We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Looks like some colleges are going bankrupt then. uhoh.
Works for me. The motherfuckers should never have accepted non-college material students and jacked book prices and college credit hour prices and expanded their administrations all willy nilly because Uncle Sugar agreed to back student loans.

That happened when I was almost out of school, yeah.

The enrollment was more than doubled because they let in a fuckton of people that simply were not college material. And then! The administration staff ballooned, book and credit hour prices increased almost to ridiculous.

Almost I say, because they couldn't increase so much that fast back in them days. Who knows what the fuck they did after that?! I would guess probably went apeshit with it. It was a fuckening of the education system in America.

Lenders made out, and college administrations made out. But how did students make out? I'm thinking notsogood.
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So if you’re making 125 grand a year, those making half that will pay for your college loans. Fucking awesome.
Actually, the federal government doesn't need your tax dollars to pay for anything, because it's the exclusive issuer of the USD. Eliminating student debt and offering American citizens a tuition-free education and vocational training, is one of the best investments we could ever make as a nation. Educating and training the populace, creating a well-educated, competent, skilled American workforce, will provide a return on our investment of 1000-fold. A very high return.
Arguably, this is worse than the housing crisis. Can we please put some restrictions on students taking on 6 digit loans because they feel entitled to go to school three time zones away and concentrate in some bullshit major for which there is little to no job market for them to pay back their loans?
No because then only the rich will be able to go to college. Loans are so everyone can.

The actual true answer is FREE COLLEGE like Europe.
Actually, the federal government doesn't need your tax dollars to pay for anything, because it's the exclusive issuer of the USD. Eliminating student debt and offering American citizens a tuition-free education and vocational training, is one of the best investments we could ever make as a nation. Educating and training the populace, creating a well-educated, competent, skilled American workforce, will provide a return on our investment of 1000-fold. A very high return.
Lovely vacuous run-on platitude string, tovarich.

Actually, the federal government doesn't need your tax dollars to pay for anything, because it's the exclusive issuer of the USD. Eliminating student debt and offering American citizens a tuition-free education and vocational training, is one of the best investments we could ever make as a nation. Educating and training the populace, creating a well-educated, competent, skilled American workforce, will provide a return on our investment of 1000-fold. A very high return.

Good gawd
Nope. The loan is forgiven by the US government. They’ll literally just hit “delete” on a digital account balance. It wont cost you or anyone else a freaking dime.
It’s amazing how many idiots think this. If the government can do that then why do we have debt? Why don’t they just hit delete on the deficit? We could just have Fanny and Freddy delete all home loans they carry. Fuck it. It’s just government money, not real money.

This also makes democrat tax increases a joke. Pay your fair share? Fair share of what? Government money that doesn’t exist? Why collect taxes at all.
Good gawd
Amazing isn't it? It's how our fiat money system works. We have a sovereign currency, "printed" by the US federal government through a chartered bank like the FED. At the federal level, taxes serve the purpose of maintaining the value of the dollar and controlling inflation. At the state and local levels, governments fund themselves through taxes and the federal government's yearly budget.

The budgetary constraints of the federal government are based on GDP (our nation's production capacity), not tax revenue.
It’s amazing how many idiots think this. If the government can do that then why do we have debt? Why don’t they just hit delete on the deficit? We could just have Fanny and Freddy delete all home loans they carry. Fuck it. It’s just government money, not real money.

This also makes democrat tax increases a joke. Pay your fair share? Fair share of what? Government money that doesn’t exist? Why collect taxes at all.
This answers your question about the "national debt":

Actually, the federal government doesn't need your tax dollars to pay for anything, because it's the exclusive issuer of the USD. Eliminating student debt and offering American citizens a tuition-free education and vocational training, is one of the best investments we could ever make as a nation. Educating and training the populace, creating a well-educated, competent, skilled American workforce, will provide a return on our investment of 1000-fold. A very high return.

Right. So my taxes go to pay for some kid in college. He or she gets a law degree or becomes a doctor. Then when I need their services, they charge me $300.00 an hour or more after paying for their education and career.
Nope. The loan is forgiven by the US government. They’ll literally just hit “delete” on a digital account balance. It wont cost you or anyone else a freaking dime.

And you have an advanced education? My Lord, you are making our point for us if that's how you think it works.
Most people on this thread are wrong.
Graduating students are not making $100k a year.
It is more like $30k, if they can get a job at all.
And 50 years ago, in many states tuition used to be totally free.
There is no reason to charge students for tuition, since they have no income yet, and half of them are never even going to graduate.
Yet having a college educated work force is what used to make us superior to China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Mexico, etc., for manufacturing, programming, engineering, designing, etc.
We are falling behind precisely because we have allowed a college education to become unaffordable.
If we do not end student debt, we will lose out to China and will become a third world, irrelevant, case of national poverty.
Right. So my taxes go to pay for some kid in college. He or she gets a law degree or becomes a doctor. Then when I need their services, they charge me $300.00 an hour or more after paying for their education and career.

If we do not subsidize student's, then there will be fewer lawyers and doctors, and instead of having to pay them $300 per hour, you will have to pay them $600 per hour.
Right. So my taxes go to pay for some kid in college. He or she gets a law degree or becomes a doctor. Then when I need their services, they charge me $300.00 an hour or more after paying for their education and career.
Within a market system, if there are more lawyers, prices should come down. But you're pretending that you're not going to benefit from living in a society where everyone is educated and skilled, and that's simply not true. If more people are educated and competent, skilled, that's more paying consumers buying your products or walking into your restaurant. That's more technology and a better-developed infrastructure. All of this will benefit you. As far as taxes, you may have to pay $20 extra monthly or an extra 2% sales tax, but the benefits will outweigh the cost. This of course is assuming that a tax is imposed, otherwise, as I mentioned in an earlier post, the federal government really doesn't need to tax anyone to provide everyone with a tuition-free education.. It would cost about 80 to 100 billion a year to provide everyone in America with a higher education or vocational training. That's a small % of our federal yearly budget. We spend more on yearly corporate subsidies.
We don't want to be like Europe and you'll never see me post how much better they have it there than the US. Only you leftists do that but none will pack their bags and move there.

Europe has public health care, and that cut the cost of heath care by half.
They pay half the amount we do in our health insurance rates, by directly paying for public health care in their taxes.
And it is not just "Europe".
Almost the whole world does it.
We are about the only idiots who do not.
Most people on this thread are wrong.
Graduating students are not making $100k a year.
It is more like $30k, if they can get a job at all.
And 50 years ago, in many states tuition used to be totally free.
There is no reason to charge students for tuition, since they have no income yet, and half of them are never even going to graduate.
Yet having a college educated work force is what used to make us superior to China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Mexico, etc., for manufacturing, programming, engineering, designing, etc.
We are falling behind precisely because we have allowed a college education to become unaffordable.
If we do not end student debt, we will lose out to China and will become a third world, irrelevant, case of national poverty.

Dang, guess you should have selected a major other than Gender Studies.

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