We Have a President Who Actually Works

...and somehow that disproves my point, how?
You said Pakistan could be relied on. You said Pakistan wasn't a state sponsor of terrorism to US or their allies. Clearly you say a lot of really dumb shit.

The Administrstion already stated that more countries could be added later.
So do you think they'll add Pakistan later? If you don't, this isn't relevant.
It isn't me only, it's both the previous and current administrstion. They might at some point, it depends, if we let it someone who the Pakistani intelligence has cleared, who then goes on to commit terrorism, then all bets will be off. Who knows, they could be on the next list. Let's see how this one does in the courts first, before we go on to add more. One thing about the Pakistanis, they are ruthless and have full control of their population. the question is do we want to create more adversaries, especially nuclear, at a time when we are already fighting on many fronts?
Let me get this straight, you want to compare this monster idiot with working as hard for this country as Obama??? Really? This nightmare with orange hair and skin, got one of the best economies this century from a president that inherited a hot fuckin shit mess and in less than a fuckin month, this coward bitch has all but destroyed it...and you call that work? Get the fuck outta here and kiss my black ass
Obama the pile of shit didn't work, he was busy figuring out ways to divide this country and make it weaker. You morons don't get it do you? The reason Trump is now in office is exactly because of Obama and that crooked Hillary stuck to him like glue.

Bitch please, divide this country my black ass.....its not his fuckin fault you red white and vomit mf couldn't get past seeing a black man in the white house. Don't blame him cause you trashy's are racist. If anybody is guilty of dividing the gotdamned country you blind stupid shit for brains white bitch, its Trump. To this gotdamned day, mf's are protesting this white bitch...Obama didn't have those issues coming in or leaving...get your facts straight you ignorant pile of roach droppins
Hillary lost because of Obama, deal with it. Had she not run as his incumbent, I believe it may have been different.
It isn't me only, it's both the previous and current administrstion.
This is false, there has been no US administration that thought we could rely on the Pakistanis, or that they aren't involved in state sponsored terror. That is your own claims, and this bizarre appeal to authority doesn't make what you said true. Nobody trusts the Pakistanis, nobody relies on them.

One thing about the Pakistanis, they are ruthless and have full control of their population.
Dude... just... stop. You can't resist just making things up, when clearly you don't know what you're talking about. It has been all of a week since they had massive antigovernment protests across the country organized by radical Islamist clerics, tear gas and protesters running amok past road blocks breaking shit is hardly full control. Outlawing gatherings of more than five people is not a country in full control.They have suicide bombings by domestic groups, they have political assassinations by domestic groups, they are in a constant struggle with extremist groups within their country.

I think we need to start a Roudy bullshit tracker (tm)
1. The United States can rely on Pakistan
2. Pakistan is not a state sponsor of terror against the US or allies
3. Pakistan is in full control of their population

I probably should label those with a leading zero since we'll be in double digits soon at this rate, it will format better.
It isn't me only, it's both the previous and current administrstion.
This is false, there has been no US administration that thought we could rely on the Pakistanis, or that they aren't involved in state sponsored terror. That is your own claims, and this bizarre appeal to authority doesn't make what you said true. Nobody trusts the Pakistanis, nobody relies on them.

One thing about the Pakistanis, they are ruthless and have full control of their population.
Dude... just... stop. You can't resist just making things up, when clearly you don't know what you're talking about. It has been all of a week since they had massive antigovernment protests across the country organized by radical Islamist clerics, tear gas and protesters running amok past road blocks breaking shit is hardly full control. Outlawing gatherings of more than five people is not a country in full control.They have suicide bombings by domestic groups, they have political assassinations by domestic groups, they are in a constant struggle with extremist groups within their country.

I think we need to start a Roudy bullshit tracker (tm)
1. The United States can rely on Pakistan
2. Pakistan is not a state sponsor of terror against the US or allies
3. Pakistan is in full control of their population

I probably should label those with a leading zero since we'll be in double digits soon at this rate, it will format better.
Typical leftist propagandist bullshitter. Again, the reason Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are not currently on the list is because the information we get from them when it comes to VETTING is more reliable. Period, end of story. Nobody is claiming that they are "reliable".
Let me get this straight, you want to compare this monster idiot with working as hard for this country as Obama??? Really? This nightmare with orange hair and skin, got one of the best economies this century from a president that inherited a hot fuckin shit mess and in less than a fuckin month, this coward bitch has all but destroyed it...and you call that work? Get the fuck outta here and kiss my black ass
Obama the pile of shit didn't work, he was busy figuring out ways to divide this country and make it weaker. You morons don't get it do you? The reason Trump is now in office is exactly because of Obama and that crooked Hillary stuck to him like glue.

Bitch please, divide this country my black ass.....its not his fuckin fault you red white and vomit mf couldn't get past seeing a black man in the white house. Don't blame him cause you trashy's are racist. If anybody is guilty of dividing the gotdamned country you blind stupid shit for brains white bitch, its Trump. To this gotdamned day, mf's are protesting this white bitch...Obama didn't have those issues coming in or leaving...get your facts straight you ignorant pile of roach droppins
Obama wasn't a divider because he was black. Obama was a divider because he's a socialist a Marxist, and a Muslim.
Let me get this straight, you want to compare this monster idiot with working as hard for this country as Obama??? Really? This nightmare with orange hair and skin, got one of the best economies this century from a president that inherited a hot fuckin shit mess and in less than a fuckin month, this coward bitch has all but destroyed it...and you call that work? Get the fuck outta here and kiss my black ass
Obama the pile of shit didn't work, he was busy figuring out ways to divide this country and make it weaker. You morons don't get it do you? The reason Trump is now in office is exactly because of Obama and that crooked Hillary stuck to him like glue.

Bitch please, divide this country my black ass.....its not his fuckin fault you red white and vomit mf couldn't get past seeing a black man in the white house. Don't blame him cause you trashy's are racist. If anybody is guilty of dividing the gotdamned country you blind stupid shit for brains white bitch, its Trump. To this gotdamned day, mf's are protesting this white bitch...Obama didn't have those issues coming in or leaving...get your facts straight you ignorant pile of roach droppins
Obama wasn't a divider because he was black. Obama was a divider because he's a socialist a Marxist, and a Muslim.
Let me get this straight, you want to compare this monster idiot with working as hard for this country as Obama??? Really? This nightmare with orange hair and skin, got one of the best economies this century from a president that inherited a hot fuckin shit mess and in less than a fuckin month, this coward bitch has all but destroyed it...and you call that work? Get the fuck outta here and kiss my black ass
Obama the pile of shit didn't work, he was busy figuring out ways to divide this country and make it weaker. You morons don't get it do you? The reason Trump is now in office is exactly because of Obama and that crooked Hillary stuck to him like glue.

Bitch please, divide this country my black ass.....its not his fuckin fault you red white and vomit mf couldn't get past seeing a black man in the white house. Don't blame him cause you trashy's are racist. If anybody is guilty of dividing the gotdamned country you blind stupid shit for brains white bitch, its Trump. To this gotdamned day, mf's are protesting this white bitch...Obama didn't have those issues coming in or leaving...get your facts straight you ignorant pile of roach droppins
Obama wasn't a divider because he was black. Obama was a divider because he's a socialist a Marxist, and a Muslim.
And what's your excuse?
Typical leftist propagandist bullshitter.
There are few more obvious signs of a shallow minded thinker driving by partisan politics instead of actual logic than the kneejerk reaction to confront any argument by assigning it to the opposite political ideology. You've done this repeatedly to posts that have nothing to do with left/right, and it says a lot about you. The post you responded to brought up three points you've made that are wrong, there is nothing "leftist" about pointing out you're full of shit.

Nobody is claiming that they are "reliable".
And a liar:

Because we have a relationship with Pakistan and can rely on them for information when it comes to vetting
Typical leftist propagandist bullshitter.
There are few more obvious signs of a shallow minded thinker driving by partisan politics instead of actual logic than the kneejerk reaction to confront any argument by assigning it to the opposite political ideology. You've done this repeatedly to posts that have nothing to do with left/right, and it says a lot about you. The post you responded to brought up three points you've made that are wrong, there is nothing "leftist" about pointing out you're full of shit.

Nobody is claiming that they are "reliable".
And a liar:

Because we have a relationship with Pakistan and can rely on them for information when it comes to vetting
The fact that we can rely on them for information doesn't make them reliable.

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