We have finally gained back the jobs lost in the Great Bush Recession

Yep I heard that the Dems had no part in anything that is wrong in this country.

They didn't have the house and Senate either during those years as well.

They didn't have anything to do with Housing either...................

Nice to live in denial isn't it Lib.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyqYY72PeRM]Democrats in their own words Covering up Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac scandal - YouTube[/ame]

The Great Dems in action.
The greater fallacy is believing that in a free society the government should have any influence on the economy.

It has taken five years to gain back the jobs that were lost in the Great Bush Recession. Now the GOP wants the White House back so they can begin working on their second Great Recession.

If you project out the rate of job creation from 1998-2007, starting in 2007, how long does it take at current rates (200,000 net new jobs per month) to catch up? Answer: we never catch up. It would take 300,000 per month to reach that point in a decade.
1. I don't believe the lie in the OP for a second.
2. Lets say I did believe we got all the jobs back then:
3. Thanks to the states with the republican governors like Texas and Florida.
4. It wouldn't have taken 6 years if Obama hasn't been screwing up everything.

It has taken five years to gain back the jobs that were lost in the Great Bush Recession. Now the GOP wants the White House back so they can begin working on their second Great Recession.

Well, that's a lie. I know many people still out of work. And we just lost another company to overseas.

Fruit of the Loom to close Jamestown plant, lay off all 600 workers | Business | Kentucky.com

The company said it is moving the plant's textile operations to Honduras to save money.


How can anybody think we're gaining jobs?
Let us not forget the Internet Bubble created under the Clinton Administration.The Bubble exploded on March 10, 2000 resulting in a recession. However, you never heard Bush blaming Clinton for the recession.
"I know many people still out of work," therefore, "How can anybody think we are gaining jobs?"

American public education. What more needs to be said?
You gotta hand it to the Democrats on this one. They so quickly and effectively discouraged millions of Americans from ever looking for work again. Since they're not looking they're not counted and are therefore not unemployed even though they are not employed.
sure we have...and notice it's was the, GREAT BUSH RECESSION

hey it only took SIX painful years under that dear great leader...

that's why Obama is pushing for a minimum wage hike....we have too many workers so we need to thin a few
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Obama should be given another term and another 10 trillion dollars to fix Bush's unamerican spending.
The OP is misinformed. Perspective.

And here's the Civilian Employment data from the BLS:


We have not created enough jobs to get back to peak employment during Bush's terms.
Democrats have no influence on anything that happens in government....
That is until it's time to pat themselves on the back for another great accomplishment....

Just look at them kissing each other assess for what ?
Signing up 7 million people for ObamaCare...
All the while not knowing what the people signed up for exactly.
Democrats have no influence on anything that happens in government....
That is until it's time to pat themselves on the back for another great accomplishment....

Just look at them kissing each other assess for what ?
Signing up 7 million people for ObamaCare...
All the while not knowing what the people signed up for exactly.

yep, they are loyal subjects of the party that's for sure

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