We have systemic racism is America...how is Biden going to fix it?

I am certain if right wing people riot and blow things up and more that Biden and the Prog politicians will do the same that they did for Antifa and BLM and let them get it our of their systems.
shit dude, a "proud boy" can't even cough without the left going apeshit. you think for a minute that if the proud boys started doing the exact same the left would give them the same freedom to do it they gave the rioters?

not even for a second.

and *that* is why we are so divided.

Many of the "Proud Boys" are black!
I am certain if right wing people riot and blow things up and more that Biden and the Prog politicians will do the same that they did for Antifa and BLM and let them get it our of their systems.
shit dude, a "proud boy" can't even cough without the left going apeshit. you think for a minute that if the proud boys started doing the exact same the left would give them the same freedom to do it they gave the rioters?

not even for a second.

and *that* is why we are so divided.
I am a novice in freedom fighting. But I realize it. There are smart men and women who are not energized who have great potential to be great leaders in a real resistance. That means a real code to each other. And trust that is learned. Communications that bypass the Progs globalist dreams. There is a lot of set up that has to be put in place by the more talented who have not shown up yet. Promote underground ways. Biden is a racist and Harris is a exterminator.
Our systematic racism seemed to subside until the election of Barack Obama.....then the racists came out of hiding to show their outrage that a black family was in the White House.

That outrage led to the election of our most racist President in a hundred years.....Donald J Trump
Our systematic racism seemed to subside until the election of Barack Obama.....then the racists came out of hiding to show their outrage that a black family was in the White House.

That outrage led to the election of our most racist President in a hundred years.....Donald J Trump
That is bullshit. People leave Prog areas. And then repeat the same things.
Imagine having a President who doesn’t think White Supremacists are “Good People”

Imagine obama who thought louis farakhan, jeremiah wright and al sharpton.....all three racial supremacists are good people to the point he calls them good friends, and even hangs out with them.....

Obama is a racist, as is the democrat party.
Biden was VP to the first POTUS that was not 100% white...and race relations got worse. Biden has been in public service for nearly 50 years. What will he do during his time in office that he has not done before? He never once said on the campaign “trail”.
This will be a task he gives to Kamala. First half black female Vice President.

Maybe if more companies hired more women and minorities we’d be doing better. So Kamala will be pushing for more diversity programs.

You guys watched Obama get us out of the Great Recession bush caused. Then you saw trump mishandle a national emergency.

So stop thinking you are hiring the brightest and best when you elect or hire a white man. Trump and bush prove the white guy is not always the best candidate. That just might be your bias.

The democrats and their forced mortgages got us into the Great Recession.......Bush tried to stop it the democrats blocked him.
"Systemic racism" is what they call it when people are trying to be not racist, but still occasionally say racist things. It's like picking at a scab instead of letting it heal.

That's not what it is at all. Systemic racism arrests and charges black kids 7 times more often than white kids for possession of marijuana. White kids get let off with a warning. Black kids get charged.

Systemic racism is shows up when HR staff is given resumees and and candidates with "black names" get picked less often for interviews. Studies mixed up the names and the resumees, and the HR people consistently picked the candidates with "black names" less often, regardless of education, experience or skills.

It shows up in SAT tests, and in a dearth of funding for schools in poor neighbourhoods. It's in the incorporated municipalities which are created to ensure middle class tax dollars aren't going to "poor" neighbourhoods. It's guys like Ray saying his neighbours grandkids live with them so they can attend a better school. This shouldn't be allowed because their parents didn't "earn" that schools for their kids. Instead of applauding the family for wanting to give their children the best possible chance for economic success, and not ending up in crime or poverty.

Systemic racism shows up in black and brown men going from being 30,000 federal prisoners in 1980, to more than 300,000 in 2008, even as violent crime statistics have dropped throughout this time frame.
Racism is born from stereotypes, stereotypes are born from behavior.
Today’s “RACISM” is nothing more than intelligent people paying attention to behavioral statistics, stereotyping, profiling and forecasting. If darkies change the deficient behavior the “RACISM” goes away. TA-DA!
Biden was VP to the first POTUS that was not 100% white...and race relations got worse. Biden has been in public service for nearly 50 years. What will he do during his time in office that he has not done before? He never once said on the campaign “trail”.
Kamala and Biden should start locking up ******* again ..its the only thing they excel at
Biden was VP to the first POTUS that was not 100% white...and race relations got worse. Biden has been in public service for nearly 50 years. What will he do during his time in office that he has not done before? He never once said on the campaign “trail”.
If you have to ask, you ain't Black.
Biden was VP to the first POTUS that was not 100% white...and race relations got worse. Biden has been in public service for nearly 50 years. What will he do during his time in office that he has not done before? He never once said on the campaign “trail”.

I think he'll denounce assholes like the Proud Boys and Wolverines and tell them to go fuck themselves instead of telling them to "stand by".
I think he won't be calling any third world countries "shit holes".
I doubt he'll say that the Charlottesvilles white supremacists are "fine people".
That will be a good start, don't you think, butthead?
We have systemic racism is America...how is Biden going to fix it?
For one thing, he won’t be supporting white supremacist and KKK rallies
Or pretending to not know who David Duke is.
prove he did, asshole.

My take----then and now was/is ---Trump did not know enough about David Duke and his policies to
DISCUSS the matter. Try paying attention when people talk rather than FIND A WAY TO DENIGRATE
We have systemic racism is America...how is Biden going to fix it?
For one thing, he won’t be supporting white supremacist and KKK rallies
Or pretending to not know who David Duke is.
prove he did, asshole.

My take----then and now was/is ---Trump did not know enough about David Duke and his policies to
DISCUSS the matter. Try paying attention when people talk rather than FIND A WAY TO DENIGRATE
Why would I waste my time discussing anything with leftwing morons?

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