We Have 2 Life-long Public Servants vs A Reality TV Star and A Rightwing Radio Talker

describe Christian sharia law, jackass

The weird set of rules dictated by the dingbat contingent of American Christianity. Everybody, particularly women and LGBTs regardless of their religious views, would have to obey turds like graham and falwell, who think that they know something and everything, or suffer criminal penalties.

describe Christian sharia law, jackass

The weird set of rules dictated by the dingbat contingent of American Christianity. Everybody, particularly women and LGBTs regardless of their religious views, would have to obey turds like graham and falwell, who think that they know something and everything, or suffer criminal penalties.

Comparing Graham and Falwell to those who execute gays and women seems really dumb.
When the radical democrats characterize the 1st Amendment freedom of religion as "perverted Christian Sharia law" it gives us a hint about how they view the rest of the Constitution. God help us if they ever get their slimy claws on the Bill of Rights.

This needs to be repeated and emphasized. Especially in light of how much contempt both of these scumbags have consistently expressed toward the basic rights affirmed and protected by the Bill of Rights.
Trump is on the hated side now, so its not gonna turn out well for him.

You're saying that Trump is on the side of the subhuman pieces of shit who have been rioting and looting and destroying their communities? On on the side of the corrupt pieces of shit infesting positions of public power, who have hyperbolic a routine flu outbreak into a huge fake crisis, and then used it as an excuse to seize and abuse unprecedented powers for themselves, and to maliciously and deliberately sabotage the economy?

Or just that he's on the side that supports violent criminals, in general, along with degenerate sexual perverts, baby murderers, drug abusers, foreign invaders, and other mundane lowly dregs of subhumanity?

I think you are confused about who is on which side.

trump is all of those things

Officials Say White Supremacists Infiltrated Black Lives Matter Protest in Richmond to Instigate Riots

Evidence mounts of far-right extremists' violent chicanery at police protests around the nation

White Supremacist Street Gangs Are Going to BLM Protests

Why are White Supremacists Involved in the Black Lives Matter Protests?

Far-right extremists keep showing up at BLM protests. Are they behind the violence?

Experts say that in many states, far-right extremists, fresh from recruiting at “open states” rallies during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, continue to inject themselves into the protests, creating a potential powder keg as they mix with Black Lives Matter demonstrators.

White supremacists and other extremist groups are using protests and a pandemic to amplify their message

Far-Right Infiltrators and Agitators in George Floyd Protests: Indicators of White Supremacists

The demographics of a largely white, young, and destructive group fit more with a movement known as accelerationists than Black Lives Matter.

The accelerationists, if you have never heard the term, are an extreme subset of white nationalism whose goal is to bring about chaos and destruction. The basic tenet of accelerationism argues that since Western governments are inherently corrupt, the best (and only) thing supremacists can do is to accelerate the end of society by sowing chaos and aggravating political tensions. “Accelerationist ideas have been cited in mass shooters’ manifestos — explicitly, in the case of the New Zealand killer — and are frequently referenced in white supremacist web forums and chat rooms,” Zack Beauchamp explained.

White Supremacists pretending to host a protest to honor Floyd George on Facebook to whip up violence in San Diego were posted on the BLMSD social media warning people not to go and that it was a white supremacist organized rally. People attending demonstrations remarked on the fact that the demographics were wrong, in places like Oakland where the majority of the destruction was perpetrated by young Caucasian men has inspired not just people on social media but reporting in the mainstream media to properly question whether this is a form of infiltration by outside extremist elements.

Three Men Arrested With Alleged White Supremacist Plans to Terrorize Vegas Protests

White supremacists pose as Antifa online, call for violence

Minneapolis “Umbrella Man” is white supremacist who tried to incite riot after Floyd killing: police


Far-right “Boogaloo boy” killed officer after using Black Lives Matter protest as cover: prosecutors

And trump is on this side as well.
When the radical democrats characterize the 1st Amendment freedom of religion as "perverted Christian Sharia law" it gives us a hint about how they view the rest of the Constitution. God help us if they ever get their slimy claws on the Bill of Rights.

This needs to be repeated and emphasized. Especially in light of how much contempt both of these scumbags have consistently expressed toward the basic rights affirmed and protected by the Bill of Rights.
Except Pence is not for freedom of religion.
Trump is on the hated side now, so its not gonna turn out well for him.

You're saying that Trump is on the side of the subhuman pieces of shit who have been rioting and looting and destroying their communities? On on the side of the corrupt pieces of shit infesting positions of public power, who have hyperbolic a routine flu outbreak into a huge fake crisis, and then used it as an excuse to seize and abuse unprecedented powers for themselves, and to maliciously and deliberately sabotage the economy?

Or just that he's on the side that supports violent criminals, in general, along with degenerate sexual perverts, baby murderers, drug abusers, foreign invaders, and other mundane lowly dregs of subhumanity?

I think you are confused about who is on which side.

trump is all of those things

Officials Say White Supremacists Infiltrated Black Lives Matter Protest in Richmond to Instigate Riots

Evidence mounts of far-right extremists' violent chicanery at police protests around the nation

White Supremacist Street Gangs Are Going to BLM Protests

Why are White Supremacists Involved in the Black Lives Matter Protests?

Far-right extremists keep showing up at BLM protests. Are they behind the violence?

Experts say that in many states, far-right extremists, fresh from recruiting at “open states” rallies during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, continue to inject themselves into the protests, creating a potential powder keg as they mix with Black Lives Matter demonstrators.

White supremacists and other extremist groups are using protests and a pandemic to amplify their message

Far-Right Infiltrators and Agitators in George Floyd Protests: Indicators of White Supremacists

The demographics of a largely white, young, and destructive group fit more with a movement known as accelerationists than Black Lives Matter.

The accelerationists, if you have never heard the term, are an extreme subset of white nationalism whose goal is to bring about chaos and destruction. The basic tenet of accelerationism argues that since Western governments are inherently corrupt, the best (and only) thing supremacists can do is to accelerate the end of society by sowing chaos and aggravating political tensions. “Accelerationist ideas have been cited in mass shooters’ manifestos — explicitly, in the case of the New Zealand killer — and are frequently referenced in white supremacist web forums and chat rooms,” Zack Beauchamp explained.

White Supremacists pretending to host a protest to honor Floyd George on Facebook to whip up violence in San Diego were posted on the BLMSD social media warning people not to go and that it was a white supremacist organized rally. People attending demonstrations remarked on the fact that the demographics were wrong, in places like Oakland where the majority of the destruction was perpetrated by young Caucasian men has inspired not just people on social media but reporting in the mainstream media to properly question whether this is a form of infiltration by outside extremist elements.

Three Men Arrested With Alleged White Supremacist Plans to Terrorize Vegas Protests

White supremacists pose as Antifa online, call for violence

Minneapolis “Umbrella Man” is white supremacist who tried to incite riot after Floyd killing: police


Far-right “Boogaloo boy” killed officer after using Black Lives Matter protest as cover: prosecutors

And trump is on this side as well.
Wow lots of lefty propaganda here where do you find it all?
In 2008 the Republicans had a life time public servant going up against a community organizer and half term served Senator that didn’t get him the Presidency. Having served in public office your whole life is not the selling point it used to be.
The odds are looking VERY good for the Democratic Party this year, especially considering the top of their opponent's ticket has no ideology and lies through his teeth at every turn. And the bottom of their ticket has an ideology that wants a perverted form of Christian Sharia law implemented in the country.

Things are looking pretty rosy for the Dems at this hour.
I'm not fond of lifetime public servants, but Harris is not a senator for life. The dems have had two presidential candidates who were not lifetime politicians - Hill and John Edwards. Both succumbmed (-: to greed. Strange, imo. I would have thought it was the other way around. And Reagan - like him or not - was the most honest of the past 50 years at least, and he never had that much money.
In 2008 the Republicans had a life time public servant going up against a community organizer and half term served Senator that didn’t get him the Presidency. Having served in public office your whole life is not the selling point it used to be.
Obama started running for potus before he went to law school. LOL The joke in the senate was something like: he only weighs 100 pounds, but 90 of it is ambition.
The odds are looking VERY good for the Democratic Party this year, especially considering the top of their opponent's ticket has no ideology and lies through his teeth at every turn. And the bottom of their ticket has an ideology that wants a perverted form of Christian Sharia law implemented in the country.

Things are looking pretty rosy for the Dems at this hour.

All of those years in public service and accomplished nothing for the people. Incomprehensible.
describe Christian sharia law, jackass

The weird set of rules dictated by the dingbat contingent of American Christianity. Everybody, particularly women and LGBTs regardless of their religious views, would have to obey turds like graham and falwell, who think that they know something and everything, or suffer criminal penalties.

You're either an idiot, or clinically insane. Your choice.
The odds are looking VERY good for the Democratic Party this year, especially considering the top of their opponent's ticket has no ideology and lies through his teeth at every turn. And the bottom of their ticket has an ideology that wants a perverted form of Christian Sharia law implemented in the country.

Things are looking pretty rosy for the Dems at this hour.

What have the lifelong servants accomplished and what are they proposing aside from “we’re not Trump”? Biden and top Democrats have been in Washington lifelong and they blame Trump for everything and provide no accountability.
The odds are looking VERY good for the Democratic Party this year, especially considering the top of their opponent's ticket has no ideology and lies through his teeth at every turn. And the bottom of their ticket has an ideology that wants a perverted form of Christian Sharia law implemented in the country.

Things are looking pretty rosy for the Dems at this hour.

What have the lifelong servants accomplished and what are they proposing aside from “we’re not Trump”? Biden and top Democrats have been in Washington lifelong and they blame Trump for everything and provide no accountability.
Biden is an international crook and over 50 years has made himself and his idiot son rich as can be. Knees Harris proved she will do anything to get to the top...or bottom...or both whichever the man prefers.
The odds are looking VERY good for the Democratic Party this year, especially considering the top of their opponent's ticket has no ideology and lies through his teeth at every turn. And the bottom of their ticket has an ideology that wants a perverted form of Christian Sharia law implemented in the country.

Things are looking pretty rosy for the Dems at this hour.

All of those years in public service and accomplished nothing for the people. Incomprehensible.

Public service? More like self service. Neither has done jack shit for "we the people". Biden the gaffe machine is a 50 year government leech with no memorable or meaningful legislation after half a century in Congress. But now he has a plan!!! She literally sucked and fucked her way to the Senate while listening to Tupac (in a time- machine?) and smoking a blunt! They are perfect for each other.
Wasn't this the same argument in 2016?
Hillary, the victim of an over 3-decade long campaign against her, was immensely hated. Trump didn't win. Hillary lost.

Trump is on the hated side now, so its not gonna turn out well for him.
So you are trying to convince people that Hillary was immensely hated but then every leftist loves to point out that she won the popular vote. So which is it? Hated or won the popular vote, it can’t be both ways.

Think you are failing to see just how much John Q Public is disliking the Democrat party latrly.

I guess you didn't live in America in 2018.
I take it you only live in a drug induced world. Marky said that Hillary was hated but we keep hearing that she won the popular vote. Since only one can be true maybe you want to take a stab at which one it was? So is little Marky lieing about her being hated or did Trump beat her because she did not have a platform that everyone was on board with?

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