We get to pay for student loans. Great.

It’s nice you’re so concerned about those that took out loans and how fair it is for them. Why the fuck aren’t you concerned about making the people who didn’t take out a loan at all, or who paid theirs off?

Why the fuck don't you just chill out before running your fucking mouth, punk. Where did I say I wasn't concerned about people who didn't take out a loan. Why the fuck would I even bring them into this conversation?

Oh I get it: you like throwing around non-sequiturs to appear smart. Well it ain't workin.
This will send a message to all of the other "borrowers" that this is free money that they will not be expected to pay back so they might as well borrow as much as they can.

And the colleges will get the idea to raise prices, so they can charge more to prospective students who won't be as shy about taking out excessive loans.
Arguably, this is worse than the housing crisis. Can we please put some restrictions on students taking on 6 digit loans because they feel entitled to go to school three time zones away and concentrate in some bullshit major for which there is little to no job market for them to pay back their loans?
Arguably, this is worse than the housing crisis. Can we please put some restrictions on students taking on 6 digit loans because they feel entitled to go to school three time zones away and concentrate in some bullshit major for which there is little to no job market for them to pay back their loans?

Now that the precedent is set that the students don't have to repay, the young people will feel like suckers if they don't take as much as they can.

Although most of this new money will end up with the schools- who will raise prices in response to the new available money much like the automakers did with their EV prices.

So if you’re making 125 grand a year, those making half that will pay for your college loans. Fucking awesome.
The cost of this $300B attempt to buy votes is ~$1000 per capita in the US, or ~$2000 per taxpayer.

And higher-earning Democrats are the main recipients of this tax on everyone.

And it's an indirect subsidy for the indoctrination universities who do their best to turn out Dem voters.
You aren't paying back a single penny. Does that make you feel better? The money was already borrowed via prior bonds and already spent via prior tuition payments so it costs you nothing more.

If not then you should be happy to know your income taxes are based on what you make, not what the government spends, so you will be paying exactly the same amount of money (assuming you even pay income taxes) whether he does this or not.
Ah yes...another clueless liberal that can't grasp the concept that every time Government spends billions more than it takes in via revenue, it makes the dollar bill in everyone's pocket worth less than before! This Executive Order is an insult to working class Americans who couldn't afford to go to college but will now see their tax dollars go to help pay off the student debts of those who did!
Nope. The loan is forgiven by the US government. They’ll literally just hit “delete” on a digital account balance. It wont cost you or anyone else a freaking dime.
Looks like some colleges are going bankrupt then. uhoh.

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