We have become cowards

Their choice to do nothing is what allowed the illegal activity to continue which can be labeled assisting the perpetrator.

God bless you and the victim always!!!


P.S. Because of how much they didn't do in the grand scheme, I doubt that they would've tried to stop him if he had been given the chance to flee the scene which only would've been another way that they would've been assisting him.
Not rendering aid isn't illegal and it never will be
I never said what I would do or wouldn't do.

I was commenti9ng on why people witness a crime and don't do anything but that was obviously over your head.
Males are emasculated in employment and in public by the current political, racial and social agendas. Depending on where you live or where you are located you can still be looked at as being a hero. There are countless stories of men employed by a private business helping others in that business and getting fired for doing so. The slow breakdown of our civilization has been occurring and has been picking up. Shit stirrers for their own benefit have riled people up. The haves and have nots has been put onto the front page of everything social media. Privilege accusations has been bandied about and shoved in our faces everywhere. And yet privilege by ambition is never mentioned.
Males are emasculated in employment and in public by the current political, racial and social agendas. Depending on where you live or where you are located you can still be looked at as being a hero. There are countless stories of men employed by a private business helping others in that business and getting fired for doing so. The slow breakdown of our civilization has been occurring and has been picking up. Shit stirrers for their own benefit have riled people up. The haves and have nots has been put onto the front page of everything social media. Privilege accusations has been bandied about and shoved in our faces everywhere. And yet privilege by ambition is never mentioned.
You seem to think all these are recent developments.

They're not.

People have witnesses crimes and not helped for as long as there have been people
Not rendering aid isn't illegal and it never will be
Aid is going to be provided to someone no matter what is or isn't done. What I am trying to point out is that if you decide to thumb your nose at whoever is innocent, be prepared as best you can for a prison sentence. What you are slapped with could be worse compared to whatever may be done to the perpetrator.

God bless you always!!!

Aid is going to be provided to someone no matter what is or isn't done. What I am trying to point out is that if you decide to thumb your nose at whoever is innocent, be prepared as best you can for a prison sentence. What you are slapped with could be worse compared to whatever may be done to the perpetrator.

God bless you always!!!

It will never be illegal to refuse to come to anyone's aid.

Hell even the police have no legal obligation to respond to a request for help.
The US has committed enough atrocities that if one believed in such things our fate was sealed a long time ago
Name me a nation that sacrificed 360,000 lives in a Civil War to end slavery.
Name me a nation that never had slaves.
Name me a nation that didn't have internal wars against fellow citizens.
No nation is perfect and we fall under that same category, but....we are among the few that admit our past failures and discuss them in our educational system, so that the young learn from it.
The U.S. came to the aid of the South Koreans when North Korea attacked it, raped its women and murdered its people. Because of our assistance and sacrifice, South Korea is a thriving and prosperous society, whereas its northern Marxist neighbor, is an authoritarian, tyrannical and murderous government, killing its people over just trying to leave or disagreeing with its government.
China murdered millions and those that didn't want to live under its murderous regime, fled to Taiwan and set up a Democracy there. Taiwan has been a thriving and prosperous Democratic island nation, whereas China arrests people protesting its rule, won't allow people who don't like Marxism, to leave. They have to be smuggled out. The same for Cuba, Vietnam and Laos.
So again, we have an imperfect past and at least we acknowledge it and are always trying to be better.
It will never be illegal to refuse to come to anyone's aid
Why? Because it suppresses someone's right on private life? I think that this story should have brought into public discourse the concept of so called Good Samaritan laws. What they should be looked like and to what scale they should be used.

Hell even the police have no legal obligation to respond to a request for help
Then what is the reason of the existence of such police?
Maybe where you lived, but where i lived, many of US, would of stepped up and put the perp 6 ft under.....Then light that Marlboro and drank a shot of whiskey.
Marboro man doesn’t want you to smoke. He died from it
Name me a nation that sacrificed 360,000 lives in a Civil War to end slavery.
Name me a nation that never had slaves.
Name me a nation that didn't have internal wars against fellow citizens.
No nation is perfect and we fall under that same category, but....we are among the few that admit our past failures and discuss them in our educational system, so that the young learn from it.
The U.S. came to the aid of the South Koreans when North Korea attacked it, raped its women and murdered its people. Because of our assistance and sacrifice, South Korea is a thriving and prosperous society, whereas its northern Marxist neighbor, is an authoritarian, tyrannical and murderous government, killing its people over just trying to leave or disagreeing with its government.
China murdered millions and those that didn't want to live under its murderous regime, fled to Taiwan and set up a Democracy there. Taiwan has been a thriving and prosperous Democratic island nation, whereas China arrests people protesting its rule, won't allow people who don't like Marxism, to leave. They have to be smuggled out. The same for Cuba, Vietnam and Laos.
So again, we have an imperfect past and at least we acknowledge it and are always trying to be better.
What? No mention of what white people did to the Native Americans…
Name me a nation that sacrificed 360,000 lives in a Civil War to end slavery.
Name me a nation that never had slaves.
Name me a nation that didn't have internal wars against fellow citizens.
No nation is perfect and we fall under that same category, but....we are among the few that admit our past failures and discuss them in our educational system, so that the young learn from it.
The U.S. came to the aid of the South Koreans when North Korea attacked it, raped its women and murdered its people. Because of our assistance and sacrifice, South Korea is a thriving and prosperous society, whereas its northern Marxist neighbor, is an authoritarian, tyrannical and murderous government, killing its people over just trying to leave or disagreeing with its government.
China murdered millions and those that didn't want to live under its murderous regime, fled to Taiwan and set up a Democracy there. Taiwan has been a thriving and prosperous Democratic island nation, whereas China arrests people protesting its rule, won't allow people who don't like Marxism, to leave. They have to be smuggled out. The same for Cuba, Vietnam and Laos.
So again, we have an imperfect past and at least we acknowledge it and are always trying to be better.
We have no claim on the moral high ground
Why? Because it suppresses someone's right on private life? I think that this story should have brought into public discourse the concept of so called Good Samaritan laws. What they should be looked like and to what scale they should be used.

Then what is the reason of the existence of such police?

Do you really want a law stating that you must come to a person's aid?

And the main reason cops exist is to protect the interests of the state not to protect the public.

The Supreme Court of the United States explained that it is a “fundamental principle of American law that a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any individual citizen.”
..... but the police have no legal obligation to come to the aid of anyone.

How many times are you going to try and digress to this talking point?

Waste of fucking time trying to have an actual discussion......
Do you really want a law stating that you must come to a person's aid?

And the main reason cops exist is to protect the interests of the state not to protect the public.

The Supreme Court of the United States explained that it is a “fundamental principle of American law that a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any individual citizen.”
The article you linked on ends with the question I asked above. What is the purpose of the police? To serve the interests of the State? What does it mean? Oppressing people taking part in demonstrations?

I have heard of such a ruling of the Supreme Court. And after that you can have only two options. Either making it legally abiding for the police to protect the citizens.

Or enabling people to protect themselves without the help of the State. But in this case the state shouldn't intrude or make objections how people will be doing so. That means constitutional carry, the castle doctrine, unrestricted right of self-defense, the possibility to form local armed militia etc.
Do you really want a law stating that you must come to a person's aid?
I don't know. There are no easy answers on this question. First of all, the role and functions of the police should be sorted out.

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