We Have a President Who Actually Works

The plan is being implemented piece by piece such that it doesn't disrupt people's coverage. If you aren't hearing about it, that means they're doing a good job.
Nope. There is no scenario where people being in the dark about what is going on with the future of their healthcare is a good job, the goal of implementing a replacement plan has never been opacity. I'm sure they are working on it, and who knows they might come up with a better healthcare system than Obamacare (we should all hope so) but other poster was exactly right in pointing out right now they ain't got shit.

So instead of focusing on the massive failure that Obamacare was, you're whining about the replacement plan.
Wouldn't this make sense? If I'm one of the millions with heatlhcare coverage under ACA my focus should be on the replacement plan since that is what is going to impact my life, health, and wallet going forward. Telling people to instead focus on repealed legislation that is already known sounds like nothing more than distraction.
Traitor in chief, the crooked media never held him to account:

Eight congressional investigations found no wrongdoing

Except by Republicans exploiting a terrorist attack for political gain

No wrong doing? Ha ha ha. He lied to the face of the American people. We know what we saw and heard, only a zombie partisan will accept the treason he and Hillary committed.

Fuckj you & your claims of lies.

ANYONE who voted for Trump has no place talking about anyone lying.

You voted for a man who lies about everything. Evidemtly you have that in common with your orange master.

Nah...Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton lied to the nation,mans the parents of those who were killed, right in front of their coffin So. They should have both been removed from office and put behind bars, but spineless lefties didn't have the balls to do that. It's amazing how scum like you made it out of the birth canal.

Traitor in chief, the crooked media never held him to account:

Eight congressional investigations found no wrongdoing

Except by Republicans exploiting a terrorist attack for political gain

No wrong doing? Ha ha ha. He lied to the face of the American people. We know what we saw and heard, only a zombie partisan will accept the treason he and Hillary committed.

Fuckj you & your claims of lies.

ANYONE who voted for Trump has no place talking about anyone lying.

You voted for a man who lies about everything. Evidemtly you have that in common with your orange master.

Nah...Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton lied to the nation,mans the parents of those who were killed, right in front of their coffin So. They should have both been removed from office and put behind bars, but spineless lefties didn't have the balls to do that. It's amazing how scum like you made it out of the birth canal.

So, when the weatherman says it will rain in 3 days & it doesn't, do you whine & stomp your feet and call them a liar? You probably do. But most don't.

The video was presented as a possibility with the clarification an investigation was under way. Now, that is not a lie.
As more information came to light, the video was no longer mentioned as a cause.

Quit pissing on dead Americans you worthless POS..
Traitor in chief, the crooked media never held him to account:

Eight congressional investigations found no wrongdoing

Except by Republicans exploiting a terrorist attack for political gain

No wrong doing? Ha ha ha. He lied to the face of the American people. We know what we saw and heard, only a zombie partisan will accept the treason he and Hillary committed.

Fuckj you & your claims of lies.

ANYONE who voted for Trump has no place talking about anyone lying.

You voted for a man who lies about everything. Evidemtly you have that in common with your orange master.

Nah...Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton lied to the nation,mans the parents of those who were killed, right in front of their coffin So. They should have both been removed from office and put behind bars, but spineless lefties didn't have the balls to do that. It's amazing how scum like you made it out of the birth canal.

So, when the weatherman says it will rain in 3 days & it doesn't, do you whine & stomp your feet and call them a liar? You probably do. But most don't.

The video was presented as a possibility with the clarification an investigation was under way. Now, that is not a lie.
As more information came to light, the video was no longer mentioned as a cause.

Quit pissing on dead Americans you worthless POS..

No, the video was created to fool Americans that the attack was due to a video.

It was Clinton that pissed on dead Americans by lying to their parents.


Could you or I hold this pace? I know I sure as hell couldn't.

Trump’s White House working schedule was among the subjects discussed when Fox News host Bill O’Reilly interviewed Trump. On Tuesday night, O’Reilly showcased the third part of his interview with Trump, which included O’Reilly inquiring Trump about his work regiment.

I’m working long hours. Long hours. Right up until 12 o’clock, 1 o’clock in the morning,” he answered.

What time do you get up?” O’Reilly then followed up.

Five o’clock,” replied Trump, stating that checking up on what the media is doing is one of the first things he does every day.

More @ Trump Reveals His INSANE Schedule - You Won't Believe How Long He Sleeps, But You Will Appreciate It [VIDEO] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

My last job was a nightmare. There were two bosses and they both worked really, really hard. The problem is they were also fucking stupid. They'd spend four days doing something I could do in 20 minutes. Yeah, they worked hard, but they didn't work INTELLIGENTLY. Hard working is great in some industries, but in politics, you need more than just banging your head against the wall repeatedly in order to do a good job.

Could you or I hold this pace? I know I sure as hell couldn't.

Trump’s White House working schedule was among the subjects discussed when Fox News host Bill O’Reilly interviewed Trump. On Tuesday night, O’Reilly showcased the third part of his interview with Trump, which included O’Reilly inquiring Trump about his work regiment.

I’m working long hours. Long hours. Right up until 12 o’clock, 1 o’clock in the morning,” he answered.

What time do you get up?” O’Reilly then followed up.

Five o’clock,” replied Trump, stating that checking up on what the media is doing is one of the first things he does every day.

More @ Trump Reveals His INSANE Schedule - You Won't Believe How Long He Sleeps, But You Will Appreciate It [VIDEO] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Yea, works with Russia.

Dr evil was a workaholic too
Traitor in chief, the crooked media never held him to account:

Eight congressional investigations found no wrongdoing

Except by Republicans exploiting a terrorist attack for political gain

No wrong doing? Ha ha ha. He lied to the face of the American people. We know what we saw and heard, only a zombie partisan will accept the treason he and Hillary committed.

Fuckj you & your claims of lies.

ANYONE who voted for Trump has no place talking about anyone lying.

You voted for a man who lies about everything. Evidemtly you have that in common with your orange master.

Nah...Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton lied to the nation,mans the parents of those who were killed, right in front of their coffin So. They should have both been removed from office and put behind bars, but spineless lefties didn't have the balls to do that. It's amazing how scum like you made it out of the birth canal.

When all those that were there were asked, some said she mentioned the video but most say she did not.

More lies from you.

Just like the scumbag Trump drug out one of the dead's mothers as a campaign device.

You & Trump are twins.
Traitor in chief, the crooked media never held him to account:

Eight congressional investigations found no wrongdoing

Except by Republicans exploiting a terrorist attack for political gain

No wrong doing? Ha ha ha. He lied to the face of the American people. We know what we saw and heard, only a zombie partisan will accept the treason he and Hillary committed.

Fuckj you & your claims of lies.

ANYONE who voted for Trump has no place talking about anyone lying.

You voted for a man who lies about everything. Evidemtly you have that in common with your orange master.

Nah...Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton lied to the nation,mans the parents of those who were killed, right in front of their coffin So. They should have both been removed from office and put behind bars, but spineless lefties didn't have the balls to do that. It's amazing how scum like you made it out of the birth canal.

When all those that were there were asked, some said she mentioned the video but most say she did not.

More lies from you.

Just like the scumbag Trump drug out one of the dead's mothers as a campaign device.

You & Trump are twins.

No thanks, I'll take the words of the parents over miserable leftie political hacks like you.
Nice try. The mother came forward to support the man she thought best suited for President. It was her choice, Trump didn't "drag" anyone out.
Eight congressional investigations found no wrongdoing

Except by Republicans exploiting a terrorist attack for political gain
No wrong doing? Ha ha ha. He lied to the face of the American people. We know what we saw and heard, only a zombie partisan will accept the treason he and Hillary committed.
Fuckj you & your claims of lies.

ANYONE who voted for Trump has no place talking about anyone lying.

You voted for a man who lies about everything. Evidemtly you have that in common with your orange master.
Nah...Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton lied to the nation,mans the parents of those who were killed, right in front of their coffin So. They should have both been removed from office and put behind bars, but spineless lefties didn't have the balls to do that. It's amazing how scum like you made it out of the birth canal.

When all those that were there were asked, some said she mentioned the video but most say she did not.

More lies from you.

Just like the scumbag Trump drug out one of the dead's mothers as a campaign device.

You & Trump are twins.

No thanks, I'll take the words of the parents over miserable leftie political hacks like you.

It were some of the parents that said the video was never mentioned you stupid shit. No only are you pissing on their graves but calling some of their parents liars.
Nice try. The mother came forward to support the man she thought best suited for President. It was her choice, Trump didn't "drag" anyone out.
Oh please. She had been obviously under duress from despair. Trump used her like a prop.
No wrong doing? Ha ha ha. He lied to the face of the American people. We know what we saw and heard, only a zombie partisan will accept the treason he and Hillary committed.
Fuckj you & your claims of lies.

ANYONE who voted for Trump has no place talking about anyone lying.

You voted for a man who lies about everything. Evidemtly you have that in common with your orange master.
Nah...Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton lied to the nation,mans the parents of those who were killed, right in front of their coffin So. They should have both been removed from office and put behind bars, but spineless lefties didn't have the balls to do that. It's amazing how scum like you made it out of the birth canal.

When all those that were there were asked, some said she mentioned the video but most say she did not.

More lies from you.

Just like the scumbag Trump drug out one of the dead's mothers as a campaign device.

You & Trump are twins.

No thanks, I'll take the words of the parents over miserable leftie political hacks like you.

It were some of the parents that said the video was never mentioned you stupid shit. No only are you pissing on their graves but calling some of their parents liars.

That isn't what the mother said. She clearly accused Hillary of lying to her.
Fuckj you & your claims of lies.

ANYONE who voted for Trump has no place talking about anyone lying.

You voted for a man who lies about everything. Evidemtly you have that in common with your orange master.
Nah...Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton lied to the nation,mans the parents of those who were killed, right in front of their coffin So. They should have both been removed from office and put behind bars, but spineless lefties didn't have the balls to do that. It's amazing how scum like you made it out of the birth canal.

When all those that were there were asked, some said she mentioned the video but most say she did not.

More lies from you.

Just like the scumbag Trump drug out one of the dead's mothers as a campaign device.

You & Trump are twins.

No thanks, I'll take the words of the parents over miserable leftie political hacks like you.

It were some of the parents that said the video was never mentioned you stupid shit. No only are you pissing on their graves but calling some of their parents liars.

That isn't what the mother said. She clearly accused Hillary of lying to her.

One did. Others did not. Why is that so hard to get?

Could you or I hold this pace? I know I sure as hell couldn't.

Trump’s White House working schedule was among the subjects discussed when Fox News host Bill O’Reilly interviewed Trump. On Tuesday night, O’Reilly showcased the third part of his interview with Trump, which included O’Reilly inquiring Trump about his work regiment.

I’m working long hours. Long hours. Right up until 12 o’clock, 1 o’clock in the morning,” he answered.

What time do you get up?” O’Reilly then followed up.

Five o’clock,” replied Trump, stating that checking up on what the media is doing is one of the first things he does every day.

More @ Trump Reveals His INSANE Schedule - You Won't Believe How Long He Sleeps, But You Will Appreciate It [VIDEO] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

you have a vivid imagination. :cuckoo:
Third week in a row. Yep, that" OH OH OH I'm working soooo hard" Trump heading to Florida yet again.

Three weeks in a row!!!!!!

You people are such dupes.
Nah...Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton lied to the nation,mans the parents of those who were killed, right in front of their coffin So. They should have both been removed from office and put behind bars, but spineless lefties didn't have the balls to do that. It's amazing how scum like you made it out of the birth canal.

When all those that were there were asked, some said she mentioned the video but most say she did not.

More lies from you.

Just like the scumbag Trump drug out one of the dead's mothers as a campaign device.

You & Trump are twins.

No thanks, I'll take the words of the parents over miserable leftie political hacks like you.

It were some of the parents that said the video was never mentioned you stupid shit. No only are you pissing on their graves but calling some of their parents liars.

That isn't what the mother said. She clearly accused Hillary of lying to her.

One did. Others did not. Why is that so hard to get?

Thanks again. I'll stick with what the mother of a victim claims, as opposed to leftie partisan hack like you.

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