We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Each billionaire wouldn't pay trillions, that's the overall amount that would be drawn from the 1% trade tax from each trade. So yes, they could still make a great profit despite the tax.

If their trading is so profitable that they made billions, after paying trillions in taxes, why won't they move the trading offshore and only pay billions in taxes?
Trillions and they would still continue playing the game and making billions. They remain billionaires, no one is eating the rich and the working class gets their education, among other social services, that help them survive and thrive. A foundation upon which to build one's life.

Thomas Sowell.jpeg
Which is why we don't want such a society. I'm not going to pay for anybody's investment in education no more than anybody paid for my real estate investments.
The thing about socialism that makes it so attatractive to those who support it?
You don't have a choice in the matter.
You will do what you are told, or you'll go to a concentration camp.
Or take a dirt nap.

Americans are angry because they bust their tails and their income barely budges, and then they see prices go up, and then they have to pay for other people's failure

meanwhile, the rich and powerful are always taken care of

we need a new president who will build an America of our best dreams!
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in my day, 15 years ago, i initially didn't have money for a college application, much less tuition and books. some days it fell college might as well have been on the moon. it was a miserable time in my life. but i find a way to push through and it all worked out

Problem is that infograph is factually incorrect. There are only about 37M direct loan borrowers. That last 5% have government backed loans from private lenders and they get zilch. I have seen some of them pretty upset about that. Biden announced this so late in the game it would be virtually impossible for any of them to consolidate under the direct loan program before the October 31 drop dead date. In addition, there are only about 9 million borrowers already enrolled in IDR direct loans with income records already on file. That means that 28M borrowers will need to get their income taxes submitted and processed before October 31 deadline as well and the Department of Education hasn't issued any guidance to servicers or mechanism for doing that. I paid mine off years ago so I am not sure of the veracity of the statement, but someone I know on an ICR program told me that the reason they have to file their taxes on paper every year is because the Department of Education requires loan servicers to only accept signed paper copies of tax returns for income verification. They will not accept the transcript from e-filed taxes. A ton of these borrowers are going to be up the creek proving they qualify even if they clearly qualify. Unless the DoE changes the rules, it appears as if Biden is going to be be royally pissing off millions on the eve of an election because he waited so long to announce and they are getting left out as a result.

Edit: Just for clarification, this is all being done under Heroes Act powers. Everything has to be done and posted on the accounts before January 1, 2023, or there will be no legal basis for it as that is when the COVID emergency ends. There is very little margin for moving the goalpost on this because he waited too damn long to set the wheels in motion.
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The irony is that no one really seems interested in solving the problem. We have an ill-conceived state program that lures hapless kids into taking on debt they'll never be able to pay back, and drives tuition prices up in the process. We need to end it. Compensating its victims, while leaving the program in place as if nothing is wrong, is idiotic.
The irony is that no one really seems interested in solving the problem. We have an ill-conceived state program that lures hapless kids into taking on debt they'll never be able to pay back, and drives tuition prices up in the process. We need to end it. Compensating its victims, while leaving the program in place as if nothing is wrong, is idiotic.

Not if the only goal is to buy votes. Democrats don't want to fix any problems. They only create problems like fuel prices, the border, the labor shortage.........
Don't be coy. It was because he wanted personal credit for the "gift". He wanted voters to feel indebted to HIM.

It was every bit as much vote buying as the loan forgiveness crap.

Except for the fact those checks were sent out to everybody: Republicans, Democrats, Independents. It was done equally.

The majority of students in just about any college are Democrats. Just ask them. They always like to brag how college educated voters vote for them.

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