We Have a President Who Actually Works


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Could you or I hold this pace? I know I sure as hell couldn't.

Trump’s White House working schedule was among the subjects discussed when Fox News host Bill O’Reilly interviewed Trump. On Tuesday night, O’Reilly showcased the third part of his interview with Trump, which included O’Reilly inquiring Trump about his work regiment.

I’m working long hours. Long hours. Right up until 12 o’clock, 1 o’clock in the morning,” he answered.

What time do you get up?” O’Reilly then followed up.

Five o’clock,” replied Trump, stating that checking up on what the media is doing is one of the first things he does every day.

More @ Trump Reveals His INSANE Schedule - You Won't Believe How Long He Sleeps, But You Will Appreciate It [VIDEO] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
MSM Think....only an insane person would work that hard.

Conversely...if he golfed as much as the previous POTUS, the press would call him a lazy fucker.

...and the usual useful idiots would dutifully believe everything the MSM tells them.
I sleep 4-5 hours a night, same with my husband. I think it's a common trait with work-a-holics; sleep is a waste of time when there's so much that can be done.
You die younger, with less sleep....from everything I've read on it.... I don't sleep the 8 hours either.....wish I could!
LOL really works? You wingnuts are fun to watch, the spoiled rich boy, draft dodger, bankrupt business con artist really really works. How's that, by tweeting or signing useless EAs, most accomplished nothing and one is actually un-constitutional, that's your idea of work. Travels to mar-a-lago on your taxes while he pays none. Calling you fools hardly fits, he gonna play you till impeached or four years pass. One can only laugh.

"Trump often asks simple questions about policies, proposals and personnel. And, when discussions get bogged down in details, the president has been known to quickly change the subject — to "seem in control at all times," one senior government official said — or direct questions about details to his chief strategist Steve Bannon, his son-in-law Jared Kushner or House Speaker Paul Ryan. Trump has privately expressed disbelief over the ability of judges, bureaucrats or lawmakers to delay — or even stop — him from filling positions and implementing policies."
Trump vexed by challenges, scale of government

Could you or I hold this pace? I know I sure as hell couldn't.

Trump’s White House working schedule was among the subjects discussed when Fox News host Bill O’Reilly interviewed Trump. On Tuesday night, O’Reilly showcased the third part of his interview with Trump, which included O’Reilly inquiring Trump about his work regiment.

I’m working long hours. Long hours. Right up until 12 o’clock, 1 o’clock in the morning,” he answered.

What time do you get up?” O’Reilly then followed up.

Five o’clock,” replied Trump, stating that checking up on what the media is doing is one of the first things he does every day.

More @ Trump Reveals His INSANE Schedule - You Won't Believe How Long He Sleeps, But You Will Appreciate It [VIDEO] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

LOLOLOL.....let me get this straight, this nut isn't getting any sleep?THAT EXPLAINS IT.....lolololo
MSM Think....only an insane person would work that hard.

Conversely...if he golfed as much as the previous POTUS, the press would call him a lazy fucker.

...and the usual useful idiots would dutifully believe everything the MSM tells them.
Golfed two weekends in a row after making us pay to fly his fat ass to Florida & Melania too.

Trump had dinner with the Japan PM in his club's restaurant along with his other members. Trump is selling access for his personal gain & you people are too stupid to sere it.
MSM Think....only an insane person would work that hard.

Conversely...if he golfed as much as the previous POTUS, the press would call him a lazy fucker.

...and the usual useful idiots would dutifully believe everything the MSM tells them.
Golfed two weekends in a row after making us pay to fly his fat ass to Florida & Melania too.

Trump had dinner with the Japan PM in his club's restaurant along with his other members. Trump is selling access for his personal gain & you people are too stupid to sere it.
We can't see it because it only exists in the trash pile of your mind.
MSM Think....only an insane person would work that hard.

Conversely...if he golfed as much as the previous POTUS, the press would call him a lazy fucker.

...and the usual useful idiots would dutifully believe everything the MSM tells them.
Golfed two weekends in a row after making us pay to fly his fat ass to Florida & Melania too.

Trump had dinner with the Japan PM in his club's restaurant along with his other members. Trump is selling access for his personal gain & you people are too stupid to sere it.
We can't see it because it only exists in the trash pile of your mind.
You would be able to see it if you pulled your head from Trump's ass & looked around.

This is on the news & widely reported yet you are too God damn ignorant to know it? Really?
The older you are the less sleep you need. Just remember, Trump didn't need to do any of this, he had more than enough money to kick back and enjoy his wealth.

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