impossible to find someone dumber than her/he/she/it/them/their for this job.

Not possible even if you scooped someone off the street eating his own poop and propped him up behind that lecturn.
It doesn't matter, education should be everyone's human right, in a modern, civilized society. The benefit of having an educated, skilled, competent, populace outweighs the expense of paying teachers and maintaining the facilities and programs of the school. etc. All student debt should be forgiven immediately.
You don’t have any rights beyond the ones the Constitution grants you. That’s the end of the list of your rights. Why is it all of your rights depend on stealing from others? You want free college, paid for by anyone but you. You want free healthcare, paid for anyone but you. You want a home but won’t go and earn it. You want a car you won’t work to purchase.

I have to think what the fuck use are you people? I think we would be better off if those like you just die. You’re nothing but a lazy fucking grifter. Or a democrat, same thing.

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