We Have a President Who Actually Works

One did. Others did not. Why is that so hard to get?
Thanks again. I'll stick with what the mother of a victim claims, as opposed to leftie partisan hack like you.

You are calling parents & relatives of other killred in Benghazi liars? Really asshat? Read the below & will be please become informed or STFU about this.

Some family members don’t remember any discussion of a video.

Jan Stevens, father of Ambassador Chris Stevens, told PolitiFact that the first time he heard anything about a video was when the Washington Post Fact Checker called him with a similar question. He confirmed that he heard "nothing whatsoever" about a video from Clinton but declined to comment further.

Tyrone Woods’ mother, Cheryl Bennett, told PolitiFact that when she spoke with Clinton, she "never heard the word ‘video’ mentioned. That’s just a fact." Bennett, who is estranged from Charles Woods, said the motivation behind the attack didn’t come up in her brief interaction with Clinton.

Barbara Doherty, Glen Doherty’s mother, didn’t recall talking with Clinton about a video and said she remembered Clinton as being sincere and crying, according to the Washington Post."

Checking Patricia Smith's claims about Clinton and Benghazi
She didn't talk about the video with everybody, you moron. Neither is anybody claiming that she did. You're the one calling the parents liars.

No way asshole. You claimed it. I said others denied there was mention of a video. You said you didn't believe them
Quit your lying all the time. The fact that you feel the need to lie is proof you have no real argument.

Smith claimed Clinton blamed the video when she spoke when they brought home the bodies. Smith is obviously unhinged due to grief. Yet you & your orange POS buddy drag here around as a show piece.

There was no lie about the video.

Besides, you voted & are defending a man who was rated the worst liar of all during the campaign & lies still as POTUS>. You must love liars.

You are sofa king stupid, that your candidate bitched about Obama taking vacations & he is off to his third in 4 weekends. What do you have to say about that?
RealCrazyDave: "Smith claimed Clinton blamed the video when she spoke when they brought home the bodies. Smith is obviously unhinged due to grief."

So let me get this straight you anti American dirtbag, you're accusing the mother of a victim of being a liar and unhinged?

With you lefties, it's always ideology and party over country. No surprises here.
She is obviously overcome by grief. She rantingly blames Clinton for her son's death. That is unhinged.

But hey, you like the unhinged & why you support your orange master.
Oh please......... It was a new system just like when they launch Medicare or just like any complex products it will take awhile to get all the bugs out. Do you expect it to be perfect?
It isn't a "bug" as there was nothing in the legislation made to guarantee someone could keep their doctor. Obama shouldn't have made the promise.
There is NOTHIONG ion the ACA thaty sets provioder networks. Whenm will you dumbassers realize this.
If you lost your doctor, thenyou werte so stu[id that you
Seriously? You're questioning his "work ethic" after observing his schedule during the campaign? :cuckoo:
No, I'm questioning you thinking attacking Clinton is an appropriate response to questions about his work ethic.
You didn't respond to my question. How is his "work ethic" even up for debate, considering how he hustled non stop to the finish line? I brought up Hillary because she was MIA in many instances.
Vacationing AGAIN. WE just paid top haul his fat lazy ass to Florida & back once again.
You didn't respond to my question. How is his "work ethic" even up for debate, considering how he hustled non stop to the finish line? I brought up Hillary because she was MIA in many instances.
Everything is up for debate, that is the nature of message boards. People have brought up valid points about his schedule and what his supporters consider "work" and that is what you should be responding to. The Obama administration was constantly attacked by right wingers over any time off he took, regardless of whether that time was actually in line with previous presidents.

What Hillary Clinton did or did not do has ZERO bearing on the claim that Donald Trump works hard as president, she's not president. It makes no sense to defend Donald Trump by pointing a finger at Clinton.
Bullshit, his work ethic was proven, in action, before the election, and after he got elected by the flurry of activities. This is just more fake news from the garbage leftie propaganda media. You guys should be more concerned with the scope of your loss, and where to go from here, as opposed to employing the same failed strategy.
Thanks again. I'll stick with what the mother of a victim claims, as opposed to leftie partisan hack like you.

You are calling parents & relatives of other killred in Benghazi liars? Really asshat? Read the below & will be please become informed or STFU about this.

Some family members don’t remember any discussion of a video.

Jan Stevens, father of Ambassador Chris Stevens, told PolitiFact that the first time he heard anything about a video was when the Washington Post Fact Checker called him with a similar question. He confirmed that he heard "nothing whatsoever" about a video from Clinton but declined to comment further.

Tyrone Woods’ mother, Cheryl Bennett, told PolitiFact that when she spoke with Clinton, she "never heard the word ‘video’ mentioned. That’s just a fact." Bennett, who is estranged from Charles Woods, said the motivation behind the attack didn’t come up in her brief interaction with Clinton.

Barbara Doherty, Glen Doherty’s mother, didn’t recall talking with Clinton about a video and said she remembered Clinton as being sincere and crying, according to the Washington Post."

Checking Patricia Smith's claims about Clinton and Benghazi
She didn't talk about the video with everybody, you moron. Neither is anybody claiming that she did. You're the one calling the parents liars.

No way asshole. You claimed it. I said others denied there was mention of a video. You said you didn't believe them
Quit your lying all the time. The fact that you feel the need to lie is proof you have no real argument.

Smith claimed Clinton blamed the video when she spoke when they brought home the bodies. Smith is obviously unhinged due to grief. Yet you & your orange POS buddy drag here around as a show piece.

There was no lie about the video.

Besides, you voted & are defending a man who was rated the worst liar of all during the campaign & lies still as POTUS>. You must love liars.

You are sofa king stupid, that your candidate bitched about Obama taking vacations & he is off to his third in 4 weekends. What do you have to say about that?
RealCrazyDave: "Smith claimed Clinton blamed the video when she spoke when they brought home the bodies. Smith is obviously unhinged due to grief."

So let me get this straight you anti American dirtbag, you're accusing the mother of a victim of being a liar and unhinged?

With you lefties, it's always ideology and party over country. No surprises here.
She is obviously overcome by grief. She rantingly blames Clinton for her son's death. That is unhinged.

But hey, you like the unhinged & why you support your orange master.
There you go spitting in the face of a victim's mother, accusing her of being crazy just because she's telling the truth about what crooked Hillary told her.
You are calling parents & relatives of other killred in Benghazi liars? Really asshat? Read the below & will be please become informed or STFU about this.

Some family members don’t remember any discussion of a video.

Jan Stevens, father of Ambassador Chris Stevens, told PolitiFact that the first time he heard anything about a video was when the Washington Post Fact Checker called him with a similar question. He confirmed that he heard "nothing whatsoever" about a video from Clinton but declined to comment further.

Tyrone Woods’ mother, Cheryl Bennett, told PolitiFact that when she spoke with Clinton, she "never heard the word ‘video’ mentioned. That’s just a fact." Bennett, who is estranged from Charles Woods, said the motivation behind the attack didn’t come up in her brief interaction with Clinton.

Barbara Doherty, Glen Doherty’s mother, didn’t recall talking with Clinton about a video and said she remembered Clinton as being sincere and crying, according to the Washington Post."

Checking Patricia Smith's claims about Clinton and Benghazi
She didn't talk about the video with everybody, you moron. Neither is anybody claiming that she did. You're the one calling the parents liars.

No way asshole. You claimed it. I said others denied there was mention of a video. You said you didn't believe them
Quit your lying all the time. The fact that you feel the need to lie is proof you have no real argument.

Smith claimed Clinton blamed the video when she spoke when they brought home the bodies. Smith is obviously unhinged due to grief. Yet you & your orange POS buddy drag here around as a show piece.

There was no lie about the video.

Besides, you voted & are defending a man who was rated the worst liar of all during the campaign & lies still as POTUS>. You must love liars.

You are sofa king stupid, that your candidate bitched about Obama taking vacations & he is off to his third in 4 weekends. What do you have to say about that?
RealCrazyDave: "Smith claimed Clinton blamed the video when she spoke when they brought home the bodies. Smith is obviously unhinged due to grief."

So let me get this straight you anti American dirtbag, you're accusing the mother of a victim of being a liar and unhinged?

With you lefties, it's always ideology and party over country. No surprises here.
She is obviously overcome by grief. She rantingly blames Clinton for her son's death. That is unhinged.

But hey, you like the unhinged & why you support your orange master.
There you go spitting in the face of a victim's mother, accusing her of being crazy just because she's telling the truth about what crooked Hillary told her.
no, i am saying she is overcome with grief. did you hear her when that pathetic pos trump had her speak at the gop convention.
You didn't respond to my question. How is his "work ethic" even up for debate, considering how he hustled non stop to the finish line? I brought up Hillary because she was MIA in many instances.
Everything is up for debate, that is the nature of message boards. People have brought up valid points about his schedule and what his supporters consider "work" and that is what you should be responding to. The Obama administration was constantly attacked by right wingers over any time off he took, regardless of whether that time was actually in line with previous presidents.

What Hillary Clinton did or did not do has ZERO bearing on the claim that Donald Trump works hard as president, she's not president. It makes no sense to defend Donald Trump by pointing a finger at Clinton.
Bullshit, his work ethic was proven, in action, before the election, and after he got elected by the flurry of activities. This is just more fake news from the garbage leftie propaganda media. You guys should be more concerned with the scope of your loss, and where to go from here, as opposed to employing the same failed strategy.
Yet on vacation....again.
She didn't talk about the video with everybody, you moron. Neither is anybody claiming that she did. You're the one calling the parents liars.

No way asshole. You claimed it. I said others denied there was mention of a video. You said you didn't believe them
Quit your lying all the time. The fact that you feel the need to lie is proof you have no real argument.

Smith claimed Clinton blamed the video when she spoke when they brought home the bodies. Smith is obviously unhinged due to grief. Yet you & your orange POS buddy drag here around as a show piece.

There was no lie about the video.

Besides, you voted & are defending a man who was rated the worst liar of all during the campaign & lies still as POTUS>. You must love liars.

You are sofa king stupid, that your candidate bitched about Obama taking vacations & he is off to his third in 4 weekends. What do you have to say about that?
RealCrazyDave: "Smith claimed Clinton blamed the video when she spoke when they brought home the bodies. Smith is obviously unhinged due to grief."

So let me get this straight you anti American dirtbag, you're accusing the mother of a victim of being a liar and unhinged?

With you lefties, it's always ideology and party over country. No surprises here.
She is obviously overcome by grief. She rantingly blames Clinton for her son's death. That is unhinged.

But hey, you like the unhinged & why you support your orange master.
There you go spitting in the face of a victim's mother, accusing her of being crazy just because she's telling the truth about what crooked Hillary told her.
no, i am saying she is overcome with grief. did you hear her when that pathetic pos trump had her speak at the gop convention.
Any parent would be overcome with grief, you fucking idiot. Crooked Hillary took advantage of her, and lied to her for political purposes. It's obvious what happened. One of the many lies and deceptions by crooked Hillary.
LOL really works? You wingnuts are fun to watch, the spoiled rich boy, draft dodger, bankrupt business con artist really really works. How's that, by tweeting or signing useless EAs, most accomplished nothing and one is actually un-constitutional, that's your idea of work. Travels to mar-a-lago on your taxes while he pays none. Calling you fools hardly fits, he gonna play you till impeached or four years pass. One can only laugh.

"Trump often asks simple questions about policies, proposals and personnel. And, when discussions get bogged down in details, the president has been known to quickly change the subject — to "seem in control at all times," one senior government official said — or direct questions about details to his chief strategist Steve Bannon, his son-in-law Jared Kushner or House Speaker Paul Ryan. Trump has privately expressed disbelief over the ability of judges, bureaucrats or lawmakers to delay — or even stop — him from filling positions and implementing policies."
Trump vexed by challenges, scale of government

Trump's making moves to make sure we don't get overrun with any more muslims from abroad. This will definitely save American lives, even those yet born. A president's first responsibility should be the safety of the citizenry, (although I'll bet you believe his first responsibility is towards pushing diversity at any cost, just like merkle and obama and clinton want.). Looks like Europe's getting wise to this muslim invasion racket pushed on us westerners also.
No way asshole. You claimed it. I said others denied there was mention of a video. You said you didn't believe them
Quit your lying all the time. The fact that you feel the need to lie is proof you have no real argument.

Smith claimed Clinton blamed the video when she spoke when they brought home the bodies. Smith is obviously unhinged due to grief. Yet you & your orange POS buddy drag here around as a show piece.

There was no lie about the video.

Besides, you voted & are defending a man who was rated the worst liar of all during the campaign & lies still as POTUS>. You must love liars.

You are sofa king stupid, that your candidate bitched about Obama taking vacations & he is off to his third in 4 weekends. What do you have to say about that?
RealCrazyDave: "Smith claimed Clinton blamed the video when she spoke when they brought home the bodies. Smith is obviously unhinged due to grief."

So let me get this straight you anti American dirtbag, you're accusing the mother of a victim of being a liar and unhinged?

With you lefties, it's always ideology and party over country. No surprises here.
She is obviously overcome by grief. She rantingly blames Clinton for her son's death. That is unhinged.

But hey, you like the unhinged & why you support your orange master.
There you go spitting in the face of a victim's mother, accusing her of being crazy just because she's telling the truth about what crooked Hillary told her.
no, i am saying she is overcome with grief. did you hear her when that pathetic pos trump had her speak at the gop convention.
Any parent would be overcome with grief, you fucking idiot. Crooked Hillary took advantage of her, and lied to her for political purposes. It's obvious what happened. One of the many lies and deceptions by crooked Hillary.
Not to that degree. I don't see the other relatives talking like Smith. Quit being such a freakin asshole all the time.

If Hillary spoke to her only in private as you claimed previously, what political gain was there to get?

You & your fuckhead orange POS took Mrs Smith & used her as a tool to dupe others. That, my friend, is disgusting.

Could you or I hold this pace? I know I sure as hell couldn't.

Trump’s White House working schedule was among the subjects discussed when Fox News host Bill O’Reilly interviewed Trump. On Tuesday night, O’Reilly showcased the third part of his interview with Trump, which included O’Reilly inquiring Trump about his work regiment.

I’m working long hours. Long hours. Right up until 12 o’clock, 1 o’clock in the morning,” he answered.

What time do you get up?” O’Reilly then followed up.

Five o’clock,” replied Trump, stating that checking up on what the media is doing is one of the first things he does every day.

More @ Trump Reveals His INSANE Schedule - You Won't Believe How Long He Sleeps, But You Will Appreciate It [VIDEO] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Prolly hard at work like this...
I have never slept eight hours a night and don't even try. I keep the same hours as the prez. Look at the.people who.are shocked and shaken that he doesn't sleep.more...it says a lot about them.
There is nothing in the ACA that sets provider networks. If you were so stupid to choose a plan that did not include your doctor, that is on you.
To be fair, regardless of the nuts and bolts of ACA if Obama told Americans they can keep their doctor under his healthcare legislation and that turns out to be false it isn't unreasonable to shovel some blame his way. If ACA doesn't set provider networks then he shouldn't have made promises related to provider networks.
I believe their EMPLOYERS chose to change plans which could have caused the provider networks to change for their employees to choose from... for the most part...???
No. Most aca were unemployed. I had ppl who were in the.middle of cancer treatments, who were poor single kothers with sick kids, who had to first find new doctors, then find a.way to get.to them because they were suddenly havint to travel sixty, a hundred miles.to get.to doctors they had never used before.

So care is.just.making shit up again.
Because we have a relationship with Pakistan and can rely on them for information when it comes to vetting, duuuuh!
You're so naive it's almost cute. We have done military operations in Pakistan where we didn't tell them because we knew we couldn't rely on them. There is no relying on Pakistan, their military and intelligence has too much mixed interest.
There is nothing in the ACA that sets provider networks. If you were so stupid to choose a plan that did not include your doctor, that is on you.
To be fair, regardless of the nuts and bolts of ACA if Obama told Americans they can keep their doctor under his healthcare legislation and that turns out to be false it isn't unreasonable to shovel some blame his way. If ACA doesn't set provider networks then he shouldn't have made promises related to provider networks.
I believe their EMPLOYERS chose to change plans which could have caused the provider networks to change for their employees to choose from... for the most part...???
No. Most aca were unemployed. I had ppl who were in the.middle of cancer treatments, who were poor single kothers with sick kids, who had to first find new doctors, then find a.way to get.to them because they were suddenly havint to travel sixty, a hundred miles.to get.to doctors they had never used before.

So care is.just.making shit up again.
Lying fuck. If you were unemployed & had no income, you had Medicaid. If you were working & had income at a certain level above the poverty level, then you received subsidies to buy insurance.
I have never slept eight hours a night and don't even try. I keep the same hours as the prez. Look at the.people who.are shocked and shaken that he doesn't sleep.more...it says a lot about them.
So you take a vacation every weekend? Must be nice.
Because we have a relationship with Pakistan and can rely on them for information when it comes to vetting, duuuuh!
You're so naive it's almost cute. We have done military operations in Pakistan where we didn't tell them because we knew we couldn't rely on them. There is no relying on Pakistan, their military and intelligence has too much mixed interest.
Yes, despite this at least the Pakistanis "pretend" to be our ally, and we are still sending money and cooperating with their govt. and intelligence services to a great extent. Therefore, we can rely considerably more on info from countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia much more than the seven countries. You seem very ignorant.
Yes, despite this at least the Pakistanis "pretend" to be our ally, and we are still sending money and cooperating with their govt. and intelligence services to a great extent. Therefore, we can rely considerably more on info from countries like Pakistan and Saudi Arabia much more than the seven countries. You seem very ignorant.
Pretending or not, your statement that we can "rely" on them is false and doesn't in any way support the argument made about which countries Trump is banning.

And yes, someone who claimed we can rely on Pakistan for proper vetting calling others ignorant is pure comedy.

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