We Have a President Who Actually Works

Could you or I hold this pace? I know I sure as hell couldn't.

Trump’s White House working schedule was among the subjects discussed when Fox News host Bill O’Reilly interviewed Trump. On Tuesday night, O’Reilly showcased the third part of his interview with Trump, which included O’Reilly inquiring Trump about his work regiment.

I’m working long hours. Long hours. Right up until 12 o’clock, 1 o’clock in the morning,” he answered.

What time do you get up?” O’Reilly then followed up.

Five o’clock,” replied Trump, stating that checking up on what the media is doing is one of the first things he does every day.

More @ Trump Reveals His INSANE Schedule - You Won't Believe How Long He Sleeps, But You Will Appreciate It [VIDEO] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Careening from one fuckup to another fuckup.

God I miss Obama.
Trump works hard?

Gotta say, he's clearly the master of fake news
How do you think he won? He out-worked Hillary, Obama, Michelle, Biden, all of Hollywood, and the crooked biased media.

He won for a few reasons, 'working hard' wasn't one of them

IMO he won the EV by motivating reactionaries across the nation, especially the poor white folks so desperate for a job they'll believe anything.....basically populism on steroids

Also Hillary took too much for granted, the Dem turnout was lower than expected as they took the election for granted too

The non-fake news fact is almost 3 million more voters picked Hillary

So actually Trump didn't garner the most votes and was installed via the archaic EV method

Simply lining up all your favorite reactionary talking points above means nothing, except for Fox viewers
Just facts, no talking points. Hillary wasn't hard to outwork. Remember that due to hidden health reasons, she kept taking 5 days at a time, while the crooked media provided cover by concentrating on bashing Trump. Instead of asking where the witch was, and the real health reason she fainted. Most of the heavy lifting was done by her surrogates Obama, Biden, Michelle, Bill, and various Hollywood and recording artists. How many rallies were there that she was MIA? I lost count.
Cause...Ya gotta pass a bill before ya read it?

Comrade Nancy Pelosi, circa 2009.

Trump said he had a plan that was better than Obamacare and he would release it after he was elected

Where is it?

He wasn't lying again was he?
He wasn't lying, as he indicated it will happen, but it will take a little longer, anything that gets crafted as legislation in the House usually takes much longer. Was Obama lying when he said "you can keep your doctor..." or "I'll close Guantamo..." or "the Ambassador was killed because of protests to a video..."?
Trump doesn't have shit

He is looking at Congressional Republicans to bail him out .......and they don't have shit for a healthcare plan
Why is that a suprise? Republicans knew that president Hussein would veto it all, so why waste their time and money?

So they all lied? They all said they had a plan. Where the fuck is it? If they had a plan that was better, you know damn well they would have passed it & put Obama & the Democrats in a bad spot.

They had jack shit. Republicans have no plan. Trump has no plan.
Now that they have a president who will sign the bill, they want to make sure they bring a bill that actually helps Americans, not screw them, like the one that Obama promoted.
Why is that a suprise? Republicans knew that president Hussein would veto it all, so why waste their time and money?
You aren't making sense, they wasted a ton of time and money doing exactly that and getting it vetoed.
Premiums going up dramatically, hospitals and doctors rejecting patients. And the worst of it was pushed until after the election. Just about as deceptive as it gets.

That's Obamacare for you.
while the crooked media provided cover by concentrating on bashing Trump.
Covering where the story is doesn't equate to being crooked or bashing. Trump is an attention hound, so he got lots of attention. Nobody made him tweet things at 3:00 am.
while the crooked media provided cover by concentrating on bashing Trump.
Covering where the story is doesn't equate to being crooked or bashing. Trump is an attention hound, so he got lots of attention. Nobody made him tweet things at 3:00 am.
Ha ha ha. Covering the story my ass. They're as crooked as biased as it gets.
Premiums going up dramatically, hospitals and doctors rejecting patients. And the worst of it was pushed until after the election. Just about as deceptive as it gets
Obamacare has come with good and bad aspects, there are millions of people insured who wouldn't have been otherwise. I'm not sure what worst part was pushed after an election, you'll have to learn me on that.

Point by other poster stands though, GOP hasn't got shit so far. Well they've had some general talking points and some specific ones but the true numbers and impact on consumers' wallets and US budget aren't known. Trump saying he'll have something really wonderful is one thing, telling us what it is and how it works is another thing entirely.
Ha ha ha. Covering the story my ass. They're as crooked as biased as it gets.
Wow great argument! You sure outlined your position well, and have completely changed my opinion with your thought out and in-depth explanation.
MSM Think....only an insane person would work that hard.

Conversely...if he golfed as much as the previous POTUS, the press would call him a lazy fucker.

...and the usual useful idiots would dutifully believe everything the MSM tells them.
He's reminiscent of Theodore Roosevelt who was tireless in his work.
I'm sick of listening to the hypocrisy. Liberals boycotting a school because Trumps nephew might go to kindergarten there. You people need to get real.
If he is working so hard....why haven't we seen Trumpcare?
Cause...Ya gotta pass a bill before ya read it?

Comrade Nancy Pelosi, circa 2009.

Trump said he had a plan that was better than Obamacare and he would release it after he was elected

Where is it?

He wasn't lying again was he?
He wasn't lying, as he indicated it will happen, but it will take a little longer, anything that gets crafted as legislation in the House usually takes much longer. Was Obama lying when he said "you can keep your doctor..." or "I'll close Guantamo..." or "the Ambassador was killed because of protests to a video..."?
Trump doesn't have shit

He is looking at Congressional Republicans to bail him out .......and they don't have shit for a healthcare plan
Why is that a suprise? Republicans knew that president Hussein would veto it all, so why waste their time and money?

Four months since Trump won

If finding a better plan than Obamacare is so easy....Why can't Republicans even get started?
Cause...Ya gotta pass a bill before ya read it?

Comrade Nancy Pelosi, circa 2009.

Trump said he had a plan that was better than Obamacare and he would release it after he was elected

Where is it?

He wasn't lying again was he?
He wasn't lying, as he indicated it will happen, but it will take a little longer, anything that gets crafted as legislation in the House usually takes much longer. Was Obama lying when he said "you can keep your doctor..." or "I'll close Guantamo..." or "the Ambassador was killed because of protests to a video..."?
Trump doesn't have shit

He is looking at Congressional Republicans to bail him out .......and they don't have shit for a healthcare plan
Why is that a suprise? Republicans knew that president Hussein would veto it all, so why waste their time and money?

Four months since Trump won

If finding a better plan than Obamacare is so easy....Why can't Republicans even get started?
Obamacare is so bad, that having no plan is better than having Obamacare.
I sleep 4-5 hours a night, same with my husband. I think it's a common trait with work-a-holics; sleep is a waste of time when there's so much that can be done.
Sleeping is beautiful :biggrin:

Sleep is overrated.

Trump said he had a plan that was better than Obamacare and he would release it after he was elected

Where is it?

He wasn't lying again was he?
He wasn't lying, as he indicated it will happen, but it will take a little longer, anything that gets crafted as legislation in the House usually takes much longer. Was Obama lying when he said "you can keep your doctor..." or "I'll close Guantamo..." or "the Ambassador was killed because of protests to a video..."?
Trump doesn't have shit

He is looking at Congressional Republicans to bail him out .......and they don't have shit for a healthcare plan
Why is that a suprise? Republicans knew that president Hussein would veto it all, so why waste their time and money?

Four months since Trump won

If finding a better plan than Obamacare is so easy....Why can't Republicans even get started?
Obamacare is so bad, that having no plan is better than having Obamacare.

The thing is 1700 pages long. It's going to take some time and careful planning to undo all the crockery foisted on Americans by Obamacare.

It has to go through Congress and the Senate as well as be signed by the president.

Did you know it's not the president's job to initiate legislation? Well it's not.
Cause...Ya gotta pass a bill before ya read it?

Comrade Nancy Pelosi, circa 2009.

Trump said he had a plan that was better than Obamacare and he would release it after he was elected

Where is it?

He wasn't lying again was he?
He wasn't lying, as he indicated it will happen, but it will take a little longer, anything that gets crafted as legislation in the House usually takes much longer. Was Obama lying when he said "you can keep your doctor..." or "I'll close Guantamo..." or "the Ambassador was killed because of protests to a video..."?
Trump doesn't have shit

He is looking at Congressional Republicans to bail him out .......and they don't have shit for a healthcare plan
Why is that a suprise? Republicans knew that president Hussein would veto it all, so why waste their time and money?

So they all lied? They all said they had a plan. Where the fuck is it? If they had a plan that was better, you know damn well they would have passed it & put Obama & the Democrats in a bad spot.

They had jack shit. Republicans have no plan. Trump has no plan.
It doesn't matter if Trump has a plan or not, what does matter and the one thing your right about is the Republicans have had plenty of time to come up with a replacement plan. They have let of us all down.
I sleep 4-5 hours a night, same with my husband. I think it's a common trait with work-a-holics; sleep is a waste of time when there's so much that can be done.
Sleeping is beautiful :biggrin:

Sleep is overrated.

He wasn't lying, as he indicated it will happen, but it will take a little longer, anything that gets crafted as legislation in the House usually takes much longer. Was Obama lying when he said "you can keep your doctor..." or "I'll close Guantamo..." or "the Ambassador was killed because of protests to a video..."?
Trump doesn't have shit

He is looking at Congressional Republicans to bail him out .......and they don't have shit for a healthcare plan
Why is that a suprise? Republicans knew that president Hussein would veto it all, so why waste their time and money?

Four months since Trump won

If finding a better plan than Obamacare is so easy....Why can't Republicans even get started?
Obamacare is so bad, that having no plan is better than having Obamacare.

The thing is 1700 pages long. It's going to take some time and careful planning to undo all the crockery foisted on Americans by Obamacare.

It has to go through Congress and the Senate as well as be signed by the president.

Did you know it's not the president's job to initiate legislation? Well it's not.
If its not the President's job, why did he promise it?

Its been 7 years, 2,555 days. That's a little more than half a page a day. OMG OMG OMG. If they did it instead of bitch, it would be done.
I sleep 4-5 hours a night, same with my husband. I think it's a common trait with work-a-holics; sleep is a waste of time when there's so much that can be done.
Sleeping is beautiful :biggrin:

Sleep is overrated.

Trump doesn't have shit

He is looking at Congressional Republicans to bail him out .......and they don't have shit for a healthcare plan
Why is that a suprise? Republicans knew that president Hussein would veto it all, so why waste their time and money?

Four months since Trump won

If finding a better plan than Obamacare is so easy....Why can't Republicans even get started?
Obamacare is so bad, that having no plan is better than having Obamacare.

The thing is 1700 pages long. It's going to take some time and careful planning to undo all the crockery foisted on Americans by Obamacare.

It has to go through Congress and the Senate as well as be signed by the president.

Did you know it's not the president's job to initiate legislation? Well it's not.
If its not the President's job, why did he promise it?

Its been 7 years, 2,555 days. That's a little more than half a page a day. OMG OMG OMG. If they did it instead of bitch, it would be done.

If it wasn't the last president's job, why did he push for it? :dunno:
I sleep 4-5 hours a night, same with my husband. I think it's a common trait with work-a-holics; sleep is a waste of time when there's so much that can be done.
Sleep is not a waste of time and this is indicated by the direct correlation of lack of sleep to Type 2 Diabetes incidence. The less sleep you get the more likely you are of getting overweight and developing Type 2 Diabetes.

Sleep allows your body to expel fat, breaking it down into water and shed it from the body as urine, sweat and breath.

I regularly weigh myself before I go to bed and after I shower in the morning, and if I get a good nights rest of 8+hours, I lose about 5 pounds of mostly water weight, but not all of it.

No worries about that for me, my metabolism is so high that I've weighed like #125 wet since HS. I was so thrilled a while back because I went up to 130# and it held for a while - then nope, it slipped away... maybe I slept to much. :p
I sleep 4-5 hours a night, same with my husband. I think it's a common trait with work-a-holics; sleep is a waste of time when there's so much that can be done.
Sleeping is beautiful :biggrin:

Sleep is overrated.

Trump doesn't have shit

He is looking at Congressional Republicans to bail him out .......and they don't have shit for a healthcare plan
Why is that a suprise? Republicans knew that president Hussein would veto it all, so why waste their time and money?

Four months since Trump won

If finding a better plan than Obamacare is so easy....Why can't Republicans even get started?
Obamacare is so bad, that having no plan is better than having Obamacare.

The thing is 1700 pages long. It's going to take some time and careful planning to undo all the crockery foisted on Americans by Obamacare.

It has to go through Congress and the Senate as well as be signed by the president.

Did you know it's not the president's job to initiate legislation? Well it's not.
If its not the President's job, why did he promise it?

Its been 7 years, 2,555 days. That's a little more than half a page a day. OMG OMG OMG. If they did it instead of bitch, it would be done.
Both sides of isle need to quit playing games n do their job, you know serve the American people.
Is tweeting about Nordstrom really considered work?
No but if Trump had a boy it would look just like the blond version of Travon.
You people must all be inbred.

Trayvon was a kid on the way to see his father from the store.
Trump's kid is white. A white kid would have been ignored.
The point is was Obama "doing his job" commenting about a shooting in which the facts had not been fully determined and the jury had not decided yet?
Cause...Ya gotta pass a bill before ya read it?

Comrade Nancy Pelosi, circa 2009.

Trump said he had a plan that was better than Obamacare and he would release it after he was elected

Where is it?

He wasn't lying again was he?
He wasn't lying, as he indicated it will happen, but it will take a little longer, anything that gets crafted as legislation in the House usually takes much longer. Was Obama lying when he said "you can keep your doctor..." or "I'll close Guantamo..." or "the Ambassador was killed because of protests to a video..."?
Trump doesn't have shit

He is looking at Congressional Republicans to bail him out .......and they don't have shit for a healthcare plan
Why is that a suprise? Republicans knew that president Hussein would veto it all, so why waste their time and money?

So they all lied? They all said they had a plan. Where the fuck is it? If they had a plan that was better, you know damn well they would have passed it & put Obama & the Democrats in a bad spot.

They had jack shit. Republicans have no plan. Trump has no plan.
The plan is being implemented piece by piece such that it doesn't disrupt people's coverage. If you aren't hearing about it, that means they're doing a good job.

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