We get to pay for student loans. Great.

It is not morally right for you to be forced by the filthy government to work and pay taxes so that my life could be a little more comfortable.

You never answered my question.

Are you a real dumbass uneducated Leftest or are simply an Internet troll trying to be cute?

Our government, created by the American people and for the people, should recognize that every human being and member of our society has the human right to an education. It's for the public good and yes, our government has the right to collect taxes, especially when our economy is under capitalism. Communities decide what is moral and immoral behavior, and what it considers legal and illegal.
He demonstrates a bumper-sticker level of knowledge re: socialim
So, the answer to your question is "yes".
I think I will put the little shit on ignore.

If he is a real dumbass Leftest then he is not worth trying to educate..

If he is an Internet Troll trying to be cute then piss on him
I have him on ignore as well - I just happened to see soemone go after him, and was curious as to what.
As expected, he failed to deliver.
So, back into the pit.
He is on ignore now. There are better things to do than waste time responding to an idiot like him.

Maybe it is not a him. Maybe one of the Moon Bat transsexuals or a fat butch Feminazi.
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I think I will put the little shit on ignore.

If he is a real dumbass Leftest then he is not worth trying to educate..

If he is an Internet Troll trying to be cute then piss on him
I have him on ignore as well - I just happened to see soemone go after him, and was curious as to what.
As expected, he failed to deliver.
So, back into the pit.

You want to live in a world where you have no civic duties or responsibilities, and unfortunately, that imaginary fantasy world doesn't exist.
This is interesting.

Why did DeSantis not pay his off, when he had 100k in the bank? Why is he taking over 10k from Biden?

I didn't trust him before, I will definitely not vote for him now.


Date Jun 9, 2022.
This is interesting.

Why did DeSantis not pay his off, when he had 100k in the bank? Why is he taking over 10k from Biden?

I didn't trust him before, I will definitely not vote for him now.

View attachment 687362

Date Jun 9, 2022.
I have many times the amount of my mortgage in savings but I chose not to pay it off.

Mind you own fucking business Moon Bat.

If you are concerned about things like this you need to be looking into why Joe Poataohead is a mega millionaire on the salary of a Congressman, Senator, VP and President. At best he should be worth a couple of million, including his home, but instead he is filthy rich thanks to his Chicom buddies.
Taxing wall street gambling and its wealthy speculators is a great idea due to the amount of money that can be drawn in taxes. One percentage point won't destroy the game.

Taxing wall street gambling and its wealthy speculators is a great idea due to the amount of money that can be drawn in taxes.

How much will it raise?
They were forced to borrow the money to get an education when they shouldn't be, because their government and society were irresponsible, not recognizing education as a basic human right.

They were forced to borrow the money to get an education

Gun to the head forced? Take this loan or we'll kill your family forced?
You shouldn't have had to do all of that. Can you imagine if you could've taken all of that energy, motivation, and grit that you were forced to apply to austerities unrelated to your studies and focused it entirely on your studies? You would've saved time, energy, and resources, and might have even gotten better grades. The country needs engineers, so to provide you with an education is an investment not a waste of money.

It's not an obligation of society to make engineers anymore than it's societies obligation to make floor sweepers. Everybody that contributes to our society is valuable. That doesn't mean society should be responsible to train the country for whatever they want.

Where is the pride in other people paying for things you have? Who will take care of their new car better, a guy who's father just hands him one or the guy that works to make money and pay for his car?

You people on the left have no pride or dignity. You don't know the great feeling of accomplishment when others are accomplishing for you instead.
Taxing wall street gambling and its wealthy speculators is a great idea due to the amount of money that can be drawn in taxes.

How much will it raise?
Trillions and they would still continue playing the game and making billions. They remain billionaires, no one is eating the rich and the working class gets their education, among other social services, that help them survive and thrive. A foundation upon which to build one's life.
I have many times the amount of my mortgage in savings but I chose not to pay it off.

Mind you own fucking business Moon Bat.

If you are concerned about things like this you need to be looking into why Joe Poataohead is a mega millionaire on the salary of a Congressman, Senator, VP and President. At best he should be worth a couple of million, including his home, but instead he is filthy rich thanks to his Chicom buddies.
This forum, and all the issues concerning American policy are my business. You have no monopoly on any of the threads. You want to silence me, because you know I am right.

I'm just pointing out, that this issue is bullshit, and it is another one, meant to divide all of us. I get this from Trump supporters when I bring up undeniable and inconvenient facts about Trump as well. You have serious partisan blinder issues going on, deal with it.

This guy is a hypocrite, he is playing politics with it, he will benefit, and he could have, and should have, paid this off. Mortgage is different than student loan, you know it, I know it.

You and I have agreed on many many different topics, and when we disagree, I don't fly off the handle and start calling you names. Grow up.


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