We Have the Right to Assemble and Freedom of Religion - Unlawful Arrest of Preacher

So show me where your religion requires you to congregate in a building with as many other people as can fit in that building…

  1. That's not what I said.

  2. I don't have to account to you for what my religion does or does not require. Nor does anyone else. It's none of your damn business.

Certainly you do not have to justify your religion to anyone, but is congregating in large groups actually an essential tenet of your faith and the practices thereof? Would it actually be a sin to practice your faith in smaller groups or via Internet?

I think that's the point: the "congregating in large masses" isn't actually a part of the religious belief at all. It's simply a preferred habit.

Let me throw this out. What if your religion specifically states that you have to practice with a group of strangers no more than 2 ft apart?

Do the religious tenets really matter?

Excellent point..........I put all the stoopids on ignore....do they still claim it is all just a hoax?

Turns out that it is no only stoopid snake handlers and retarded religious nuts that believe it is all just a hoax.
No urge to assemble from me but the assemblers and worshippers are absolutely right. Liberals are trying to assert that their emotional needs to remain healthy does in fact trump your preexisting constitutional right to assemble and worship.
Certainly you do not have to justify your religion to anyone, but is congregating in large groups actually an essential tenet of your faith and the practices thereof? Would it actually be a sin to practice your faith in smaller groups or via Internet?

You admit that I do not need to justify my religion, and then immediately follow that up with a demand that I justify my religion.

No. If the tenets of your religion endanger others then yeah, you kind of have to knock it off.
You are still espousing that you have a right to impose restrictions on others in order to best preclude yourself from catching something. There is no such right, there is the right to assemble and/or worship.

do you insist on the lab tech wearing gloves when they draw blood from you? what if it was against their religion to wear latex? would you still have it done?
You admit that I do not need to justify my religion, and then immediately follow that up with a demand that I justify my religion.

You're a Mormon. You religion was started by a two-bit con man who wanted to trick less smart people out of their money and fuck teenage girls... there's no justification for your religion.

Please, please, please keep congregating.

mormons also believe one becomes their own little ruler of their own little kingdom... & the large families they like to have will help to populate them, or something like that.
So show me where your religion requires you to congregate in a building with as many other people as can fit in that building…

  1. That's not what I said.

  2. I don't have to account to you for what my religion does or does not require. Nor does anyone else. It's none of your damn business.

Well when you start saying that you have to attend church with hundreds of other people in order to practice you religion don't get your panties in a twist if someone asks you for actual proof
Bob what they are saying is that if you go to church then you are infringing on their right to remain Corona free and there is no such right .
That's not what i am saying at all.

What's the big deal about temporarily modifying the way you worship out of concern for the greater community?

Don't all religions suggest you love and care for your fellow man?

I'm pretty sure no religion tells people to purposely endanger the health of others
Bob what they are saying is that if you go to church then you are infringing on their right to remain Corona free and there is no such right .
That's not what i am saying at all.

What's the big deal about temporarily modifying the way you worship out of concern for the greater community?

Don't all religions suggest you love and care for your fellow man?

I'm pretty sure no religion tells people to purposely endanger the health of others

Exactly......anyone that does that is a psychopath....isn't it interesting the way they refuse to identify their denomination....which suggests they are ashamed of it but still feel compelled to go along with their peers and come together and get infected......not even to mention and then leave the service and sread the virus to others.
Bob what they are saying is that if you go to church then you are infringing on their right to remain Corona free and there is no such right .
That's not what i am saying at all.

What's the big deal about temporarily modifying the way you worship out of concern for the greater community?

Don't all religions suggest you love and care for your fellow man?

I'm pretty sure no religion tells people to purposely endanger the health of others

Exactly......anyone that does that is a psychopath....isn't it interesting the way they refuse to identify their denomination....which suggests they are ashamed of it but still feel compelled to go along with their peers and come together and get infected......not even to mention and then leave the service and sread the virus to others.
I find most religious people get testy when you ask for proof of anything involving their religion
Well when you start saying that you have to attend church with hundreds of other people in order to practice you religion don't get your panties in a twist if someone asks you for actual proof

When you willfully lie about what I said, don't ask me for proof to support your lies.

And don't get your panties in a twist when you get called out for blatantly lying.
Well when you start saying that you have to attend church with hundreds of other people in order to practice you religion don't get your panties in a twist if someone asks you for actual proof

When you willfully lie about what I said, don't ask me for proof to support your lies.

And don't get your panties in a twist when you get called out for blatantly lying.

And yet you won't tell me where in your religion it says one must gather in a building with hundreds of other people.
And yet you won't tell me where in your religion it says one must gather in a building with hundreds of other people.

Of course not. I never said that it did. You made that up, as a deceitful exaggeration of what I did say.

It's not my responsibility to support your lies.
And yet you won't tell me where in your religion it says one must gather in a building with hundreds of other people.

Of course not. I never said that it did. You made that up, as a deceitful exaggeration of what I did say.

It's not my responsibility to support your lies.

But here you are whining about people being told not to gather cheek to jowl in a church
But here you are whining about people being told not to gather cheek to jowl in a church

If you're only going to twist and lie about everything that I say, then there is no point in trying to carry on any discussion with you.
So show me where your religion requires you to congregate in a building with as many other people as can fit in that building…

  1. That's not what I said.

  2. I don't have to account to you for what my religion does or does not require. Nor does anyone else. It's none of your damn business.

Well when you start saying that you have to attend church with hundreds of other people in order to practice you religion don't get your panties in a twist if someone asks you for actual proof

Blaylock is a coward.....thus i put him on ignore.....he wants to participate in the thread but refuses to answer questions directly related to the topic. He does not qualify to be on this thread.

When I asked him to name his religion he said he was not ashamed of his religion but refused to name it. hehheh
The last time I viewed any of the posts of the stoooopid folk on here(you know who I mean)they were still fighting a fallacious battle....aka accusing those who want churches to refrain from meeting during this crisis ......of not believing in freedom of religion nor of freedom of assembly....irregardless of the fact that we do.....that many of us and our ancestors have fought to preserve all the freedoms of America.

We simply say that it is not good to have gatherings of people during this time of a National
Emergency as it is undeniable that facilitates the spread of the virus....thus just plain good common sense not to do that till the virus has been subdued.
Certainly you do not have to justify your religion to anyone, but is congregating in large groups actually an essential tenet of your faith and the practices thereof? Would it actually be a sin to practice your faith in smaller groups or via Internet?

You admit that I do not need to justify my religion, and then immediately follow that up with a demand that I justify my religion.

No. If the tenets of your religion endanger others then yeah, you kind of have to knock it off.

Well, it's a fact that we do restrict practices related to other faiths where they come into conflict with certain laws. Female circumcision is very important to certain sects in Islam, as I understand it, and it's still illegal in this country. The Mormon Church had to give up polygamy. Religions that practice animal sacrifice are restricted in what they can sacrifice, where, and what facilities they have to have for sanitation, if I recall correctly.

And all of those things are central tenets to their beliefs and the practices of it; I don't know of any church which believes that you're committing a sin by not meeting in a big group, and I note with interest that none of the defenders of "Do anything you want cloaked in religious freedom!" have yet to tell me I'm wrong about that.

Just FTR here, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a cultural practice, not a religious one, has no function in any religion, and is not endorsed by any. Of course it's still barbaric and justifiably illegal; it just has no bearing on a "religious freedom" question.

The points on animal (or even human) sacrifice are well taken. Even if such were the doctrine of some religion, such "religious freedom" cannot be tolerated where it clearly impacts innocent others. If some religion practiced human sacrifice within its own believers that would be one level -- at least the victims would be willing. But in this case the congregation is threatening the entire environment around them, as viruses adhere to no religion. Ergo such a threat to public health can no more be tolerated than human sacrifice could. The end result is, after all, the same.

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