We get to pay for student loans. Great.

We don't want to be like Europe and you'll never see me post how much better they have it there than the US. Only you leftists do that but none will pack their bags and move there.
We don't have to move there, this is our home and country. We will have tuition-free education and vocational training here in the US. You'll see it's coming.
We don't have to move there, this is our home and country. We will have tuition-free education and vocational training here in the US. You'll see it's coming.

Even if you could get away with it this time that will be the end of it. The Republicans are going to take over Congress and a good chance by a huge margin. Unlike you and other Democrats, Republicans believe in personal responsibility so no more government goodies for you.
This answers your question about the "national debt":

This is incorrect.
When the government runs a deficit by "printing money", it steals from all of us by making our money in savings, to be worth less than it was when we put it into the bank account.
It is NOT good to run a deficit at all.
The graph showed what LOOKED like prosperity when the government runs a deficit, but that is only because the repayment is deferred. It is not until later. So the cost and poverty is just moved down the road, off the edge of the graph, so the graph is deliberately deceptive.
Government deficits are horrendous, and should only be allowed is there is an emergency, like a war or depression.
Europe has public health care, and that cut the cost of heath care by half.
They pay half the amount we do in our health insurance rates, by directly paying for public health care in their taxes.
And it is not just "Europe".
Almost the whole world does it.
We are about the only idiots who do not.
I lived in Costa Rica as an American ex-pat for several years, and I was paying very little for healthcare there. Costa Rican nationals had and still have today, full healthcare coverage from the state. They have a high life expectancy compared to us here in the US and lower infant mortality. If a developing country in Central America can offer universal healthcare to its citizens, why can't we do it here in America? We will have it here too, soon. Medicare for all is coming, without a doubt.
Even if you could get away with it this time that will be the end of it. The Republicans are going to take over Congress and a good chance by a huge margin. Unlike you and other Democrats, Republicans believe in personal responsibility so no more government goodies for you.

It is republicans who supported free tuition in the 1950s, because they understood it made the US more competitive on the world market.
Even if you could get away with it this time that will be the end of it. The Republicans are going to take over Congress and a good chance by a huge margin. Unlike you and other Democrats, Republicans believe in personal responsibility so no more government goodies for you.
Republicans believe in government goodies for the rich and austerities for the working class.





This is incorrect.
When the government runs a deficit by "printing money", it steals from all of us by making our money in savings, to be worth less than it was when we put it into the bank account.
It is NOT good to run a deficit at all.
The graph showed what LOOKED like prosperity when the government runs a deficit, but that is only because the repayment is deferred. It is not until later. So the cost and poverty is just moved down the road, off the edge of the graph, so the graph is deliberately deceptive.
Government deficits are horrendous, and should only be allowed is there is an emergency, like a war or depression.
It's not really a deficit, it's just a record or ledger of how much money is being saved in treasury bonds. The federal government's yearly budgetary limits are based on our GDP.
Republicans believe in everybody pulling their own weight. Keeping more of your money is not government goodies, it was your money to begin with.
Republicans believe in empowering the rich at the expense of the working class. Our country's infrastructure, its manufacturing base, and American workers are being gutted like fish by the wealthy ruling class in this country, that Republicans serve like slaves and support. Trickle-down economics doesn't work.

Ray, are you a millionaire or a working class person? Are you on Medicare? Do you have VA medical benefits?
Right, so Republicans 70 years ago think like Republicans today, huh?

Whether or not republicans today think like republicans 70 years ago is not the point.
The point is they SHOULD, because free tuition after WWII is what moved the US ahead of the rest of the world.
It is logical when you are in a race with the rest of the world, to ensure your team wins.
It's not really a deficit, it's just a record or ledger of how much money is being saved in treasury bonds. The federal government's yearly budgetary limits are based on our GDP.

No, it is not being "saved", but is being gathered from selling bonds that are going to be redeemed for more than was paid for them. So our children will have to pay for our over spending.
That is essentially theft from our own children's future.
The government never pays its debts. It pays interest only and then refinances it in perpetuity. Welcome to Fiat Currency 101.
the bill always comes due,,,

those interest payments increase with the increase of the debt,, and thats not even getting into the future generations that will have to pay even more,,
Why would I move to Europe? I like our country the way it is less Democrats. If you want cradle-to-grave government that's what they have in Europe. Why change this country into one of theirs. They already have the changes you want.
We have a right to have what we want here too, and you're not going to stop it. You can try and point that gun at us, but it won't work. Government is a social apparatus organized by the people to manage their large-scale socioeconomic civil affairs and projects. It does what we want it to do. It will serve the public good, not the vested interests of the rich at the expense of the poor. Those who want cradle-to-grave privileges are the rich, not the working class. The rich capitalists are the parasites, not the workers.
Whether or not republicans today think like republicans 70 years ago is not the point.
The point is they SHOULD, because free tuition after WWII is what moved the US ahead of the rest of the world.
It is logical when you are in a race with the rest of the world, to ensure your team wins.

What put us ahead of the world is our Constitution, capitalism, and freedom.

College is an investment. An investment is when you spend YOUR OWN MONEY hoping to get it back plus a profit. Our federal government should not be funding investments of any kind.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants Congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
No, it is not being "saved", but is being gathered from selling bonds that are going to be redeemed for more than was paid for them. So our children will have to pay for our over spending.
That is essentially theft from our own children's future.

No Rigby because the US federal government can't go insolvent, due to being the exclusive issuer of the currency. Watch this:

We have a right to have what we want here too, and you're not going to stop it. You can try and point that gun at us, but it won't work. Government is a social apparatus organized by the people to manage their large-scale socioeconomic civil affairs and projects. It does what we want it to do. It will serve the public good, not the vested interests of the rich at the expense of the poor. Those who want cradle-to-grave privileges are the rich, not the working class. The rich capitalists are the parasites, not the workers.

Of course we're going to stop it. It's called voting.

The rich have no use for cradle-to-grave government. Only parasites like you do.

Now grow up and learn to accept personal responsibilities.

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