we have over 2 million Americans that can do jobs that illegals do !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
yep and they are sitting in prison ! why not allow them to work the fields and do the manual labor that the youth in our country have become to spoiled and weak to do ?? many inmates would much rather work for min wage picking fruit ,and other agricultural ,and manual labor in the sun and fresh air than sit in a cage 24/7 .... and most of their money could be put into a savings account for them until they are released ....many would leave jail with work experience [for many it may be the 1st job they ever had ] and work ethics ...plus a nice little bank roll to help get them on their feet once free .
yep and they are sitting in prison ! why not allow them to work the fields and do the manual labor that the youth in our country have become to spoiled and weak to do ?? many inmates would much rather work for min wage picking fruit ,and other agricultural ,and manual labor in the sun and fresh air than sit in a cage 24/7 .... and most of their money could be put into a savings account for them until they are released ....many would leave jail with work experience [for many it may be the 1st job they ever had ] and work ethics ...plus a nice little bank roll to help get them on their feet once free .
You can't let them have money in prison, that would be a very foolish thing to do.
Those jobs are paying less than minimum wage. You can make an argument for this but lets get the facts straight. Even prisoners would be subject to a certain number of hours. Those who hire illegals are not interested in doing that.
Those jobs are paying less than minimum wage. You can make an argument for this but lets get the facts straight. Even prisoners would be subject to a certain number of hours. Those who hire illegals are not interested in doing that.
Voices in your head tell you that?
Those jobs are paying less than minimum wage. You can make an argument for this but lets get the facts straight. Even prisoners would be subject to a certain number of hours. Those who hire illegals are not interested in doing that.
Democrats have replaced slavery with slave wages and then point to rinos who hire them to justify their aiding and abetting of foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated at will.
Time to start expelling Illegal Aliens wholesale...

Time to start filling their job-vacancies with American workers...

If that hikes-up the cost a bit, then so be it... I'd rather my money go to my fellow Americans rather than being wired to Mexico City...

We did just fine without Illegals 50 years ago or more... time to "take the pain" and get this over with... we'll do just fine afterwards, as well.
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Those jobs are paying less than minimum wage. You can make an argument for this but lets get the facts straight. Even prisoners would be subject to a certain number of hours. Those who hire illegals are not interested in doing that.
Voices in your head tell you that?

If you wish to offer a rebuttal, please do.

If all you have are lame insults, I will learn over time.
Those jobs are paying less than minimum wage. You can make an argument for this but lets get the facts straight. Even prisoners would be subject to a certain number of hours. Those who hire illegals are not interested in doing that.
Democrats have replaced slavery with slave wages and then point to rinos who hire them to justify their aiding and abetting of foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated at will.

The Democrats did nothing about the minimum wage or those who hire illegals when they were in charge. No argument from me but noting that solves nothing.
yep and they are sitting in prison ! why not allow them to work the fields and do the manual labor that the youth in our country have become to spoiled and weak to do ?? many inmates would much rather work for min wage picking fruit ,and other agricultural ,and manual labor in the sun and fresh air than sit in a cage 24/7 .... and most of their money could be put into a savings account for them until they are released ....many would leave jail with work experience [for many it may be the 1st job they ever had ] and work ethics ...plus a nice little bank roll to help get them on their feet once free .
You can't let them have money in prison, that would be a very foolish thing to do.
they would not get the money until they have served their time ...... the money would be direct deposited into a savings account .
Take them off welfare shut down the border and they will find the fields faster than you can say cotton picking reality....people must eat or starve...
yep and they are sitting in prison ! why not allow them to work the fields and do the manual labor that the youth in our country have become to spoiled and weak to do ?? many inmates would much rather work for min wage picking fruit ,and other agricultural ,and manual labor in the sun and fresh air than sit in a cage 24/7 .... and most of their money could be put into a savings account for them until they are released ....many would leave jail with work experience [for many it may be the 1st job they ever had ] and work ethics ...plus a nice little bank roll to help get them on their feet once free .
I worked at a prison that did just that and the guys fought for those jobs. It was a great idea. We're not an agricultural area, but what jobs were available here, the guys jumped at. And it DID give them a little something to fall back on when they got released, plus they got their fines paid off and the state got a percentage for room and board, so everyone was happy.
It works. The thing is, you can't offer the opportunity for inmates to go into the community willy nilly. No sex offenders, for one thing. No inmates with violent convictions or history of 'running.' Only minimum security guys can do that. It requires a lot of staff time, because they have to be carefully supervised and they have to be transported. There was a big uptick in smuggling into the prison (drugs, cigs, a little of everything) by guys out on jobs.
So it's a bit more work than it might seem, but all in all I agree with you it's a good idea. Just put all the prisons in agricultural areas and offer to pay minimum wage--no problems getting those crops picked.
yep and they are sitting in prison ! why not allow them to work the fields and do the manual labor that the youth in our country have become to spoiled and weak to do ?? many inmates would much rather work for min wage picking fruit ,and other agricultural ,and manual labor in the sun and fresh air than sit in a cage 24/7 .... and most of their money could be put into a savings account for them until they are released ....many would leave jail with work experience [for many it may be the 1st job they ever had ] and work ethics ...plus a nice little bank roll to help get them on their feet once free .
You can't let them have money in prison, that would be a very foolish thing to do.
they would not get the money until they have served their time ...... the money would be direct deposited into a savings account .
Of course it is. They are allowed a certain percentage "spending money" per month. Most of it goes to paying court fines, restitution, room and board or is deposited and given to them when they leave.
yep and they are sitting in prison ! why not allow them to work the fields and do the manual labor that the youth in our country have become to spoiled and weak to do ?? many inmates would much rather work for min wage picking fruit ,and other agricultural ,and manual labor in the sun and fresh air than sit in a cage 24/7 .... and most of their money could be put into a savings account for them until they are released ....many would leave jail with work experience [for many it may be the 1st job they ever had ] and work ethics ...plus a nice little bank roll to help get them on their feet once free .
You can't let them have money in prison, that would be a very foolish thing to do.
they would not get the money until they have served their time ...... the money would be direct deposited into a savings account .
Of course it is. They are allowed a certain percentage "spending money" per month. Most of it goes to paying court fines, restitution, room and board or is deposited and given to them when they leave.
As an expert on what happens in prison, you are an even bigger failure.
yep and they are sitting in prison ! why not allow them to work the fields and do the manual labor that the youth in our country have become to spoiled and weak to do ?? many inmates would much rather work for min wage picking fruit ,and other agricultural ,and manual labor in the sun and fresh air than sit in a cage 24/7 .... and most of their money could be put into a savings account for them until they are released ....many would leave jail with work experience [for many it may be the 1st job they ever had ] and work ethics ...plus a nice little bank roll to help get them on their feet once free .
You can't let them have money in prison, that would be a very foolish thing to do.
I disagree and agree, don't let them have the money while they are in prison, place it in a savings account that when they have repaid their debt to society they will have money waiting on them to start afresh. Their parole officer can keep track on them to ensure they aren't buying drugs
yep and they are sitting in prison ! why not allow them to work the fields and do the manual labor that the youth in our country have become to spoiled and weak to do ?? many inmates would much rather work for min wage picking fruit ,and other agricultural ,and manual labor in the sun and fresh air than sit in a cage 24/7 .... and most of their money could be put into a savings account for them until they are released ....many would leave jail with work experience [for many it may be the 1st job they ever had ] and work ethics ...plus a nice little bank roll to help get them on their feet once free .
You can't let them have money in prison, that would be a very foolish thing to do.
they would not get the money until they have served their time ...... the money would be direct deposited into a savings account .
Of course it is. They are allowed a certain percentage "spending money" per month. Most of it goes to paying court fines, restitution, room and board or is deposited and given to them when they leave.
As an expert on what happens in prison, you are an even bigger failure.
That is what happened in our prison. I take it, you didn't work at a work release prison. So what?
Yes let's take inmates out to the open fields and give them tools that can be used as weapons. What could possibly go wrong...
Yes let's take inmates out to the open fields and give them tools that can be used as weapons. What could possibly go wrong...

We do that now. Not just any old inmate but many inmates have access to tools.
Yes let's take inmates out to the open fields and give them tools that can be used as weapons. What could possibly go wrong...

We do that now. Not just any old inmate but many inmates have access to tools.



A few of the things the maximum security inmates at the Maine State Prison make with their sharp tools.
Great store, btw, well made furniture and what have you, if you're ever in Thomaston.
yep and they are sitting in prison ! why not allow them to work the fields and do the manual labor that the youth in our country have become to spoiled and weak to do ?? many inmates would much rather work for min wage picking fruit ,and other agricultural ,and manual labor in the sun and fresh air than sit in a cage 24/7 .... and most of their money could be put into a savings account for them until they are released ....many would leave jail with work experience [for many it may be the 1st job they ever had ] and work ethics ...plus a nice little bank roll to help get them on their feet once free .

Consider the logistics. Are you going to relocate prisons to farmland areas? And consider the manpower necessary to oversee a farm full of convicts? Its one thing for a few guards to watch a chain gang, but a tomato farm and lettuce farm filled with cons?

To difficult, costly, and risky.

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