we have a problem on our hands


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Through our democratic / representative process, Trump was elected.
All these Socialists have to do is wait 4 or 8 years and they can go back to selling the country down the tubes,
But they got a bug up their ass and they're trying to disrupt the office any way they can.
A large portion of our county has no respect for democracy
As I explained in my thread ('...1973...'), Mueller and the Democrats are in the midst of a treasonous attempted coup, as Mueller - 1 prosecutor- seeks to by-pass Congress and assume power greater than the Constitution in order to indict a sitting President and thereby 'UN-ELECT' a sitting President.

In 1973, under Clinton, the DOJ principals / policy was established, based on the Constitution, that s sitting President could not be indicted...and 'Un-Elected'.

Only Congress has the authority to remove a President, through the Constitutional process of Impeachment...by CONGRESS.

As far as subpoenaing a sitting President and threatening to send a sitting President to jail for refusing to agree to an interrogation, Mueller is also violating the Constitution.

A President can not be subpoenaed to testify under oath by a Prosecutor and / or Grand Jury unless in the extremist of curcumstances. In this case there is not even any evidence that a crime has been committed warranting an investigation at all, let alone one critical enough to wareant threatening to jail a President for refusing to obey a subpoena to appear before the Counsel's attempted trap.

Allowing this to continue, forgetting / ignoring the DOJ Memorandums and what was established in 1973 is proof enough that US AG Sessions is a weak, failed US AG that should be removed from office. To allow Mueller to do this is to go against established / recognized / honored DOJ policy and is allowing Mueller to usurp powers he does not have - the power to bypass Congress to execute a political assassination, 'un-electing' the President, based on ZERO evidence of any initial / existing crime....except one possibly if Mueller is successful in trying to trip Trump up.
Get out the vote...don't let up...these snowflakes will lose again...and flood the McConnell office with questions as to why he is not defending our president....same with Ryan...its shameful!
100% correct. The Left has revealed just how low they will sink in their efforts to regain power. It is a disgusting spectacle.
Through our democratic / representative process, Trump was elected.
All these Socialists have to do is wait 4 or 8 years and they can go back to selling the country down the tubes,
But they got a bug up their ass and they're trying to disrupt the office any way they can.
A large portion of our county has no respect for democracy

I wouldn't say a large portion, rather a small portion of highly active anarchists that enlist the following of a somewhat larger group of easily mislead dupes.
Through our democratic / representative process, Trump was elected.
All these Socialists have to do is wait 4 or 8 years and they can go back to selling the country down the tubes,
But they got a bug up their ass and they're trying to disrupt the office any way they can.
A large portion of our county has no respect for democracy
I agree... we just saw 8 years of it and now we are going to get a 4 year backlash. What’s gonna end the cycle?

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