We Have a President Who Actually Works

Traitor in chief, the crooked media never held him to account:

Eight congressional investigations found no wrongdoing

Except by Republicans exploiting a terrorist attack for political gain

No wrong doing? Ha ha ha. He lied to the face of the American people. We know what we saw and heard, only a zombie partisan will accept the treason he and Hillary committed.

Fuckj you & your claims of lies.

ANYONE who voted for Trump has no place talking about anyone lying.

You voted for a man who lies about everything. Evidemtly you have that in common with your orange master.

MSM Think....only an insane person would work that hard.

Conversely...if he golfed as much as the previous POTUS, the press would call him a lazy fucker.

...and the usual useful idiots would dutifully believe everything the MSM tells them.
Golfed two weekends in a row after making us pay to fly his fat ass to Florida & Melania too.

Trump had dinner with the Japan PM in his club's restaurant along with his other members. Trump is selling access for his personal gain & you people are too stupid to sere it.

Right after his inauguration he increased the Maralago membership to $200k. Which you can have a photo op with the president or his guest. Talking about dishonest big sucker.

Exclusive: Mar-a-Lago membership fee doubles to $200,000
sleep deprivation is a pretty serious health condition

M buddy went to ER at least 4 times in early 2015 for having a very bad chest pain. One of those event I have to rush him to ER after our Saturday AM golfing. Scare the heck out of me I thought he is going to die in my car.
Four times they didn't see anything wrong, No heart attack. All chemicals and lab works are normal. Even his lipid panel was perfect. He is also perfectly fit and athletic. That puzzles his primary care doctor and cardiologist.
His wife figure it out...... 2 of those occurrences he was up almost all night from traveling or other activities. And he said he normally sleeps at least 4 hours. So his doctor sent him to one of those sleep study. BINGO ..... they found out he has a bad sleep apnea. He is awake most of the night.
Fast forward he has those tubing thing that he stick in his (forgot the name) nose attached to a tiny machine before he goes to sleep. So far he has not have a chest pain after he start using those thing. His doctor told him that if they didn't catch it .......... he could have died sleeping.
Trump works hard?

Gotta say, he's clearly the master of fake news
How do you think he won? He out-worked Hillary, Obama, Michelle, Biden, all of Hollywood, and the crooked biased media.

He won for a few reasons, 'working hard' wasn't one of them

IMO he won the EV by motivating reactionaries across the nation, especially the poor white folks so desperate for a job they'll believe anything.....basically populism on steroids

Also Hillary took too much for granted, the Dem turnout was lower than expected as they took the election for granted too

The non-fake news fact is almost 3 million more voters picked Hillary

So actually Trump didn't garner the most votes and was installed via the archaic EV method

Simply lining up all your favorite reactionary talking points above means nothing, except for Fox viewers
Again with the popular vote argument. The reason he won was because Hillary was stupid enough to run as Obama's third term, and due to obvious health reasons, she couldn't keep up with Trump's pace. Not to mention her lies and corruption, and that nobody really liked her, not even Democrats.

Oh please color me shock. How did you know Trump is honest or clean? He has not shown his tax returns........ because he is hiding something. maybe he is more crooked that Hillary. He lied before and during the election...... He won the election and he's STILL LYING to Americans but idiots still believe him.

His massive massive rallies....... You would think he should have at least minimum of 70 million votes but anemically only 63+ millions.
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If he is working so hard....why haven't we seen Trumpcare?
Cause...Ya gotta pass a bill before ya read it?

Comrade Nancy Pelosi, circa 2009.

Trump said he had a plan that was better than Obamacare and he would release it after he was elected

Where is it?

He wasn't lying again was he?
He wasn't lying, as he indicated it will happen, but it will take a little longer, anything that gets crafted as legislation in the House usually takes much longer. Was Obama lying when he said "you can keep your doctor..." or "I'll close Guantamo..." or "the Ambassador was killed because of protests to a video..."?

Why in the world you are stuck stupid with these crap?
1. Republicans block the closure of Gitmo. Are you surprised?
2. You cannot keep your doctor because: A. They maybe not be part of the net works which happens year when company chooses different health insurance. B. Or they only provide sub standard care that doesn't meet the new criteria.
There is nothing in the ACA that sets provider networks. If you were so stupid to choose a plan that did not include your doctor, that is on you.
To be fair, regardless of the nuts and bolts of ACA if Obama told Americans they can keep their doctor under his healthcare legislation and that turns out to be false it isn't unreasonable to shovel some blame his way. If ACA doesn't set provider networks then he shouldn't have made promises related to provider networks.

Oh please......... It was a new system just like when they launch Medicare or just like any complex products it will take awhile to get all the bugs out. Do you expect it to be perfect?
Trump works hard?

Gotta say, he's clearly the master of fake news
How do you think he won? He out-worked Hillary, Obama, Michelle, Biden, all of Hollywood, and the crooked biased media.

He won for a few reasons, 'working hard' wasn't one of them

IMO he won the EV by motivating reactionaries across the nation, especially the poor white folks so desperate for a job they'll believe anything.....basically populism on steroids

Also Hillary took too much for granted, the Dem turnout was lower than expected as they took the election for granted too

The non-fake news fact is almost 3 million more voters picked Hillary

So actually Trump didn't garner the most votes and was installed via the archaic EV method

Simply lining up all your favorite reactionary talking points above means nothing, except for Fox viewers
Again with the popular vote argument. The reason he won was because Hillary was stupid enough to run as Obama's third term, and due to obvious health reasons, she couldn't keep up with Trump's pace. Not to mention her lies and corruption, and that nobody really liked her, not even Democrats.

Oh please color me shock. How did you know Trump is honest or clean? He has not shown his tax returns........ because he is hiding something. maybe he is more crooked that Hillary. He lied before and during the election...... He won the election and he's STILL LYING to Americans but idiots still believe him.

His massive massive rallies....... You would think he should have at least minimum of 70 million votes but anemically only 63+ millions.
Sounds like you're still suffering from election butthurt PTSD.
If he is working so hard....why haven't we seen Trumpcare?
Cause...Ya gotta pass a bill before ya read it?

Comrade Nancy Pelosi, circa 2009.

Trump said he had a plan that was better than Obamacare and he would release it after he was elected

Where is it?

He wasn't lying again was he?
He wasn't lying, as he indicated it will happen, but it will take a little longer, anything that gets crafted as legislation in the House usually takes much longer. Was Obama lying when he said "you can keep your doctor..." or "I'll close Guantamo..." or "the Ambassador was killed because of protests to a video..."?

Why in the world you are stuck stupid with these crap?
1. Republicans block the closure of Gitmo. Are you surprised?
2. You cannot keep your doctor because: A. They maybe not be part of the net works which happens year when company chooses different health insurance. B. Or they only provide sub standard care that doesn't meet the new criteria.
Or C, you lied and shoved a horrible bill down the American people's throats without them having a say, and now that the whole thing is about to collapse on its own weight, you want to blame the republicans for something they played no part in.
Trump said he had a plan that was better than Obamacare and he would release it after he was elected

Where is it?

He wasn't lying again was he?
He wasn't lying, as he indicated it will happen, but it will take a little longer, anything that gets crafted as legislation in the House usually takes much longer. Was Obama lying when he said "you can keep your doctor..." or "I'll close Guantamo..." or "the Ambassador was killed because of protests to a video..."?
Trump doesn't have shit

He is looking at Congressional Republicans to bail him out .......and they don't have shit for a healthcare plan
Why is that a suprise? Republicans knew that president Hussein would veto it all, so why waste their time and money?

So they all lied? They all said they had a plan. Where the fuck is it? If they had a plan that was better, you know damn well they would have passed it & put Obama & the Democrats in a bad spot.

They had jack shit. Republicans have no plan. Trump has no plan.
The plan is being implemented piece by piece such that it doesn't disrupt people's coverage. If you aren't hearing about it, that means they're doing a good job.

You cannot implement this kind of program piece by piece. We are not talking about flood damage repair.
They need to come up how the replace the pieces before they do any implementation because this section is tied to the left and that section is tied to the right etc etc etc. This is why it's not that simple to repeal and replace ACA.
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If he is working so hard....why haven't we seen Trumpcare?
Cause...Ya gotta pass a bill before ya read it?

Comrade Nancy Pelosi, circa 2009.

Trump said he had a plan that was better than Obamacare and he would release it after he was elected

Where is it?

He wasn't lying again was he?
He wasn't lying, as he indicated it will happen, but it will take a little longer, anything that gets crafted as legislation in the House usually takes much longer. Was Obama lying when he said "you can keep your doctor..." or "I'll close Guantamo..." or "the Ambassador was killed because of protests to a video..."?

Why in the world you are stuck stupid with these crap?
1. Republicans block the closure of Gitmo. Are you surprised?
2. You cannot keep your doctor because: A. They maybe not be part of the net works which happens year when company chooses different health insurance. B. Or they only provide sub standard care that doesn't meet the new criteria.
Or C, you lied and shoved a horrible bill down the American people's throats without them having a say, and now that the whole thing is about to collapse on its own weight, you want to blame the republicans for something they played no part in.

QUE? Obama wanted to close the Gitmo from the beginning but your brothers didn't let him finish the job. Period. But this orange monkey want to keep it open at a cost of $4 millions per detainee.

I have a new insurance this year United Health Care PPO. My ENT doctor in Beverly Hills is not part of the network I could have fire him. That's a good example that I cannot keep my doctor but since I've known him for number of years...... I like to keep him and pay him cash out of my pocket.

Price of Keeping Gitmo Open Dwarfs U.S. Prison Estimates

The minimum cost of holding a Guantanamo detainee, therefore, is around $4 million per year. The cost of holding a prisoner at the federal maximum security “Supermax” prison in Florence, Colorado, by contrast, is around $78,000 annually. Even if you factor in the cost of trials for some Guantanamo detainees, federal prisons are cheaper by millions.
If he is working so hard....why haven't we seen Trumpcare?
Cause...Ya gotta pass a bill before ya read it?

Comrade Nancy Pelosi, circa 2009.

Trump said he had a plan that was better than Obamacare and he would release it after he was elected

Where is it?

He wasn't lying again was he?
He wasn't lying, as he indicated it will happen, but it will take a little longer, anything that gets crafted as legislation in the House usually takes much longer. Was Obama lying when he said "you can keep your doctor..." or "I'll close Guantamo..." or "the Ambassador was killed because of protests to a video..."?

Why in the world you are stuck stupid with these crap?
1. Republicans block the closure of Gitmo. Are you surprised?
2. You cannot keep your doctor because: A. They maybe not be part of the net works which happens year when company chooses different health insurance. B. Or they only provide sub standard care that doesn't meet the new criteria.
Or C, you lied and shoved a horrible bill down the American people's throats without them having a say, and now that the whole thing is about to collapse on its own weight, you want to blame the republicans for something they played no part in.
I have news. Bills are presented in Congress & they pass & are signed by the President. That is not shoving a bill down the people's throat.

Now you want every bill put up on ballots? WTF are you blabbing about here.
When all those that were there were asked, some said she mentioned the video but most say she did not.

More lies from you.

Just like the scumbag Trump drug out one of the dead's mothers as a campaign device.

You & Trump are twins.
No thanks, I'll take the words of the parents over miserable leftie political hacks like you.
It were some of the parents that said the video was never mentioned you stupid shit. No only are you pissing on their graves but calling some of their parents liars.
That isn't what the mother said. She clearly accused Hillary of lying to her.

One did. Others did not. Why is that so hard to get?
Thanks again. I'll stick with what the mother of a victim claims, as opposed to leftie partisan hack like you.

You are calling parents & relatives of other killred in Benghazi liars? Really asshat? Read the below & will be please become informed or STFU about this.

Some family members don’t remember any discussion of a video.

Jan Stevens, father of Ambassador Chris Stevens, told PolitiFact that the first time he heard anything about a video was when the Washington Post Fact Checker called him with a similar question. He confirmed that he heard "nothing whatsoever" about a video from Clinton but declined to comment further.

Tyrone Woods’ mother, Cheryl Bennett, told PolitiFact that when she spoke with Clinton, she "never heard the word ‘video’ mentioned. That’s just a fact." Bennett, who is estranged from Charles Woods, said the motivation behind the attack didn’t come up in her brief interaction with Clinton.

Barbara Doherty, Glen Doherty’s mother, didn’t recall talking with Clinton about a video and said she remembered Clinton as being sincere and crying, according to the Washington Post."

Checking Patricia Smith's claims about Clinton and Benghazi
Traitor in chief, the crooked media never held him to account:

Eight congressional investigations found no wrongdoing

Except by Republicans exploiting a terrorist attack for political gain

No wrong doing? Ha ha ha. He lied to the face of the American people. We know what we saw and heard, only a zombie partisan will accept the treason he and Hillary committed.

Fuckj you & your claims of lies.

ANYONE who voted for Trump has no place talking about anyone lying.

You voted for a man who lies about everything. Evidemtly you have that in common with your orange master.


It is a fucking typo. Deal with it.

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