We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Pay the shareholders and then add a Wall Street financial transaction tax /FTT of 1%,. The American people would own all of the heavy industries, and the profits would be invested back into the country. That's the friendly way to do it.

The Tax on Wall Street Speculation Act, was proposed by Bernie to pay for education, which would levy a new tax of 0.5% on stock trades, a 0.1% fee on bond trades and a 0.005% fee on derivatives. https://www.sanders.senate.gov/wp-c...-Wall-Street-Speculation-2021-Summary-v12.pdf

add a Wall Street financial transaction tax /FTT of 1%,

Besides killing stock and bond trading, what's the purpose of that?

The Tax on Wall Street Speculation Act, was proposed by Bernie to pay for education,

Commies have a lot of bad ideas.
add a Wall Street financial transaction tax /FTT of 1%,

Besides killing stock and bond trading, what's the purpose of that?

The Tax on Wall Street Speculation Act, was proposed by Bernie to pay for education,

Commies have a lot of bad ideas.

Taxing wall street gambling and its wealthy speculators is a great idea due to the amount of money that can be drawn in taxes. One percentage point won't destroy the game.

John Kennedy

Here’s my plan for student debt: If you borrowed the money, you pay it back. Period. It’s called personal responsibility.
They were forced to borrow the money to get an education when they shouldn't be, because their government and society were irresponsible, not recognizing education as a basic human right.
They were forced to borrow the money to get an education when they shouldn't be, because their government and society were irresponsible, not recognizing education as a basic human right.
You Moon Bats are always confused about things like this.

If you got such a worthless degree as for the payback to be a burden or else you are just a sorry worthless excuse of a human being then why should I have be taxed $2K to pay back your debt?

Either you are just the typical stupid deranged Leftest or else some smart ass internet troll who thinks you are being clever. Which is it?
You Moon Bats are always confused about things like this.

If you got such a worthless degree as for the payback to be a burden or else you are just a sorry worthless excuse of a human being then why should I have be taxed $2K to pay back your debt?

Either you are just the typical stupid deranged Leftest or else some smart ass internet troll who thinks you are being clever. Which is it?
I suspect this poster is a conservative plant, here to stir up opposition to the socialist ambitions of the Democrats.

Maybe that's wishful thinking.
You Moon Bats are always confused about things like this.

If you got such a worthless degree as for the payback to be a burden or else you are just a sorry worthless excuse of a human being then why should I have be taxed $2K to pay back your debt?

Either you are just the typical stupid deranged Leftest or else some smart ass internet troll who thinks you are being clever. Which is it?

You don't have to be taxed $2000. Our GDP is over 20 trillion yearly, hence our federal budget can be double, even triple what it is today, without causing inflation. No need to tax you or anyone else for eliminating the student debt.
You couldn’t save enough in the Army to get an engineering degree today. That’s the point.
That is the dumbest statement ever posted on this thread.

I paid for my degree as I went. I graduated debt free.

It took a combination of funds to do it including making minimal wage working at a gas station.

Sometimes I went to class with only three or four hours sleep because of working late and having to study. Sometimes I had only dry cereal to eat because I didn't have enough money to buy a good meal. I gave up doing a lot of recreational things.

I had to sacrifice. I didn't go out and borrow a ton of money. I could have but I didn't. Why should I be taxed to pay somebody's else's bill that didn't sacrificed like I did?

To get the GI Bill (among other things) I spent three weeks in November 1967 at Dak To. Go look that up.
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That is the dumbest statement posted on this thread.

I paid for my degree as I went. I graduated debt free.

It took a combination of funds to do it including making minimal wage working at a gas station.

Sometimes I went to class with only three or four hours sleep because of working late and having to study. Sometimes I had only dry cereal to eat because I didn't have enough money to buy a good meal. I gave up doing a lot of recreational things.

I had to sacrifice. I didn't go out and borrow a ton of money. I could have but I didn't. Why should I be taxed to pay somebody's else's bill that didn't sacrificed like I did?

To get the GI Bill (among other things) I spent three weeks in November 1967 at Dak To. Go look that up.

You shouldn't have had to do all of that. Can you imagine if you could've taken all of that energy, motivation, and grit that you were forced to apply to austerities unrelated to your studies and focused it entirely on your studies? You would've saved time, energy, and resources, and might have even gotten better grades. The country needs engineers, so to provide you with an education is an investment not a waste of money.
I suspect this poster is a conservative plant, here to stir up opposition to the socialist ambitions of the Democrats.

Maybe that's wishful thinking.
They have no "socialist ambitions", I wish they did. I would be a Democrat.
You shouldn't have had to do all of that. Can you imagine if you could've taken all of that energy, motivation, and grit that you were forced to apply to austerities unrelated to your studies and focused it entirely on your studies? You would've saved time, energy, and resources, and might have even gotten better grades. The country needs engineers, so to provide you with an education is an investment not a waste of money.
It is not morally right for you to be forced by the filthy government to work and pay taxes so that my life could be a little more comfortable.

You never answered my question.

Are you a real dumbass uneducated Leftest or are simply an Internet troll trying to be cute?

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