We have systemic racism is America...how is Biden going to fix it?

How is Corrupt Joe Biden going to fix "systemic racism in America? He isn't.
It's that simple.

First of all, his own running mate called him a racist in the democrat primaries not long ago.
So how do you take that back?

And secondly, there is no such thing as systemic racism in America. It's been wiped out
thanks to Civil Rights law.
No systemic racism in sports, in academia, in Hollywood, in politics, in banking, in the military, etc.
BLM is probably America's foremost racist organization.

There is still racism in America, coming from all parties and races but none of it systemic.
Person to person racism will never be totally removed. It's part of the human condition.

Sorry, I disagree......the democrat party is the foremost racist organization in the U.S. and BLM is one of its terrorist groups...so it too is racist.
If darkies change the deficient behavior the “RACISM” goes away. TA-DA!

There ain’t no Racism

Like there ain’t no behavioral deficiencies among darkies?

Proves my point
Thanks for playing
Not really...kinda proves my point.
The Leftist denial of the need for behavior to change is just plain lunacy.

try to keep up-----the present leftist notion on
"How to improve dysfunctional society is
as in telling a two year old "if you eat your creamed
spinach----I will give you candy"
as far as the dysfunction itself---that, too, must
be fed candy
Biden was VP to the first POTUS that was not 100% white...and race relations got worse. Biden has been in public service for nearly 50 years. What will he do during his time in office that he has not done before? He never once said on the campaign “trail”.
The only campaign trail that he ever went on ran around his basement.
I am certain if right wing people riot and blow things up and more that Biden and the Prog politicians will do the same that they did for Antifa and BLM and let them get it our of their systems.
That's rich. You can bet your bottom dollar that they would have the police, nat. guard and regular troops out trying to squelch the unrest.
Biden was VP to the first POTUS that was not 100% white...and race relations got worse. Biden has been in public service for nearly 50 years. What will he do during his time in office that he has not done before? He never once said on the campaign “trail”.

I think he'll denounce assholes like the Proud Boys and Wolverines and tell them to go fuck themselves instead of telling them to "stand by".
I think he won't be calling any third world countries "shit holes".
I doubt he'll say that the Charlottesvilles white supremacists are "fine people".
That will be a good start, don't you think, butthead?

In what way are "proud boys" assholes? And
"wolverines" WTF is they? I have never been to
Charlottesvilles-----are they all "white supremacists"?
The Proud Boys originated in NYC. I know nothing about the Wolverines.
Biden was VP to the first POTUS that was not 100% white...and race relations got worse. Biden has been in public service for nearly 50 years. What will he do during his time in office that he has not done before? He never once said on the campaign “trail”.

I think he'll denounce assholes like the Proud Boys and Wolverines and tell them to go fuck themselves instead of telling them to "stand by".
I think he won't be calling any third world countries "shit holes".
I doubt he'll say that the Charlottesvilles white supremacists are "fine people".
That will be a good start, don't you think, butthead?
A lot to be said about him.

But he was right about those third world countries and caling what they are is a good thing.

He never called white supremacists fine people

Get your facts straight dumbass
Biden was VP to the first POTUS that was not 100% white...and race relations got worse. Biden has been in public service for nearly 50 years. What will he do during his time in office that he has not done before? He never once said on the campaign “trail”.
One man can’t fix racism problems. They can only chip away and promote positive messages and policies
Fix it? He couldn't fix his own dentures. 47 years of doing nothing but fucking up, where is his promised cancer cure from 10 years ago, same place as his covid cure, lost in his cesspool of a mind. Even ovomit said "leave it to Joe to screw things up" And you stupid fucks voted for this loser and the ho? Shame on you.
If you're not aware of the problem, you obviously don't live in Detroit!!!!

Detroit suing Black Lives Matter activists for ‘civil conspiracy’: report | Fox News
The article doesn't say anything about Detroit being burned down.

Moreover, any schmuck can sue anyone for anything.

Lastly, Detroit was not on the original list of cities that was posted.

Try again liar.
And insurance companies can do what they want, right????

Like jack their rates up by 3-4X or refuse to insure, like they are doing for some Portland businesses???

But what the hell....

The jungle monkeys got their free shit, compliments of the Democrats!!!!
Biden isn't going to "fix" anything with regards to race. It's not going to happen during his term. It will have to be a process, with both ends and the rest of us all assisting.

But what he can do is alter the trajectory of the conversation. That would be great, and I think he can do it. The question is whether he's given any help.
But what he can do is alter the trajectory of the conversation. That would be great, and I think he can do it. The question is whether he's given any help.

Do tell how he will alter the conversation. My money is on Biden pumping up the division by continuing to accuse white folks of racism every time a black person doesn’t succeed. The man elected a 1/2 black woman as his VP for this very reason. Race is on the forefront of every Democrat’s mind at all times. A conversation with a Democrat about honey bees can turn into being accused of racism. It is in their DNA...Biden is no different.
But what he can do is alter the trajectory of the conversation. That would be great, and I think he can do it. The question is whether he's given any help.

Do tell how he will alter the conversation. My money is on Biden pumping up the division by continuing to accuse white folks of racism every time a black person doesn’t succeed. The man elected a 1/2 black woman as his VP for this very reason. Race is on the forefront of every Democrat’s mind at all times. A conversation with a Democrat about honey bees can turn into being accused of racism. It is in their DNA...Biden is no different.
I doubt he'll change anything people like you think, say, or do. You'll just continue to heave mud from your end and avoid honest conversation.

The process will have to begin from more rational people towards the middle and work its way out. With the right approach, Biden could make that happen.
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Biden isn't going to "fix" anything with regards to race. It's not going to happen during his term. It will have to be a process, with both ends and the rest of us all assisting.

But what he can do is alter the trajectory of the conversation. That would be great, and I think he can do it. The question is whether he's given any help.
By "altering the trajectory", do you mean locking them up in record numbers, like he did with the crime bill he wrote????
Biden isn't going to "fix" anything with regards to race. It's not going to happen during his term. It will have to be a process, with both ends and the rest of us all assisting.

But what he can do is alter the trajectory of the conversation. That would be great, and I think he can do it. The question is whether he's given any help.
By "altering the trajectory", do you mean locking them up in record numbers, like he did with the crime bill he wrote????
Just the mere fact that a democrat is in the WHITE HOUSE makes race relations better.

It's like magic!
I don’t blame bush or bush for fueling the fire of racism like I do trump. Bush just ignored blacks cause he knew he wouldn’t get their votes. But he didn’t woo white supremists
What racism? Do you have some evidence of such? I keep hearing all this nonsense about racism, yet we don't see a measurable increase in cases filed with the various agencies designed specifically to handle such things.
Show me a link that racist acts are down because when Obama was president you said they were up and you blamed it on him. Now we know they are even higher on trumps watch and now you want to say it doesn’t even exist?

You saw a measurable increase on Obama’s watch but you don’t see a measurable increase the last four years?

Im calling bullshit.

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