We get to pay for student loans. Great.

It's not an obligation of society to make engineers anymore than it's societies obligation to make floor sweepers. Everybody that contributes to our society is valuable. That doesn't mean society should be responsible to train the country for whatever they want.

Where is the pride in other people paying for things you have? Who will take care of their new car better, a guy who's father just hands him one or the guy that works to make money and pay for his car?

You people on the left have no pride or dignity. You don't know the great feeling of accomplishment when others are accomplishing for you instead.

Society determines what the rights of its members are. In a socialist society, education is for the public good and is considered an investment, with a very high rate of return. A well-educated and skilled citizenry contributes to the survival and success of the nation. As far as healthy pride and dignity, that comes through our service to others, contributing to the development and strengthening of our nation and compatriots.

Students should just focus on studying, not on getting loans or working long hours at a job. The only "job" of the student in a socialist society is to focus on their studies and get good grades and then serve their fellowman and the nation. Our personal worth and value come from serving a greater purpose and having a mission in life, namely, to empower not just ourselves but our comrades.
Equality denotes that one group doesn't have inherent priviledges over another with respect to access to resources. Everyone has at least a foundational set of resources available upon which to build their lives.
This forum, and all the issues concerning American policy are my business. You have no monopoly on any of the threads. You want to silence me, because you know I am right.

I'm just pointing out, that this issue is bullshit, and it is another one, meant to divide all of us. I get this from Trump supporters when I bring up undeniable and inconvenient facts about Trump as well. You have serious partisan blinder issues going on, deal with it.

This guy is a hypocrite, he is playing politics with it, he will benefit, and he could have, and should have, paid this off. Mortgage is different than student loan, you know it, I know it.

You and I have agreed on many many different topics, and when we disagree, I don't fly off the handle and start calling you names. Grow up.

What the hell do you think DeSantis did wrong, Moon Bat? Is it your TDS mental Illness carrying over to DeSantis?

Carrying a loan when you have enough assets in the bank to pay it off is no issue whatsoever.

If you want to ask some questions about politicians bank accounts why don't you answer my question on how in the hell did Joe Potatohead get to be a mega millionaire on a Representative, You Moon Bats never have an answer for the crimes commited by the Democrats, do you?
Senator, VP and President's salary especially knowing he was out of work for four years?

What did he do to earn the money from the Chicoms, Russians, Ukrainians and god only knows who else?

You Moon Bats never have an answer for the crimes committed by the Democrats, do you?
What the hell do you think DeSantis did wrong, Moon Bat? Is it your TDS mental Illness carrying over to DeSantis?

Carrying a loan when you have enough assets in the bank to pay it off is no issue whatsoever.

If you want to ask some questions about politicians bank accounts why don't you answer my question on how in the hell did Joe Potatohead get to be a mega millionaire on a Representative, You Moon Bats never have an answer for the crimes commited by the Democrats, do you?
Senator, VP and President's salary especially knowing he was out of work for four years?

What did he do to earn the money from the Chicoms, Russians, Ukrainians and god only knows who else?

You Moon Bats never have an answer for the crimes committed by the Democrats, do you?
Insults are the refuge of a weak argument.
They'll pay trillions in taxes and only make billions?

You're confused about how trading stocks and bonds really works.

Still in college?

Getting an ethnic studies degree?
Each billionaire wouldn't pay trillions, that's the overall amount that would be drawn from the 1% trade tax from each trade. So yes, they could still make a great profit despite the tax.
Insults are the refuge of a weak argument.
Do tell.
It had nothing to do with Reagan, and every thing to do with the world reserve currency.

You are right, both the DNC, AND the GOP have been deficit spending like there is no tomorrow. Before Reagan? It was axiomatic, you run a deficit, you get inflation.

It was just that simple. Then? With Reagan, we began exporting our excess money printing. . . Till now. The entire world is full up. What happens when they don't want our extra dollars? Both they, and us, experience inflation like we have never had since the Reagan era.






The US government in 1981 declared “deficits don’t matter” and then ran massive deficits without causing inflation. This is the equivalent of an African shaman declaring he has mystical powers and then levitating himself in a ring of fire (watch video). Confronted with governments/shamans claiming to defy the economic/physical laws of the universe, the alternatives involve believing in the magic (gravity and deficits "don’t matter") or looking for the fraud.

For everyone who suspects that the government and the press are lying about deficits “not mattering”, read on for an explanation that doesn’t involve magic.


As mentioned above, the government never stopped printing money in the 1980s. What happened was the government’s money printing stopped causing inflation. This leads to the question:


It is possible to print billions without causing inflation if those billions never enter the country’s domestic money supply. For example, if the government prints 1 billion dollars and then that 1 billion disappears overseas, there would be no inflation because the amount of dollars in America remains unchanged. This is exactly what happened in the 1980s. . . "

Foreign Dollar Holdings and the U.S. Money Supply​

". . The Mystery of the Missing Currency. Since currency is such an important component of the money supply, it obviously is very important to have an accurate measure of it. In practice, the Fed assumes that all the money ever printed is still in circulation, less only that which has been officially withdrawn from circulation or is known to have been destroyed. However, when the Fed has attempted to survey banks, businesses and households to find out how much currency was actually circulating, some 80 percent of the currency thought to be in circulation had simply disappeared.

Efforts to locate this missing money have focused particularly on "exports" of U.S. dollars: money that has left our shores and now circulates in foreign countries. For many years, there were no estimates of these exports. In the last two years the Federal Reserve has developed estimates of currency exports that it believes are reliable. The Commerce Department now publishes them in the Survey of Current Business , a monthly publication of the U.S. Government Printing Office. The table presents the data on both the stock of U.S. dollars circulating in foreign countries and the annual flows.

Of course these data can be criticized, but in all likelihood they represent a low-end estimate of foreign holdings of U.S. dollars. That is because they mainly measure legitimate currency flows going through the banking system. They exclude flows through other channels, such as tourists, personal remittances and overseas military bases. More importantly, they exclude flows through illegal activities such as drug dealing. Thus we can assume that at least this much U.S. currency circulates in foreign countries and is not part of the domestic money supply. The figure shows foreign holdings of dollars as a percentage of currency in circulation. As one can see, more than half of all U.S. currency now circulates outside the U.S.. . . "

What does this mean? The whole pandemic was a cover for the international banking cartel to cover-up another great recession, or possibly, another minor depression, and inject trillions of reserve currency into the system through the FED. . . this liquidity circulated WORLD WIDE. And? Since there are no auditing powers in the US congress of the FED, those infusions of capital cannot be traced throughout the global system, and YES, do affect the prices in every nation that trades with the US economy.

With that said, neither party can really be said to be at blame. Until the globalized central banking system is done away with, all people on the planet will be made to pay the price of these criminals.

What you are bitching about, has nothing to do with either the DNC or the GOP, it has to do with fiat. That would occur under a Communist regime as well. If you destroy the value of the currency, the little folks money will purchase less than it did before. All government do this, in order to pay off their debts. No matter if they are Republics, Monarchies, or Socialist nations, they do it because they don't want to pay the entire value of their liabilities. It has nothing to do with partisan politics. AND THAT?

. . . started WAY before Reagan ever even thought to enter politics.


Politicians will always abuse the central banks, at the expense of the population. The only thing that can be counted on? Is that socialists and communists haven't got a clue what is going on in global economics. . . well, not the party apparatchiks and partisans at least. That is why Italian communist leaders, supposedly refer to you folks as, "useful idiots."
Each billionaire wouldn't pay trillions, that's the overall amount that would be drawn from the 1% trade tax from each trade. So yes, they could still make a great profit despite the tax.

The number one reason tax percentage is low on trades is to encourage investment. What you're talking about is discouraging investments which even people on the left knows will be bad for the economy.
The number one reason tax percentage is low on trades is to encourage investment. What you're talking about is discouraging investments which even people on the left knows will be bad for the economy.
The don’t invest because they dont have money nor discipline and are jealous and hateful towards those who do.
What the hell do you think DeSantis did wrong, Moon Bat? Is it your TDS mental Illness carrying over to DeSantis?

Carrying a loan when you have enough assets in the bank to pay it off is no issue whatsoever.

If you want to ask some questions about politicians bank accounts why don't you answer my question on how in the hell did Joe Potatohead get to be a mega millionaire on a Representative, You Moon Bats never have an answer for the crimes commited by the Democrats, do you?
Senator, VP and President's salary especially knowing he was out of work for four years?

What did he do to earn the money from the Chicoms, Russians, Ukrainians and god only knows who else?

You Moon Bats never have an answer for the crimes committed by the Democrats, do you?

I was watching Tucker during the Cheny bid for the nomination. He stated that before her election, she and her husband were worth 6 million dollars. Now? They're worth 45 million. Piglosi and her husband? Over 100 million.

Now......one might say it's time to leave politics with that kind of scratch. Why do you think they don't want to?
Education should be a human right, due to the immense amount of value and benefits it has for society. It's an investment.
That is really, just your opinion. The very fact that you use the qualifier, "should," means, it is not a given. Nor has it ever been a given.

It is not an axiomatic part of natural law, it is NOT a human right. Nor is health care, housing, food or employment.

You are confusing negative and positive human rights. Your positive right to education, will infringe upon the negative right to life and to property. IF YOU NEED TO STEAL FROM OTHERS, in order to grant this so called "right to education," it is untenable.

Because of natural law, only those folks that most want and desire an education, should earn it. If you give it away for free, how do you know you will get the best and the brightest?

You don't. You are, thus, setting up for a system of failure, it will induce a system of waste, fraud, and abuse. It might work in smaller nations, but it would never work in a nation as large as this.
Society determines what the rights of its members are. In a socialist society, education is for the public good and is considered an investment, with a very high rate of return. A well-educated and skilled citizenry contributes to the survival and success of the nation. As far as healthy pride and dignity, that comes through our service to others, contributing to the development and strengthening of our nation and compatriots.

Students should just focus on studying, not on getting loans or working long hours at a job. The only "job" of the student in a socialist society is to focus on their studies and get good grades and then serve their fellowman and the nation. Our personal worth and value come from serving a greater purpose and having a mission in life, namely, to empower not just ourselves but our comrades.
Equality denotes that one group doesn't have inherent priviledges over another with respect to access to resources. Everyone has at least a foundational set of resources available upon which to build their lives.

Which is why we don't want such a society. I'm not going to pay for anybody's investment in education no more than anybody paid for my real estate investments. So now we have free college and huge taxation for it. It's only going to make us poorer because everybody and their mother is going to want this free college. It's impossible in a country of 340 million people. As it costs more and more, taxation would have to be higher and higher into the trillions every year. Where do you suppose this money is going to come from?

There are good colleges and not so good colleges. If it's free, everybody would want to go to the best colleges, wouldn't you think? How would we solve that problem? You think college is expensive now, what do you think they're going to charge when it's all free tax money and every classroom seat is full with people waiting outside?

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