We Have a President Who Actually Works

I sleep 4-5 hours a night, same with my husband. I think it's a common trait with work-a-holics; sleep is a waste of time when there's so much that can be done.
Sleeping is beautiful :biggrin:
Trump works hard?

Gotta say, he's clearly the master of fake news
How do you think he won? He out-worked Hillary, Obama, Michelle, Biden, all of Hollywood, and the crooked biased media.

He won for a few reasons, 'working hard' wasn't one of them

IMO he won the EV by motivating reactionaries across the nation, especially the poor white folks so desperate for a job they'll believe anything.....basically populism on steroids

Also Hillary took too much for granted, the Dem turnout was lower than expected as they took the election for granted too

The non-fake news fact is almost 3 million more voters picked Hillary

So actually Trump didn't garner the most votes and was installed via the archaic EV method

Simply lining up all your favorite reactionary talking points above means nothing, except for Fox viewers
I try to avoid sleeping, but at least I can control my dreams; I write novels and design PCBs in my sleep. I'm also fond of short naps, my body doesn't care so long as I get my 4-5ish hours over the course of the day. I've also been known to 'forget' to go to bed, longest I've stayed up for was just shy of a week - totally passed out on my keyboard hehehe
Trump works hard?

Gotta say, he's clearly the master of fake news
How do you think he won? He out-worked Hillary, Obama, Michelle, Biden, all of Hollywood, and the crooked biased media.

He won for a few reasons, 'working hard' wasn't one of them

IMO he won the EV by motivating reactionaries across the nation, especially the poor white folks so desperate for a job they'll believe anything.....basically populism on steroids

Also Hillary took too much for granted, the Dem turnout was lower than expected as they took the election for granted too

The non-fake news fact is almost 3 million more voters picked Hillary

So actually Trump didn't garner the most votes and was installed via the archaic EV method

Simply lining up all your favorite reactionary talking points above means nothing, except for Fox viewers
Again with the popular vote argument. The reason he won was because Hillary was stupid enough to run as Obama's third term, and due to obvious health reasons, she couldn't keep up with Trump's pace. Not to mention her lies and corruption, and that nobody really liked her, not even Democrats.
Again with the popular vote argument. The reason he won was because Hillary was stupid enough to run as Obama's third term, and due to obvious health reasons, she couldn't keep up with Trump's pace. Not to mention her lies and corruption, and that nobody really liked her, not even Democrats.

Populism was a UUUUGE factor. No denying it, he promised 100% of what the right wing craves, they lapped it up, happens all the time

and your Hillary Derangement Syndrome could definitely use some therapy
MSM Think....only an insane person would work that hard.

Conversely...if he golfed as much as the previous POTUS, the press would call him a lazy fucker.

...and the usual useful idiots would dutifully believe everything the MSM tells them.
Golfed two weekends in a row after making us pay to fly his fat ass to Florida & Melania too.

Trump had dinner with the Japan PM in his club's restaurant along with his other members. Trump is selling access for his personal gain & you people are too stupid to sere it.

Because this mad mf got so much shit going on, the media is under reporting this. I would love to know exactly how much money the Trump's has cost tax payers since getting elected....its gotta be a lot more than what we think
Eric Trump’s business trip cost US taxpayers nearly $100,000 in hotel bills
President Trump has previously blasted former Presidents' 'taxpayer funded vacations'

This is just one kid, now imagine Trump $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
MSM Think....only an insane person would work that hard.

Conversely...if he golfed as much as the previous POTUS, the press would call him a lazy fucker.

...and the usual useful idiots would dutifully believe everything the MSM tells them.
Golfed two weekends in a row after making us pay to fly his fat ass to Florida & Melania too.

Trump had dinner with the Japan PM in his club's restaurant along with his other members. Trump is selling access for his personal gain & you people are too stupid to sere it.
We can't see it because it only exists in the trash pile of your mind.
You would be able to see it if you pulled your head from Trump's ass & looked around.

This is on the news & widely reported yet you are too God damn ignorant to know it? Really?
These nuts, these morons these mindless fools.......live inside a ass that is riddled with Trump shit
If the orange clown really worked hard, that EO that has been struck done would never have been done. It was the most incompetent piece of shit ever to come out of a President's office. A working President would have had a Constitutional Lawyer review the EO, and someone review what the immediate effects would be. Instead, he had a far right wing nut editor of a yellow rag write it up. And the chaos that followed is what we can expect from this admin.
I recently had read where Agent Orange heads upstairs at 6:30 & watches TV when he isn't found wandering the hallways in his bathrobe.
I recently had read where Agent Orange heads upstairs at 6:30 & watches TV when he isn't found wandering the hallways in his bathrobe.
I heard he gets blow jobs in the Oval Office by interns. Can you believe that??!!!

Impeach that MFer!!!!!
I sleep 4-5 hours a night, same with my husband. I think it's a common trait with work-a-holics; sleep is a waste of time when there's so much that can be done.
Sleep is not a waste of time and this is indicated by the direct correlation of lack of sleep to Type 2 Diabetes incidence. The less sleep you get the more likely you are of getting overweight and developing Type 2 Diabetes.

Sleep allows your body to expel fat, breaking it down into water and shed it from the body as urine, sweat and breath.

I regularly weigh myself before I go to bed and after I shower in the morning, and if I get a good nights rest of 8+hours, I lose about 5 pounds of mostly water weight, but not all of it.

Could you or I hold this pace? I know I sure as hell couldn't.

Trump’s White House working schedule was among the subjects discussed when Fox News host Bill O’Reilly interviewed Trump. On Tuesday night, O’Reilly showcased the third part of his interview with Trump, which included O’Reilly inquiring Trump about his work regiment.

I’m working long hours. Long hours. Right up until 12 o’clock, 1 o’clock in the morning,” he answered.

What time do you get up?” O’Reilly then followed up.

Five o’clock,” replied Trump, stating that checking up on what the media is doing is one of the first things he does every day.

More @ Trump Reveals His INSANE Schedule - You Won't Believe How Long He Sleeps, But You Will Appreciate It [VIDEO] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Trump lies

Why would anyone believe what he says he works?
If he is working so hard....why haven't we seen Trumpcare?
Again with the popular vote argument. The reason he won was because Hillary was stupid enough to run as Obama's third term, and due to obvious health reasons, she couldn't keep up with Trump's pace. Not to mention her lies and corruption, and that nobody really liked her, not even Democrats.

Populism was a UUUUGE factor. No denying it, he promised 100% of what the right wing craves, they lapped it up, happens all the time

and your Hillary Derangement Syndrome could definitely use some therapy
The presidency isn't decided based on popular vote, dipstick. How many times do you need to be reminded of this? In every way that really counts, Democrats lost big league, the presidency, House, Senate, State legislators, governorships, etc. You guys got walloped. But if you want to jerk yourselves of to this meaningless popular vote which occurred in predominately two states, CA and NY, go ahead and be my guest.
You die younger, with less sleep....from everything I've read on it.... I don't sleep the 8 hours either.....wish I could!
I think the actuarial differences between getting 8+ hours of sleep vrs less than 6 is about 8 years on average.
It isn't as much the number of hours, and more with the quality of the sleep. As you get older you aren't able to get the deep RPM sleep that you did when you were young.
It isn't as much the number of hours, and more with the quality of the sleep. As you get older you aren't able to get the deep RPM sleep that you did when you were young.
Oh, yes, tell me about it. I have to use a CPAP machine and even then, a beer sure helps, but I cant do that all the time.

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