We Have 2 Life-long Public Servants vs A Reality TV Star and A Rightwing Radio Talker

The odds are looking VERY good for the Democratic Party this year, especially considering the top of their opponent's ticket has no ideology and lies through his teeth at every turn. And the bottom of their ticket has an ideology that wants a perverted form of Christian Sharia law implemented in the country.

Things are looking pretty rosy for the Dems at this hour.
Classic Liberal spin. We should admire useless lifer politicians and ignore a man who demonstrated decades of success in the private sector. He then entered politics with ZERO experience and trounced another useless lifer politician at her own game.
The odds are looking VERY good for the Democratic Party this year, especially considering the top of their opponent's ticket has no ideology and lies through his teeth at every turn. And the bottom of their ticket has an ideology that wants a perverted form of Christian Sharia law implemented in the country.

Things are looking pretty rosy for the Dems at this hour.
Classic Liberal spin. We should admire useless lifer politicians and ignore a man who demonstrated decades of success in the private sector. He then entered politics with ZERO experience and trounced another useless lifer politician at her own game.

Nobody in the battle ground states knows who this loser Harris is, henceforth known as Tan Hillary.
The odds are looking VERY good for the Democratic Party this year, especially considering the top of their opponent's ticket has no ideology and lies through his teeth at every turn. And the bottom of their ticket has an ideology that wants a perverted form of Christian Sharia law implemented in the country.

Things are looking pretty rosy for the Dems at this hour.
If you're happy about Harris you aren't Black
Kamala Harris was saying "lock the up lock them up lock them black boys up
We need free labor here in Californa"
OP, will you promise not to post for 1 year if Trump wins?
Why not up the stakes comrade, the loser has to leave forever.

I didnt say Trump would win. There are plenty of dumb fucks like you who will vote for Biden.

You are the one claiming Biden will win. Do you see the difference?

I am very concerned Trump wont win, and its specifically because of lots of really really stupid fucking people.

You, however, are claiming Biden will win,

AS the sports saying goes, it was ugly, it we just squeaked by, we played terrible but a win is a win.
The odds are looking VERY good for the Democratic Party this year, especially considering the top of their opponent's ticket has no ideology and lies through his teeth at every turn. And the bottom of their ticket has an ideology that wants a perverted form of Christian Sharia law implemented in the country.

Things are looking pretty rosy for the Dems at this hour.

I hope you're right but I'm not going to start counting chickens yet.
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The general response to Harris is decidedly unexcited.

Funny that you don't include any proof of that claim. The reason being it's a lie.

Here is the truth. The Biden campaign raised 26 million dollars in the first 24 hours of Harris being announced as the vp pick.

Then there's the fact that Harris' favorability rating is higher than trump, pence and Biden.

So yes, people are excited about Harris.

You don't matter so the fact that you aren't excited about her doesn't matter.
The odds are looking VERY good for the Democratic Party this year, especially considering the top of their opponent's ticket has no ideology and lies through his teeth at every turn. And the bottom of their ticket has an ideology that wants a perverted form of Christian Sharia law implemented in the country.

Things are looking pretty rosy for the Dems at this hour.

The good news for good people is....we all know how fake black pieces of shit with unAmerican names run nations....remember?
There is no such thing as an American name.

As for Obama , he saved us from a depression, stopped 2 pandemics, set records for job growth and oil production, turned the economy around and handed trump economic growth that he has squandered.

Actually it was 3 pandemics.

Obama and Biden stopped SARS, MERZ and EBOLA from becoming the mess that trump has allowed covid to become.

We already know Biden can handle the covid virus. He has already done it with 3 other pandemics.
We Have 2 Life-long Public Servants vs A Reality TV Star and A Rightwing Radio Talker

Wrong, we have a sitting POTUS and VP, multi-billionaire and former Governor vs a couple of Dem political hacks with long careers accomplishing nothing of merit.
The odds are looking VERY good for the Democratic Party this year, especially considering the top of their opponent's ticket has no ideology and lies through his teeth at every turn. And the bottom of their ticket has an ideology that wants a perverted form of Christian Sharia law implemented in the country.

Things are looking pretty rosy for the Dems at this hour.
Axe Harris' victims if shes a "servant". Same with the Senile Gropper. Seems they both served themselves at taxpayer expense
The odds are looking VERY good for the Democratic Party this year, especially considering the top of their opponent's ticket has no ideology and lies through his teeth at every turn. And the bottom of their ticket has an ideology that wants a perverted form of Christian Sharia law implemented in the country.

Things are looking pretty rosy for the Dems at this hour.

Now that's funny. Hey guys, don't you want to be sure we have two lifetime swamp creatures as P and VP? I mean everyone wants that, this is in the bag?


Seriously dude? Think ...
The odds are looking VERY good for the Democratic Party this year, especially considering the top of their opponent's ticket has no ideology and lies through his teeth at every turn. And the bottom of their ticket has an ideology that wants a perverted form of Christian Sharia law implemented in the country.

Things are looking pretty rosy for the Dems at this hour.
What world do you live in? Your ticket consists of two persons who hate one another.

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